
Merciless Dragon Knight

[Vol.1 - How I Became a Dragon Knight] The world went into chaos, and the VRMMORPG game I used to play 'Great Genesis' turned into reality. I, Kim Hajun with my girlfriend, Park Yun Hee are in the middle of that chaos. I swear to myself that I will sacrifice everything and anything for our own sake. [Vol.2 - Am I Still Human?] I'm confused about myself having evolved into a half-dragon race, I'm confused about whether my identity as a human still exists or not I behaved strangely due to the influence of my race turning into a half-dragon and I even made a deal with an existence that called itself The Supreme Ruler. Can I get through this situation? [Vol.3 - Looking for a Way Home] After remembering all the things he went through up to the time he was stabbed by Ginselda, Kim Hajun lost his consciousness. Kim Hajun woke up and he was in a place he knew very well, the place where he spent his time, Great Genesis. He's really confused about what happened to him, but he really wants to find his way home so he can meet Yun Hee. However, many obstacles await him. Can he meet Yun Hee again? __________________________________________________ #Disclaimer: 1. Everything in this book is fictional and not intended to be satirical, demeaning, defamatory, etc. 2. The artwork does not belong to me and if anyone knows the artists of this work, please let me know and I will credit them. __________________________________________________ #Note: I expect constructive criticism and suggestions because I want to be a better author.  __________________________________________________ Released on: 09.52 AM (GMT + 07.00) April 12, 2022  __________________________________________________

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The Grim Reaper's Scythe

"Light blink information."

[Light Blink]

Rank: Unique

Type: Active Skill

Level: 1 (0/10)

MP Cost: 100

CD: 30 seconds

Effect: Can teleport to a short distance in a blink of an eye like a light

I can use this skill to teleport to a short distance in a blink of an eye like a light.

I can move faster to the other gate without the need to waste more time.

I'm thinking of taking the straight path towards the south gate from here.

I just need to look at the place I want to move to and say blink.

I looked towards the south gate and...

"Light blink!"

In the blink of an eye, I'm already teleported so close to the south gate.

The people at the south gate looked shocked and frightened as soon as they saw I was so close to them.

When I was planning to charge toward those people, I suddenly heard a very loud noise from the west gate.

I saw someone using a giant black scythe to slaughter the people at the west gate.

I don't know who it is because that person using a black hoodie and black trousers, but that scythe looks exactly like the myth-ranked weapon called the grim reaper's scythe that I've seen before.

The grim reaper's scythe should be owned by a ranker with the username Chen Rong, the only female ranker in the top ten on the leaderboard.

If it was her, it should be easy for me to defeat her if I put on all my myth rank equipment.

However, right now I just have the dragon knight sword in my hand.

I hope it wasn't her.

Well... Just in case I think it would be better for me to raise all my stats to the level cap.

That might help me a bit in overcoming the equipment rank difference even if it's just a little.

"Increase all my stats to the level cap."

[Are you sure to use 132,480 experience points to increase all user stats to the level cap?]


[<Ordinary Strength> Leveled up]

[<Ordinary Intelligent> Leveled up]

[<Ordinary Vitality> Leveled up]


[<Ordinary Strength> Reached level cap]

[<Ordinary Intelligent> Reached level cap]

[<Ordinary Vitality> Reached level cap]


[You need 10,000 event points to <Awaken> <Ordinary Strength>]

[You need 10,000 event points to <Awaken> <Ordinary Intelligent>]

[You need 10,000 event points to <Awaken> <Ordinary Vitality>]


Sigh... too many screens popping up, I hate it.

But this is still nothing compared to my stream screen which is always full of chats from my viewers.

I usually only open the stream screen when I want to start the stream and turn off the stream only, but some VIP users can still pop up a message screen even though I closed it.


Let's settle things with the people in front of me first.

I guess I don't need to linger with them and do it quickly because there is a possibility that the person who brought the grim reaper's scythe aiming for the north gate too.

I can't let that person become stronger than me.

I charge toward the people in front of me, some of them held their weapons in their hands and looked like they were ready to fight me.

Some of them who are holding guns and rifles are shooting at me at the same time.

I jumped to the left to dodge their attack, then...

"Dragon fang slash! Dragon fang slash! Dragon fang slash! ..."

[You dealt 12,071 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You dealt 12,067 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You dealt 12,055 damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]


[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 100 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 100 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 100 event points]


[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 1,000 experience points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 1,000 experience points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the JP-S078 area, you get 1,000 experience points]


I slashed everyone in front of me using dragon fang slash horizontally to make it more effective and end it quickly.

They all split in two and splashed crimson blood continuously towards the wall and gate of the colosseum arena in front of me.

The increase in damage after I increase all my stats is pretty good.

But I wonder why I didn't deal any critical damage even though I have ordinary dexterity and ordinary luck level thirty now.

After I felt those people in front of me were all dead, I rushed towards the north gate which was quite far from the south gate.

I don't know how many magic points I have left, but it's better if I hurry.

"Light blink!"

I ran while using light blink continuously until finally, I was almost close to the north gate, but suddenly I feel a terrifying killing aura from my left and I swiftly jump to the right.

"HEY YOU!~ YOU LOOK SO STRONG!~ COME PLAY WITH ME AND THIS SCYTHE!~" The person who used the grim reaper's scythe screamed with a weird tone.

He turned out to be a man and his voice is kinda weird.

His voice sounded like he was being possessed by something.

The man looks to have messy dark purple hair with dark purple eyes.

I think he's trying to imitate Chen Rong's appearance in Great Genesis.

"You're not Chen Rong, are you? How can you imagine the grim reaper's scythe when you're not Chen Rong?" I said to the man.

I'm curious because there is only one of the grim reaper's scythe and it's only owned by Chen Rong, there's no way anyone else has it.


What the hell is wrong with this bastard head, has he gone mad because got ignored by Chen Rong? I don't know what happened between Chen Rong and this man, but since Chen Rong has been friends with me and Yun Hee for a long time, I can't let this bastard get out of here alive.

"HEY, BASTARD!~ WHY DIDN'T ANSWER ME?~ YOU ALSO WANT TO IGNORE ME LIKE THAT BITCH, HUH?!~ COME HERE, YOU BASTARD!~" The man screamed with a weird tone as he charged towards me while swinging the grim reaper's scythe he was holding towards the ground.

It does look like Chen Rong's playstyle, but the moves he shows aren't that perfect in my eyes.

Chen Rong's height is around one hundred and eighty-two centimeters in Great Genesis, but this man's height is only one hundred and sixty-one centimeters.

Chen Rong's body is also slimmer and probably around sixty-two kilograms, but this man is looked like around eighty-two kilograms.


This man will fall to the ground soon because his body can't keep up with his speed.

After I thought like that while continuously jumping backward, that man fell to the ground and caused the grim reaper's scythe to be flung into the air.

"Dragon fang slash!"

[You dealt 24,126 critical damage with <Dragon Fang Slash>]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the CN-S089 area, you get 14,700 event points]

[You have defeated one of the candidates from the CN-S089 area, you get 147,000 experience points]

I slashed the man with my dragon fang slash vertically and he was split in two while splashing a lot of dark black blood.

I guess it's because he got possessed by the grim reaper's scythe or something.

Besides that, this is my first critical damage after so many using the dragon fang slash.

The critical damage can usually only be dealt with if a user has high accuracy and luck.

I got a lot of event points and experience points from him, maybe the event points and experience points he got from killing the people at the west gate were also given to me when I killed him.

I kicked the man's body and then slowly stepped towards the people at the north gate.

Those people look scared and their bodies are trembling, but for some reason, some of them are faintly trying to hold back their smiles.

I saw a reflection of a black shadow in their eyes, the black shadow getting closer and it turned out that the black shadow is the grim reaper's scythe that was flung into the air earlier.

I swiftly jump far to the right to dodge the grim reaper's scythe.

The moment after I jumped to the right, the grim reaper's scythe instantly hit the ground where I was previously standing.

The ground was shattered and there was an earthquake.

The earthquake caused several people in front of the grim reaper's scythe to get injured just from the impact of the grim reaper's scythe's fall.

People who previously saw the power of the grim reaper's scythe scramble to try to get hold of the grim reaper's scythe so they can use it.

However, as soon as they got closer to the grim reaper's scythe, there was a dark purple spherical electric explosion around the grim reaper's scythe.

I don't know the cause of the explosion, but the dark purple light on the hilt of the grim reaper's scythe disappeared after the explosion.

I think the explosion happened because the grim reaper's scythe released the remaining power it had.

A brownish-black-haired muscular man with dark yellow-brown eyes wearing a white t-shirt and black trousers managed to hold the grim reaper's scythe.

He tried to lift the grim reaper's scythe but he couldn't do it.

After the man failed to lift the grim reaper's scythe, those people looked at me with a scared look.

Thanks for reading this chapter

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