
Chapter 19

“How long?”

He frowned. “How long have I loved you?” When she nodded, Edmund stood and crossed to her. She didn’t move, lifting her chin so that they met eye to eye, and he brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “Remember that night your car broke down out on Summerlin? You spent an hour trying to fix it yourself before you finally called me. And when I got there, your hair was flying every which way because of the wind, and you’d torn your shirt trying to get under the car with a flashlight in the dark, and you smelled like oil and curry because you’d had that Indian in the car to take home for dinner. And you were cranky as hell because it took me longer to get there than I’d said it would.” Edmund smiled. “I knew then.”

Her hand had gone up automatically to smooth back her hair when he’d mentioned it, but her gaze never wavered. “That was almost a year ago. You couldn’t have found onemoment since then to let me know?”