
Chapter 61

Surreptitiously, he angled his head more in her direction. In spite of her shower, she still smelled like Edmund, too. By the time they reached the quieter front desk area of the hotel, Mathias was hard from their mingled scents.

A compact security guard with a steel-gray crew cut glanced in their direction as they approached, but his rigid stance relaxed when he recognized Darby. Mathias hung back, letting her smile and greet the man—Nelson, according to his nametag—and had to swallow his surprise when she turned back to scoop her arm through his.

“And this is Mathias,” she said, dragging him forward. “A friend of mine.”

He bit the inside of his cheek to hide his shock at being introduced like that. With a friendly smile, he nodded toward Nelson, but Darby stepped in again before he could speak.