
Merciless Dragon Knight

[Vol.1 - How I Became a Dragon Knight] The world went into chaos, and the VRMMORPG game I used to play 'Great Genesis' turned into reality. I, Kim Hajun with my girlfriend, Park Yun Hee are in the middle of that chaos. I swear to myself that I will sacrifice everything and anything for our own sake. [Vol.2 - Am I Still Human?] I'm confused about myself having evolved into a half-dragon race, I'm confused about whether my identity as a human still exists or not I behaved strangely due to the influence of my race turning into a half-dragon and I even made a deal with an existence that called itself The Supreme Ruler. Can I get through this situation? [Vol.3 - Looking for a Way Home] After remembering all the things he went through up to the time he was stabbed by Ginselda, Kim Hajun lost his consciousness. Kim Hajun woke up and he was in a place he knew very well, the place where he spent his time, Great Genesis. He's really confused about what happened to him, but he really wants to find his way home so he can meet Yun Hee. However, many obstacles await him. Can he meet Yun Hee again? __________________________________________________ #Disclaimer: 1. Everything in this book is fictional and not intended to be satirical, demeaning, defamatory, etc. 2. The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them. __________________________________________________ #Note: I expect constructive criticism and suggestions because I want to be a better author.  __________________________________________________ Released on: 09.52 AM (GMT + 07.00) April 12, 2022  __________________________________________________

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The War Tiger King

[Event: Extermination (Completed)]

Rank: <Epic>

Goal: The war tiger herd has been spawned in the KR-S001 area, exterminate the war tiger herd (200/200)

Reward: <Random skill (Epic)>

Penalty: You die

"Acquire my reward."

[You acquired a skill: <Dragon Vein> Lv.1 (0/10)]

[You acquired a title: <War Tiger Exterminator>]

Dragon vein? It's a very good skill, I can regenerate my magic points slowly at a rate of fifty magic points per ten minutes.

So to say that if I run out of all my magic points now, it will be fully charged in one thousand and twenty minutes, or it could be said seventeen hours.

However... Wouldn't it be great if I raised this skill? The higher the level, the number of magic points that can be regenerated will increase and the regeneration time will decrease.

"Increase the level of dragon vein to the level cap."

[Are you sure to use 22,080 experience points to increase the level of <Dragon Vein> to the level cap?]


[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]

[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]

[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]


[<Dragon Vein> Reached level cap]

[You need 10,000 event points to <Awaken> <Dragon Vein>]

"Awaken dragon vein."

[Are you sure to use 10,000 event points to <Awaken> <Dragon Vein>?]


[<Dragon Vein> Awakened]

[The level cap of <Dragon Vein> has been awakened to level 100]

[The base magic point regeneration of <Dragon Vein> has been awakened to 500 per 5 minutes]

"Increase the level of dragon vein to level fifty."

[Are you sure to use 87,655 experience points to increase the level of <Dragon Vein> to level 50?]


[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]

[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]

[<Dragon Vein> Leveled up]


"Dragon vein information."

[Dragon Vein]

Rank: Epic

Type: Passive Skill

Level: 50 (1/7,090)

MP Cost: 0

CD: 5 minutes

Effect: Regenerate (500 + 25% user magic points) magic points

Nice... This way I shouldn't have to raise my level so often, now I just need to go back to Yun Hee and then think about what I should do next-

Before I could finish my sentence, suddenly the second golden yellow pillar of light appeared from the sky hitting the center of Seoul City Hall Park.

That ABSP was larger than the previous ABSP, and the vibrations it caused were so intense that I had to stab the dragon knight sword on the asphalt to stay standing.

The light from the ABSP is getting brighter and it's a sign of the appearance of an area boss.

The light was so bright that I had to lower my head and close my eyes.

The light grew brighter and brighter until finally there was a roar and it made a very strong wind blow that heading straight towards me.

I managed to stand still from the wind blow by holding on tightly to the dragon knight sword that I stabbed to the asphalt.

My eardrums felt like they were about to burst because of that roar.

I don't know how dangerous the area boss that'll appear before me, but the roar began to subside gradually as the bright light began to dim.

I opened my eyes and I was shocked by what was in front of me.

There is a huge creature that has black and orange striped skin with two golden-yellow cat eyes.

The creature also has three pairs of mustaches at the bottom of its nose and two pairs of fangs on its mouth.

This appearance... This appearance is unmistakably the war tiger king.

"MUAHAHAHA!!! So.. You're the human who has managed to kill all my subordinates, right? YOU'RE AN AMAZING HUMAN!! I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU AS A BEING WHO DESERVES TO FIGHT ME!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!" The war tiger king said as he burst out laughing.

[You've acknowledged by <The War Tiger King>]

[You acquired a title: <The One Who Acknowledged By The War Tiger King (Contemporary)>]

The sound of thunderous laughter was accompanied by hot breath... Wait... Since when a monster can speak the human language? Oh... Is this still the same as direct-translated player-to-player communication? But.. I've never met a monster that could communicate with a player in Great Genesis.

[<Sense Enchantment> Effect has ended]

[<Dragon Body Enchantment> Effect has ended]

The golden crimson light that covered my body had disappeared and all my senses had returned to their normal state.

"Hey, human.. Aren't you listening to me?! I said I acknowledged you as a being who deserved to fight me!"

The war tiger king brought its head closer to me until finally, our eyes meet.

I can feel the hot air from its breath and its piercing gaze feels intimidating to me.

The war tiger king is supposed to be an area boss with levels around five hundred, so... If I fight it right now... There's might be no chance of winning for me.

I only have a choice to run away from here, or... Since we can communicate with each other, maybe I can make some kind of conversation with the war tiger king.

"What if I refuse to fight you?" I said to the war tiger king.

The war tiger king exhaled loudly as if it was displeased with what I just said.

"YOU?!! REFUSE?!! IT'S NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN DECIDE!! YOU LOWLY HUMAN!!" The war tiger king screamed at me.

[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you receive will be reduced by 90%]

[You received 867 damage]

The war tiger king's scream was so loud and it made my eardrums drip blood.

My ears are ringing and my hearing ability is getting blurry.

I pull out my dragon knight sword which I stabbed on the asphalt and I swiftly jumped back away because I was worried that I might not be able to hear Yun Hee's voice anymore if my eardrums is broken.

"It's not that I don't want to fight you, but I will lose to you-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the war tiger king launched its attack using its iron claws.

I jumped backward again and the war tiger king chased after me while attacking me with its iron claws.

I keep jumping backward abruptly to the left and right to dodge its attacks.

"HEY!! CALM DOWN YOU DAMN STINKS BIG CAT BASTARD!!!" The war tiger king screamed at me again.

Hearing my words, the war tiger king looked even angrier and opened its mouth wide.

Some strong wind vortex along with the jade green light particles quickly gathered at the front of its mouth.

Damn... It'll use its ability, what should I do?

I couldn't possibly reflect its whirlwind sphere with dragon tail parry or full counter because it's clear that the durability of the dragon knight shield will run out first after getting hit by its whirlwind sphere.

Without realizing it, I've been cornered, behind me there's a building and I can't jump backward anymore.

"Light blink."

As soon as I used light blink to teleport over the war tiger king's head, the war tiger king shoot its whirlwind sphere.

The Whirlwind sphere turned into a beam of enormous size that hit the building in front of me and that building was destroyed along with several buildings next to it and behind it.

I, who witnessed the destructive power of the war tiger king suddenly remembered what I did to the war tiger king in Great Genesis.

When my level was around four thousand, I hunted it many times just to gather materials to make some healing potions.

Is this what is called karma because I have killed it so many times? Well... The war tiger king has a weakness where it'll be immobilized for fifteen seconds after shooting its whirlwind sphere.

I stabbed my dragon knight sword into the war tiger king's skull and it only made a small wound that splashed a little warm darkish green blood towards my cheek.

[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you dealt will be increased by 30%]

[You dealt 9,758 damage]

I tightly gripped my dragon knight sword and continued to stab it into the war tiger king's skull until the warm darkish green blood that splashed from the wound I made become more and more.

[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you dealt will be increased by 30%]

[You dealt 9,898 damage]

[You dealt 9,766 damage]

[You dealt 9,634 damage]


Damn, not in the game, not here, I rarely manage to deal critical damage.

[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you dealt will be increased by 30%]

[You dealt 19,674 critical damage]

[You dealt 19,452 critical damage]

[You dealt 19,230 critical damage]


What?!! How?!! I don't know how I was suddenly able to deal critical damage continuously, but I continued to stab my dragon knight sword into the war tiger king's skull.

Seven, six, five, dammit, The war tiger king soon will be able to move again, what should I do? Ah...

"Increase the level of the dragon knight sword to level cap."

[Are you sure to use 1,022,464 experience points to increase the level of <The Dragon Knight Sword> to the level cap?]


[<The Dragon Knight Sword> Leveled up]

[<The Dragon Knight Sword> Leveled up]

[<The Dragon Knight Sword> Leveled up]


[<The Dragon Knight Sword> Reached level cap]

[You need 100,000 event points to <Awaken> <The Dragon Knight Sword>]

"Awaken the dragon knight sword."

[Are you sure to use 100,000 event points to <Awaken> <The Dragon Knight Sword>?]


[<The Dragon Knight Sword> Awakened]

[The level cap of <The Dragon Knight Sword> has been awakened to level 240]

[The base physical attack of <The Dragon Knight Sword> has been awakened to 10,000]

[The durability of <The Dragon Knight Sword> has been awakened to 100,000]

The war tiger king was able to move again and it roared very loud.

I kept taking damage from the war tiger king's roar, but I held on tightly to my dragon knight sword as I continued to stab it into the war tiger king's skull.

[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you receive will be reduced by 90%]

[You received 967 damage]

[You received 821 damage]

[You received 711 damage]


[You fight <The War Tiger King>, the damage you dealt will be increased by 30%]

[You dealt 26,784 critical damage]

[You dealt 26,752 critical damage]

[You dealt 26,722 critical damage]


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