
Chapter 9

And Mathias was anything but a sap.

He whirled as soon as he felt the body heat enter the alley. A blur of motion, he clamped one hand over the pimp’s mouth and the other across his windpipe, making noise impossible as he dragged him back into the brackish murk. Mathias wasted no time on niceties, vamping out the second before wrenching the man’s head to the side and exposing his pulsing jugular. His fangs sank deep into the thick vein, and the first rush of hot blood down his throat made him growl in satisfaction.

Every feed was different. Every human had his or her distinct taste, a lifetime of indulgences coloring the blood so that it was as individual as appearance. Some were more delicious than others; some had the capacity to make him forget time. Some made him wonder why he bothered with humans at all, and some made him wish that he’d never been sired in the first place.

All feeds made Mathias hard as a rock.