
The King

King Uthar's P.O.V

When Arthur walked through the door with a woman I feared that she was the new woman in his life.

"What is it you want Arthur." I said annoyed.

"I don't want anything Father it is her who wants something." Arthur said. I looked at the woman who walked in with Arthur.

"Who are you, and what do you want." I said. Arthur answered for her.

"She's new in the city she requested an audience with you."

"Yes I know that Arthur or she wouldn't be here my question was to her not you." I said annoyed. The woman then knelt before me.

"Your Majesty, sorry for the intrusion, I'm Merlin, I come the Kingdom of Lioness and mean no harm to you or your people. I come to you in need of help." She said, as she finished she stood from kneeling.

"Your name is Merlin." I asked intrigued.

"Yes my name is Merlin and I'm a woman does that bother you what my name is." she said annoyed.