
Merlin's Multiverse Adventures

A young man is struck by lightning and gains a few abilities. Let's see him travel around the multiverse.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Beginning of the End

A swimmer held his breath underwater where everything was peaceful. The water drowned all attempts of getting his attention.

"Get out there's a thunderstorm!"

The swimmer did not listen. More like he could not listen due to the water.

Lightning struck once.

The swimmer tried to hold his breath for a little bit longer even if it was just a few seconds longer. The urge to breathe and his survival instincts kicked in. A gasp came out as the swimmer splurged on the air. His lungs expanded in joy as they took in as much air as possible.

The swimmer floated up as he looked to the sky. He realised it was a thunderstorm but by that time, it was too late.

Lightning struck directly onto him. Pain assaulted him from every angle. He continued to feel pain until he blacked out. His last thoughts as he slowly closed his eyes.

"The sky is beautiful in a way."

[Gaining new body. Searching Memories. Merlin Ambrosius.]

"I wish I could have been reincarnated with magic creation. That would be great."

[Skill gained: Magic Creation.]

"Man what is that voice? Uh.. Near Infinite Mana would be nice?"

[Skill gained: Mana Generator]

"Damn I'm blacking out. That voice maybe what I wish is what I'll get if I'm not hallucinating."

"Damn I hope my kendo gear will stay in the house."

"Skill gained: Ex Swordsmanship"

The last thoughts left the boy as he faded into darkness.


The boy woke up and was flooded with memories of Merlin Ambrosius. The boy screamed in pain before he crawled to the pond. He couldn't believe it. He attempted to remember his past name which left him in more pain then before. Fine Merlin would have to do since he was literally Merlin from fate.

He looked around a bit before noticing that he was in Avalon. Well his personal realm, Avalon. How did he know this? He found the classic Isekai note on the ground. The note also specified that he also had his own Fou except it did not hate him. The now Merlin just shrugged it off.

"A Fou is still a Fou. Does not matter what type of Fou, it is still Fou."

Oh did the note also mention that this Fou could grow into Primate Murder and switch forms between his cute and murderous form?

Merlin chuckled as he decided that he at least needed to train a bit in mastering his skills and magic before he would go anywhere. He already had his first world planned he just needed to train the heck out and possibly steal a certain king's treasury.


Training Montage:

Merlin was running around trying to boost his stamina. Fou had been given the command to stomp him if he went slower. Merlin was gasping as he had to run with his staff and baggy clothes. Fou seeing him slowing down drop kicked him as Merlin was sent flying into the distance.


Merlin could be seen casting spells without any warning or incantation. Fou was there nodding his little head why loudly shouting "Fou fou FOU!"

Translation: "Faster, Faster or I'll kick you again!"

Merlin started firing off spells faster and faster until he dropped to the ground in mental exhaustion.


Merlin could be seen fighting Fou who was in his primate murder form while using his tail to fight Merlin with the sword. Merlin could be seen in a melancholy state as he achieved the state of nothing. All attacks from Fou were blocked and returned while Merlin could be seen relaxing. Fou got mad and shrunk surprising Merlin as he spun around and delivered a drop kick to his face.


Training Montage End:

So this it it Fou. "Fou fou kyuu!" Merlin nodded "I do have our first destination ready." Fou tilted his head as he perched on Merlin's shoulder.

"We're gonna participate in Ragnarok. However we need some preparations."

Fou looked confused but went along anyway.


Gilgamesh could be seen shouting at the air in fury. A white haired mage had forcefully opened the Gate of Babylon before copying and pasting everything in his own dimension. The worst thing of all was that he also copied Ea? Gilgamesh was on the verge of tearing his hair out. How? How? HOW? Ea is a divine construct. A mirror suddenly appeared in front of him as he grabbed it.

Gilgamesh howled to the night sky as his hair had become pink.


Brunhilde could be seen pacing around after Lu Bu had died. She was sorting through all the possible participants until she spotted him. File no.1 Adam.

She was about to click it until a portal of various colours opened behind her. A man with white hair and white robes appeared.

Merlin looked around and told Fou "We are here for Ragnarok of course." Brunhilde heard this and was confused as this person in front of her was alive and had just infiltrated the colosseum.

Merlin spotted Brunhilde and spoke to Fou "That's her Fou! That's our ticket for a fight!" Brunhilde naturally wanted to know who wanted to fight against a God.

Merlin seeing the future decided to introduce himself first. "Merlin Ambrosius and this is Fou."

Brunhilde knew who Merlin was, but did not expect someone so young. However that creature on his shoulder did not sit well with her. Merlin seeing this answered "Fou is a cath palug." Brunhilde looked shocked that Merlin had a cath palug as his familiar. Then again the two did look like each other in colour schemes.

Brunhilde agreed to let him participate and tapped a few buttons on the tablet before telling Merlin where to go.

Merlin jumped in happiness as he had the opportunity to prank the gods by unleashing one of their weaknesses.


The announcer looked at the tablet for the next fight. His brows furrowed in confusion but spoke anyway.

Zeus looked at the tablet and decided to fight next.

"Representing the humans, we have. MERLIN AMBROSIUS!"

The humans that were watching were confused and started whispering to themselves.

"Merlin? as in the Arthurian Legends?"

"Well see."

The crowd went wild as they saw Merlin entering in style. With every step he took, flowers bloomed. The crowd cheered as they saw actual MAGIC. Merlin smiled as he watched who would come out as the representative of the gods.

"And representing the gods, we have. ZEUS!"

The gods cheered and started booing and looking down on Merlin. He simply smiled and opened his hand as he summoned his staff.

The crowd watched in anticipation as Zeus seemed to allow Merlin the first move. Merlin who jumped in without knowing anything just remembered and bonked his head with his fist in a silly expression.

"How do I win?"

Brunhilde looked at the scene in horror.

Merlin asked one more time.

"Do I have to make him submit or kill him?"

The announcer clarified the rules.

Merlin smiled as he thought.

"So kill huh?"

Zeus spared no time as he rushed in and threw the first punch. Merlin who had already seen the future simply dodged.

Merlin backed off before smiling.

"Let this match be an interesting one."