
Chapter 97

Joining Mathias and Darby outside the suite, Edmund grabbed both of their wrists and dragged them to the elevator, shushing them when each tried to speak. It was only when the elevator doors closed behind them that he let Darby go, turning his full attention to Mathias.

“That was the most foolhardy, most insane, stupideststunt you have ever pulled,” he said, shoving him into the mirrored wall. “You are incredibly lucky they let you walk out of there.”

Mathias grinned. “That wasn’t luck. That was careful planning and skill. Once Tati told me what was going on, I knew the cards I held were too good not to use.”

“It was luck. Thabo was ready to run you through himself.”

“He wouldn’t have. It’s too interesting having me around.” He tilted his head to look past Edmund’s shoulder. “Just ask Darby.”

The sound she made was half-snort, half-laugh. “You’re insane.”