
Chapter 67

“We did,” Mathias said. “If you really want me to babysit her for you, I’ll be pleased as punch to do it. I can even get her all warmed up for you. That’s what I’m so good at, after all.”

He didn’t mean to sound so sarcastic. Sometimes, it just came out that way.

With a growl, Edmund shoved Mathias back onto the couch, then crouched down in front of him, pinning him in place. He would have to physically fight with him in order to get free, and though it was tempting, the look in Edmund’s eye kept Mathias still.

“Do you ever actually listen to me?” Edmund asked. Danger colored his low voice, and the scent of anger began to seep from his pores. “Because I’m beginning to think that you’re deliberately being obtuse just to get under my skin. Is that what you want?”