

Once I mark you Darling, you're mine forever. -------------------------------------------------- [WARNING MATURE CONTENT] [READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED] [OUTLINE] Jiang Yue's life was devoid of the entire nebula of emotions associated with fun and elation. Her life was leading life monotonously until her destiny took upon itself to swirl up an uncanny twist. "Where am I?" Jiang Yue has transmigrated into the erotic vampire novel she was hitherto reading before dozing off. Initially taking it to be a dream, she's content, but soon on realization it isn't, panic begins to seize her. As events unfurl further, Yue finds herself in the company of a mysterious celestially alluring man. She needs to find a way to get out of the world of the novel, and for that to happen she must reach the Palace of the Draconian empire. In order to get to the Palace she agrees to all the demands that the man has to proffer and accompanies him all through the way. A sweet hot love romance, between a diffident female and dominant Prince of a vast empire. A supernatural indulgence of Vampires and Werewolves. Read more to divulge in an intoxicating world of Fantasy and Romance. {EXCERPT} "D-Did we...." Yue began only to trail off as the man glared back at her, and she felt too shy to even inquire about it. She could not hold his stare even for a second longer and averted her eyes, reflecting her diffidence. When she turned her head up in his direction, she saw him enclose the distance between him and her and entrapped her in between his arm on the left and the seat on the right. "Did we what Yue?" he leaned on over her smaller frame and smirked, his eyes lingering over her lips for a brief moment before hovering back up to her reticent eyes. "I....uh....about last night...." She cursed in her head, cursed at him that the way he was leaning on her was not at all helping! "Yes, go on." he was pleased to see the kind of effect he had on her. "D-Did we actually k-kiss?" On hearing Yue formulate a question concerning last night Wu let his head fall downwards and his hair glided left to right as he shook his head lightly and laughed. And when he looked up, he had suddenly acquired a much more serious character as he leaned his face closer to hers. His eyes were devoid of his earlier mirth and mischief. Suddenly his gaze was all so intense that Yue felt she was going to melt if he continued staring at her any longer. "Darling..." Yue's heart stopped right there when she heard the word his mouth parted to address her. "If I did kiss you...." He leaned closer aiming for her lips until there was only a mere few inches left between their mouths, "Each and every single second of those very long minutes would have been etched into your mind." His voice was too husky, his tone was too sombre, and the distance was too close for Yue to not be in a muddled state of mind. _________________________________

s_cosmos · Fantasy
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158 Chs


The carriage, at last, gravitates down into the pitch, and she drags along it, but as she reaches the edge of the road, she clutched with all her might at it.

She held on to the massive rock, the one at the corner, of the down-trodden road. She clutched onto it, as she clutched on to her life.

The weight of the carriage was too hefty, this prolonged holding on won't suffice for more than a few seconds, which seem like hours in the given case.

Her right hand slips away from her hold. And now she hangs in the air with her left hand as the only aspiring support to keep her alive.

Tears accumulate in her eyes. Her entire life, she spent years working so hard and for what, just to see her parents smile and be proud of her. But they weren't even there now. For a second she felt she should let go of that hand and endorse death but no.

Now, in this moment, all she wanted was to live. She knew she had to avenge her parents, She knew she had to live as her parents wanted her to. She wished to do all those things she never was able to. She wanted someone to love her, someone she could love, someone she could rely on, someone she could lean on….

Once again her emotions turn jagged and her insides tightened. Yue cried out to someone in reach, "HELP ME!!!!" Her voice cracked on the verge of her cry for help. She was struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart.

Her heart skips a beat, as her ears fill with the dreadful sound of shedding cloth, in this scenario, an optimistic happening.

Her left arm, the one still holding on, was struggling to hold on any further, it was nearing its limit as well. She was beginning to lose the sensibility of it, the numbness was growing like roots in her arm.

With a sudden jerk, her entire attire tears apart, plunging down into the unknown darkness along the burdensome coach. Now that the hefty carriage was gone and no longer weighing her down the hill, she could pull herself out of this misery.

A spark of relief flashes through her mind, only to go away as soon as it came.

Her arms were in no condition, whatsoever, capable enough, in the given circumstances, to pull the weight of her entire self, back upwards. Her skin was already scrapped and bleeding, and she had held onto her own weight and the fallen carriage for a long while now that she had exceeded her physical capacity to even hold on any longer.

The condition had only worsened, as now not just her body suspended in the air from the edge of a cliff, that transcends into an endless forest. But now, her body wasn't even shielded from the chilly, frigid atmosphere. The lace undergarments, were far from giving her any sort of warmth.

"Shit…" she utters already forlorn, as the rock she was grasping on, was the lose rock, bound to fall as well. So Yue leisurely lets her eyelids, deprive her of her vision, as she voluntarily lets go of the thread of life herself.

As she gravitates towards her destined end, tears escape her eyes, but she doesn't frown, "If this was how it was meant to be, no matter the amount of strength I had, there was no escaping death." Life is no paragraph and death is no parenthesis, she smiles, a woeful smile, as she reminisced the faces of her parents one last time.

"I miss you…." she mumbles to herself and embraces herself for the impact, as she nears the surface below….

But, there was no ground below, to her astonishment.

Yue realizes soon that she had been falling for more than a few seconds now, how deep was this trench exactly? She manages to slightly tilt her head, to look how far was the ground, or even the canopies of trees.

But her eyes widen in shock as she witnesses, that in fact, there was no ground, or trees, or even a forest.

There was rather vast pool of a water body below, but before she could adjust her falling body posture into a better position to lower the impact of hitting the water, she ends up making contact with it.

She falls into the middle of the water body, with her back splashing in first, and the impact it created was extremely painful.

It was as if minuscule needles were being pierced all over the skin, every inch of it. She helplessly flailed her hands in the water before calming herself, but the intensity of the agony was too much to bear. Her vision begins to go dizzy.

Through her partial sight she sees a hazy view of the moonlight piercing through the water, shining light into the darkness of the pond, as it now seems to be.

But darkness, however, makes its way to her anyhow, as she begins to lose consciousness. She hears a splashing sound followed by a azure glow, and a vague figure flashes in front of her eyes, swimming towards her, right before she loses consciousness.

And when after uncertain time being unconscious, she opens her eyes, She finds herself no longer in an atmosphere where the water surrounds her. 'Am I dead?' That's the most rationale explanation that crosses Yue's mind in the moment right after the death like situation she went through.

As her eyes adjust to brightness of the place she was now at, all she could see was a ceiling, a wooden polished ceiling.

The room was dimly lit, a goldenish-yellow glow encompassed the entire area, spreading evenly throughout each corner of the room.

At the same time as Yue engrossed herself in scrutinizing the novel environment. A figure lurked in the darker corner of the room. He had been watching her as she laid on the mattress, peacefully intoxicated in slumber and even now as she indulged in an inspection of the new atmosphere.

When he had heard the thundering splash outside, he hadn't counted on it being a human. What he had expected was for it be an animal or the likes to have taken a fall off the cliff.

'How did she end up there though? Who is she? Why was she....'

'Why was her clothes gone? Was she attempting a suicide? But then again the lack of clothes doesn't explain that. Maybe she was taking a dive? But then again, why would someone take a dive off the cliff? The lake isn't even in sight from that distance plus,'

'No one knows of this place.' The man lived there due to that very specific reason. His parents were the only one who were in on this concealed hiding of his.

'There's ample amount of mysticism about her. But that's an addition to the existing fact that makes all the more intriguing.' His stare never wavered from her all through his subsequent thinking.