
Merlin's Multiverse Adventures

A young man is struck by lightning and gains a few abilities. Let's see him travel around the multiverse.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


That night Merlin and Fou snuck into the house of the Gremory Heiress. Merlin had a look at her hair and shook his head.

He slowly cast some magic dye onto her hair while simultaneously casting an anti-detection spell. He sent Fou to the kitchen and told him to do the same for the ORC clubroom. Rias's hair soon became green.

Merlin struggled to keep his giggles in as he continued. He pulled out his magic marker, whose marks can only be seen by the supernatural but Rias could not see it. He started drawing a pp on her face using her two cheeks as the balls and the nose as the rod. "I'm the dick wizard" He had to add another spell to maintain as he silenced himself to not giggle.

Rias turned around suddenly while Merlin remained calm as sweat poured onto his head.


Fou had found the refrigerator after getting in the clubroom and opened it before consuming everything edible and got to work. The refrigerator was soon filled with various different types of dildo's. Fou also had another target besides the clubroom. He pounced out at the fastest speed before arriving at the Hyoudou residence.

The window was luckily opened as he jumped up before leaving a certain porn anime on his bed.

Fou then replaced the clock ticking sound with "oppai" "oppai". Fou then used the magic ring Merlin gave to him to use telekinesis on a bottle of magic superglue with the rules for activating.

1) Glue will activate IF Rias Gremory sits on chair.

2) Glue will NOT activate until Rias has sat on the chair for more than two seconds.

3) Glue will deactivate IF Rias uses any of the dildos in the refrigerator. ELSE: Glue will remain activated.

Finally Fou left a magic note that will appear when condition 1 is activated.


Merlin had done quite a few changes as he had changed her dream to one of a nightmare. Merlin cackled silently as he had put her memories into a nightmare Riser.

Merlin deciding that he had done enough damage for today retired after seeing Fou return.

Merlin and Fou looked at a list with faces as he crossed out Rias's face.


"Fou fou"


Issei awoke that morning to find a porn video disk left on his bed. "Boku no ****?" Issei thought it would be quite a good one with a name like that.



Issei was attempting to bleach his eyes while his parents restrained him. "WTF is that cursed video?" Issei seeing that he couldn't bleach his eyes hurried to see Rias so she could perform Memory Wipe for the past 2 hours.


Rias awoke and got up like normal. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She was still half asleep as she admired her hair.

"Looks like my green hair has still got its shine."

"Wait GREEN?"

A scream permeated through the neighbourhood.


Issei burst into the clubroom to find the others waiting for him. Issei screamed "I need you to perform a Memory Wipe for me for two hours prior." Rias looked confused but obliged, Issei waited for it to happen yet the memory was still replaying in his mind. Rias was confused as she told him "Something seems to be blocking me from wiping your memory."

Somewhere in the distance: "Fou fou kyuu"

Rias just sighed and sat down on her chair. Issei retired to the couch trying to think about oppai. THE SAME SCENE KEPT REPEATING.

Rias decided that she would stretch a bit. She attempted to get up but her bum was glued to the chair. Issei and the others seeing that something was happening asked her.

"My bum is stuck to the chair."

Suddenly a note appeared in Rias's hand.

"If you wish to free yourself use what is in the refrigerator under your desk."

Rias quickly looked under the desk and opened the refrigerator. What should have been snacks and drinks was replaced with wriggling tentacles and pulsing dildos. Rias's face matched the colour of her hair. Rias was going to kill and erase whoever did this. She had painstakingly removed the hair dye only to be stuck on a chair for the rest of her life unless she used a dildo?

Rias had no choice.

"Alright everyone I have a mission for you."

Soon after everyone left she opened the fridge and steeled herself.


Merlin cackled as he sensed the pranks going off. Fou joined in as they munched on snacks as they debated their next target. Merlin stroked his finger over the paper randomly before coming to a stop and opening his eyes. Ophis was the next target, but this time he had to roll the dice of help or prank. Fou did the honours, surprisingly it was help. Merlin started scanning for ways and came to the best option. Make a whole seperate dimension that was a void of everything.

Merlin and Fou teleported to Ophis who was sitting on a bench before giving her a button. Merlin quickly explained "Press the button to go to a place of silence and darkness." Ophis seeing this nodded and pressed the button. She found herself in a place as silent as advertised.

Merlin was currently looking at a marble the size of an orange. Inside the marble one could see a small girl with black hair and goth lolita dress.

Merlin simply put it on his shelf at home as Ophis simply laid down and slept.

Fou started shouting. "Fou fou FOU"

Merlin sighed and got out the pans.

"I know just be patient cooking takes time, why don't you go have some of the snacks we go from last time."


Sona had just gotten information that a new teacher was going to be teaching different classes. It was just a name, A NAME OF A HISTORICAL MAGE! Sona was on the verge of banging her head on the table.


Merlin was sleeping on his desk waiting for his students to arrive. He was teaching the class with Akeno and Rias first. The students filtered in and saw the teacher sleeping with a book covering his face. Reading the whiteboard instructions where written.

"Please finish the following tests placed on your desk."

The students picked up the test before Merlin woke up and the book slumped onto the floor. Merlin yawned before introducing himself.

"My name is Merlin you may just call me teach or Merlin either is fine."


Rias and Akeno decided to follow Merlin as Sona had already warned them about the possible super powered mage.

They head a whispering going on. "I bet my pranks worked perfectly fine Fou, the question is did you properly place the items in the fridge?"

"Fou fou kyuu"

Translation: "Do you doubt me Merlin?'


Even an idiot could figure out the culprit to Rias's problem. Rias and Akeno charged into the empty classroom to find the new teacher Merlin.

Merlin looked at them sheepishly "Looks like I got caught Fou. Come on" Fou hopped onto Merlin's hand while they were still in a daze.

"Now for the only thing I'm good at!"

Rias charged at Merlin with Akeno following behind.

"Running away from women!"

Rias reached for Merlin's robe only for a pile of sakura petals to be left behind.


Merlin laughed as the first stage was finished now the next victim will come soon.