
Merciless Dragon Knight

[Vol.1 - How I Became a Dragon Knight] The world went into chaos, and the VRMMORPG game I used to play 'Great Genesis' turned into reality. I, Kim Hajun with my girlfriend, Park Yun Hee are in the middle of that chaos. I swear to myself that I will sacrifice everything and anything for our own sake. [Vol.2 - Am I Still Human?] I'm confused about myself having evolved into a half-dragon race, I'm confused about whether my identity as a human still exists or not I behaved strangely due to the influence of my race turning into a half-dragon and I even made a deal with an existence that called itself The Supreme Ruler. Can I get through this situation? [Vol.3 - Looking for a Way Home] After remembering all the things he went through up to the time he was stabbed by Ginselda, Kim Hajun lost his consciousness. Kim Hajun woke up and he was in a place he knew very well, the place where he spent his time, Great Genesis. He's really confused about what happened to him, but he really wants to find his way home so he can meet Yun Hee. However, many obstacles await him. Can he meet Yun Hee again? __________________________________________________ #Disclaimer: 1. Everything in this book is fictional and not intended to be satirical, demeaning, defamatory, etc. 2. The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them. __________________________________________________ #Note: I expect constructive criticism and suggestions because I want to be a better author.  __________________________________________________ Released on: 09.52 AM (GMT + 07.00) April 12, 2022  __________________________________________________

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Yun Hee's Return

Those people slowly started to back away and tried to stay away from me. I walked slowly, but those people tried to run away from me. Do they want to run from me and tell me to chase them? Anyway... I need to end it quickly.

"Dragon fang slash! Dragon fang slash! Dragon fang slash! ..."

[You dealt 12,057 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You dealt 12,056 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You dealt 12,055 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]


[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 100 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 100 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 100 event points]


[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 1,000 experience points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 1,000 experience points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 1,000 experience points]


I chased those people while using dragon fang slash continuously.

Those people scattered and ran in various directions, but still, they would die by dragon fang slash because the dragon fang slash's range was quite far.

"Dragon fang slash!"

[You dealt 24,112 critical damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 100 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the KP-S011 area, you get 1,000 experience points]

The last person I killed was a dark brown-haired woman wearing a blue dress.

She is the only woman I saw wearing a dress in this colosseum.

Well... I don't care either.

I looked up at the sky to see how much time remained.

I saw that the remaining time was five hours thirty-three minutes and fifty-eight seconds and the numbers in the sky are slowly fading.

[Event: Tutorial (Completed)]

Rank: <Epic>

Goal: Kill everyone in the colosseum until you are the only one left or survive until the time runs out. (798/798)

Reward: <Random Skill (Epic)>

Penalty: No Penalty

After the numbers in the sky disappeared completely, a screen appeared in front of me.

The rank of this event changed to epic and the reward is a random epic-ranked skill.

The number of people to kill decreased by one, was it because Yun Hee was taken away by Gin? If I thought, it might be like that.

"Acquire my reward," I said to acquire my reward.

[You acquired a skill: <Dimensional Punch> Lv.1 (0/10)]

Huh? Seriously? What kind of skill is this? I've never seen an epic rank skill like this one, is this a new skill?

Before I was about to check the skill, other screens appeared.

[You acquired a title: <Candidate>]

[You acquired a title: <Ruthless Killer>]

[The title <Candidate (Temporary)> replaced with <Candidate>]

Looks like I'm officially a candidate and what's with this other title? Ruthless killer? Did I get this because I killed too many people? Yeah, whatever.

When I look at the screens, I feel my hand that holding the dragon knight sword feel lighter and when I look at it, the dragon knight sword in my hand slowly disappears turning into blue light particles.

I don't know what happened, is it because the durability of the dragon knight sword has run out? Or because the event has ended? I don't know which one, but I need a weapon to protect myself and Yun Hee when Gin appeared, I must kill him.

"Event shop," I said to open the event shop.

[Access to the event shop is temporarily denied]

Damn it! Why the hell I can't access the event shop? I can't protect Yun Hee from Gin by only using my bare hands.

Should I just keep silent after he kidnapped Yun Hee? Of course not, I can't let something like that happen again! I must kill Gin-

"Wow... What is this... The smell of blood is very disgusting. Hey Kim Hajun! I didn't think you could do something this great, I think I'm starting to like you." Gin said before I could finish my thought in my mind.

I heard Gin's voice from behind me, I turned around and saw Gin walking slowly towards me.

I don't know why he walked slowly like that, he didn't even take Yun Hee with him.

I feel furious and I charged toward Gin.

"Light blink!"

I teleported behind Gin and I wanted to attack him.

I don't know what kind of skill this dimensional punch is, but I think it's the only skill of mine that I can use to attack him.

"Dimensional punch!"

I jumped up and used a dimensional punch.

My right hand is covered in a black transparent aura five times the size of my hand.

Gin turned to me and I managed to hit him hard in the face.

When I hit Gin in the face, there was a pitch-black spherical electric explosion that caused Gin to be flung away from me while dripping dark blue blood from his nose and mouth onto the ground of the colosseum area.

[You dealt 15,108 critical damage with <Dimensional Punch>]

Gin was thrown into the center of the Colosseum arena and he fell so hard.

The ground in the center of the Colosseum arena shattered and there was an earthquake that was harder than the fall of the grim reaper's scythe earlier.

I suddenly got excited and became curious about this dimensional punch skill.

I can deal with very high critical damage even though I don't use any equipment.

"Dimensional punch information."

[Dimensional Punch]

Rank: Epic

Type: Active Skill

Level: 1 (0/10)

MP Cost: 500

CD: 3 seconds

Effect: Can deal (7,000 + User Patk) critical damage (×200%)

Huh? What? Why does an epic rank skill above unique and below legendary only have three seconds cooldown duration? Is this real?

When I was thinking like that, Gin had already woken up and it looks like his body was slowly recovered.

"Oi! Kim Hajun! What was that? That was so cool! You can even hurt me! You were different from the start... You're amazing!" Gin shouted at me.

Gin suddenly teleported in front of me and he looked at me with a... Thrilled face?

What happened to him? Did he go insane after I hit him on the face? I don't know why he is like that, but what I want the most now is to meet Yun Hee.

"I don't care about what you think, but.. QUICKLY RETURN YUN HEE TO ME! YOU RASCAL!" I said as I screamed at Gin.

I suddenly couldn't hold back my emotions anymore.

I can't hold it back because the matter is about Yun Hee.

"Woah... Woah... Calm... Calm... I didn't do anything to your lover, I just put her to sleep with my magic because she was so noisy. Look." Gin said that as he raised both his hands and backed away slowly.

Gin snapped his fingers and the triangular dark green prism-shaped barrier with Yun Hee in it appeared in the center of the colosseum arena.

Yun Hee looks like she's not wearing her holy armor anymore, she just wearing a plain white shirt and white trousers.

After I looked around, I just realized that all the equipment in this colosseum and the corpses were all gone.

I think it's because I've finished the event.


I should probably thank the person who tried to imitate Chen Rong before, because of him I was able to finish this event much faster.


I have to go see Yun Hee right now.

"Light blink."

[You can't use light blink because your remaining magic points are too low]

Gin looked at me with a strange look in a moment I was about to use light blink.

However, I can't use light blink because the dimensional punch that I used earlier used five hundred magic points to activate it.

"Hey... Did you just-"

"Use three thousand experience points to increase my level," I said before Gin could finish his sentence.

[Are you sure to use 3,000 experience points to increase user level?]


[You leveled up]

[You leveled up]

I immediately ran towards Yun Hee while increasing my level so I can use light blink again.

"Light blink."

I quickly arrived in front of Yun Hee and instantly the triangular dark green prism-shaped barrier that covered Yun Hee disappeared when I arrived.

Yun Hee seems to be asleep and she's not hurt at all, I'm glad about that.

I immediately approach Yun Hee and hugged her body.

Her body smells like a tuberose flower, and the warmth of her body makes me comfortable...

Ahh... Being able to hug Yun Hee like this is indeed the best happiness for me.


She hit me on the back continuously, and... uh... That hurts so much until I feel like my spine will crack soon.

"Alright... Alright... Here... See? I let go of my arms from you, are you happy now?" I said to Yun Hee as I let go of my arms from Yun Hee and she suddenly fell silent.

Yun Hee lowered her head and it was her habit when she wanted to be pampered.

I think she's still shy to admit that she wants to be hugged by me.

I took off my shirt and while I was half-naked, I crouched down in front of Yun Hee.

I grabbed Yun Hee's chin and lifted her face so our faces met.

When Yun Hee saw me, suddenly she had a nosebleed.

"So.. Sexy-"

Huh? I didn't mishear what she just said, did I? Yun Hee immediately covered her mouth after saying that and it made me more curious about what she said earlier.

"Hey Yun Hee! What did you just say earlier? I'm curious about what you said earlier... Come on... Say it.." I tried to open Yun Hee's hand that was covering her mouth, but Yun Hee held it firmly.

Suddenly, she took her hand off her mouth on purpose causing me to fall to the ground.

Yun Hee smiled while trying to hold back her laughter, but she couldn't hold it back and laugh.

Thanks for reading this chapter

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