
Merciless Dragon Knight

[Vol.1 - How I Became a Dragon Knight] The world went into chaos, and the VRMMORPG game I used to play 'Great Genesis' turned into reality. I, Kim Hajun with my girlfriend, Park Yun Hee are in the middle of that chaos. I swear to myself that I will sacrifice everything and anything for our own sake. [Vol.2 - Am I Still Human?] I'm confused about myself having evolved into a half-dragon race, I'm confused about whether my identity as a human still exists or not I behaved strangely due to the influence of my race turning into a half-dragon and I even made a deal with an existence that called itself The Supreme Ruler. Can I get through this situation? [Vol.3 - Looking for a Way Home] After remembering all the things he went through up to the time he was stabbed by Ginselda, Kim Hajun lost his consciousness. Kim Hajun woke up and he was in a place he knew very well, the place where he spent his time, Great Genesis. He's really confused about what happened to him, but he really wants to find his way home so he can meet Yun Hee. However, many obstacles await him. Can he meet Yun Hee again? __________________________________________________ #Disclaimer: 1. Everything in this book is fictional and not intended to be satirical, demeaning, defamatory, etc. 2. The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them. __________________________________________________ #Note: I expect constructive criticism and suggestions because I want to be a better author.  __________________________________________________ Released on: 09.52 AM (GMT + 07.00) April 12, 2022  __________________________________________________

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Where It All Started

I continued to use light blink and attacked those people using normal attacks like kicking their heads apart from their bodies, punching them in the chest through their hearts, kicking their bottom hard, etc.

I looked around and it seemed like I had taken care of everyone including the kids and the elderly.

I feel as if I can still hear their cries and screams in my head, but I'm already used to it because I've felt it many times before.

I can still remember all those incidents clearly in my head, the incident where it all started.

Since the age of five, I have been trained by my father to be his successor, he gave me various exercises such as how to hold a gun, how to immobilize someone, and how to take care of my wounds when I was dying, etc.

That day was my birthday, the first day I started my mission as a gangster at the age of eleven.

On that day, my father ordered me to kill one of his subordinates who had betrayed him by embezzling the money that my father got from the government.

My father told me that I could use the mission he was given at the time as training so I could get used to killing people.

My father also gave me the order to torture my father's subordinates who betrayed him at that time before killing him.

That person is called Man Dong, he is one of my father's subordinates who has worked for my father for more than three years.

He is usually trusted by my father to deal with the government.

Man Dong is a forty-four years old middle-aged man and he has a five years old daughter named Jeom Soojin.

My father said that my father's right-hand man, Lee Geom, told my father that Man Dong might have embezzled the money because he needed to pay for the treatment of his daughter.

At that time I was about to enter the warehouse that my father usually used to torture people.

I was only accompanied by a man who was one of my father's subordinates.

His name is Seo Geon, a forty-three years old middle-aged man with a stout appearance with a bald head.

We were both wearing black shirts, black trousers, black shoes, and sunglasses which were the uniforms for my father's subordinates.


I heard a man's scream from the rusty iron door of the warehouse which most likely came from Man Dong who was being tortured by my father's subordinates.

I opened the rusty iron door in front of me and there was a loud sound that sounded like the sound of bones being hit with iron when I opened it.

I saw a naked man with reddish-brown hair being hung upside down using chains tied around his legs.

Without needing to think about it again, I'm sure if that man was Man Dong that my father meant because he was being hung upside down using chains while being hit with an iron baseball bat by a man with the same appearance as Seo Geon.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Quickly stop that! The young master has come."

Suddenly Seo Geon who was behind me shouted at the person who has the same appearance as him who still seems to be hitting Man Dong with the iron baseball bat in his hand.

"Welcome young master, please have fun with your first mission."

The person who looks similar to Seo Geon immediately ran towards me and said that while sitting with his knees bent and lifting the iron baseball bat in both hands.

From his appearance, he looked very young compared to the rest of my father's subordinates.

He also seemed to be inexperienced and had only just started being my father's subordinate due to what he just said to me.

Have fun with my first mission? Don't joke with me, how could I possibly have fun by torturing and killing someone? What nonsense words.

I thought I should teach that newbie a lesson at that point.

"What's your name?" I said to the newbie as I took the iron baseball bat in his hand.

The newbie smiled and seemed to be about to say something.

However, I suddenly hit him on the head with the iron baseball bat that I was holding tightly in my hand.

As soon as I hit the newbie's head, crimson blood splattered from his head towards the shirt I was wearing.

I kicked the newbie's head to see if he was still alive or not, and unfortunately, he's still half alive because he looks like he's still trying to breathe even though I've hit his head with the iron baseball bat hard.

"Seo Geon, take care of this thing and report to my father about its incompetence," I said to Seo Geon.

Without saying a word, Seo Geon immediately carried out my order by dragging that thing out of the warehouse while leaving blood marks along with the thing he dragged.

"Now it's just the two of us old man, do you have anything to say?" I said to Man Dong as I walked closer to him.

I want to know if he had any final rebuttal before I tortured and killed him.


After I heard Man Dong's words at that time, I felt like something had crossed my mind and I started to feel like I was hearing whispers inside my mind.


That whispers felt like they were stirring me up until I gripped the iron baseball bat in my hand so tight and that made my hand bleeding.

When my hands were bleeding, I started not to hear those whispers again.


At that moment, when I heard Man Dong's words once again, my patience suddenly ran out and I immediately hit him on the head with the iron baseball bat that I was holding tightly in my hand.

Crimson blood splattered on my face from Man Dong's head.

I kept hitting his head repeatedly without stopping until finally without even realizing it, Man Dong's head had been cracked.

"Hajun! Hajun! Run!"

When I was remembering my past, Yun Hee suddenly

shouted my name.

I turned to her and she looked like she was running from something.

When I look behind her, there was a pillar of dazzling golden yellow light that appeared in the middle of Seoul city hall park.

I immediately realized that when I saw it, that pillar of dazzling golden yellow light was the sign that an area boss would appear.

I ran towards Yun Hee and I immediately carried her in my hands, then I ran away from the Seoul City Hall park while carrying Yun Hee to an office building that was a bit far away from there.

The entrance of the office building is locked so Yun Hee and I can't enter the office building.

Since the entrance to the building is made of glass, I destroyed it by just kicking it and took Yun Hee inside the office building.

"Hajun, what was that pillar of light just now? And how come you can run faster than me? Even though you usually run slower than me." Yun Hee said to me.

I think even if I explain about Great Genesis to Yun Hee, she will definitely not understand it since she has forgotten about it. How should I explain this to her?

"You'll find out soon enough, from that pillar of light, a monster will emerge-"

Before I could finish my sentence, suddenly a dazzling golden yellow light blinded the entire office building.

I immediately hugged Yun Hee tightly because there is a possibility of this office building could collapse. After all, the area boss that will appear is very strong.

I'm sure of that because the only ones who can make that pillar of light shine so far are monsters with a rank above epic, no maybe above legendary rank.

The light slowly dissipated and I could hear a roaring sound from the direction of the Seoul city hall park.

The roaring sound was even able to shatter the glass all over the office building into pieces.

"Hajun, why did you put me down?" Yun Hee said to me.

I put Yun Hee down and I've made up my mind to leave her here first to fight the area boss.

I have to kill the area boss before it kills us.

Either way, I'll try to get this over with quickly.

"I'm sorry Yun Hee, I will finish this quickly and come back here soon. Don't go anywhere. I beg of you." I said to Yun Hee.

Yun Hee seems to be clenching her fists as if she wants to say that she can also fight by my side since she is a former assassin, but after she saw what I've done to Gin and those people earlier... I'm sure she'll understand why I left her here.

"Fine, I trust you this time... But when you come back. Please tell me how to do something like what you did. I also want to become strong so I can fight by your side!" Yun Hee said confidently.

I pat Yun Hee on the head and she looks blushed.

I hugged her tightly and I stroked her hair slowly.

Whoever it is, whatever it is, I will put all my soul and body to protect Yun Hee.

"I'll be right back and teach you how to be strong like me, please be patient while I'm gone and keep waiting for me here," I said to Yun Hee as I slowly let go of my arms from Yun Hee.

She just nods at what I just said while trying to hold back the happy expression on her face.

I smiled at Yun Hee and then I waved my hand at her as I walked out of the office building.

Yun Hee also smiled at me while waving her hand at me.

Thanks for reading this chapter

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