
Chapter 65

“Oh, bloody hell, you’re right.”

Mathias’ muttered curse came through just as the light turned green, and Edmund was halfway through the intersection before he could ask, “What’s happening?”

“I just spotted one of the officers from Darby’s club last night playing nickel slots. Don’t these blokes have to take some kind of course about learning how to blend in? He’s not even pretending not to be interested in her.”

“And you’re still sitting there why?”

“We’re not.” He heard Darby’s laughter behind Mat’s statement, and the background noise shifted, indicating they were moving. “Though it’ll take us a bit to get back to the car. We’re parked at the Mirage.”

“Where are you now?”

“The MGM. I think. This place is a maze. Reminds me of us snogging in the middle of the one at Hampton Court Palace.” He chuckled. “I’m not sure Darby would be as willing to do so with so many people milling about.”