1 Dream

Dreams are stuff not meant for the poor the homeless they only get their hopes up. Don't dream big I once dreamt but it all came crashing down to nothing it was a dream so big that I didn't give up but the world Is a play place for the rich. If your not smart you are never ever given a chance to rise you are only destined to fall that is how the world is designed for the rich. My dream was to play piano for the world but that only got Me to hell.

As I grew up I listen to everyone Beethoven to Mozart. I started to learn sheet music that is all and good until I learned them all. That is how life is then I saw a piano in the streets and I pressed a key then after a while I began to play it perfectly I wrote my own sheet music at the tender age of 10 now being 18 I looked at it and I called it the cursed sheet I grabbed and put it on the piano and played it.

as I put it on as I pressed the first key lighting struck and as I kept playing it rain stormed after I was struck by lightning and I was hit I did not die I was still alive but my soul went somewhere else.

That is when I heard Fur Elise that is when a man appeared out of nowhere. As he walked closer he said "a Fur Elise is magnificent" as he walked closer I said.

I said "Yes it is but Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is better I would have to say" as he stood in front of me he said.

he said, "Let us stop talking about music I will tell you something you are terribly good at playing so I have something you have to kill 100 thousand people to ever play the piano again".

I looked at him shocked I said "Please don't take away my ability, but how are you able to make me stop playing piano"

He said "Because I am god"

As he loomed closer he said "I will take away your ability to hear the piano you can still play but not hear so what is the point of playing"

I said "Why would you Curse me in this way I didn't do anything wrong"

He said "Because of how good you are at playing you make the world move with your self"

He said "I can make you go to a world where you are there are more people dying to war to make it easier as a god favor"

I said "Please make it easier"

He said "I will tell you about the world to make it easier for you this is a world where there are 900 nations and there fighting for resources this planet is 100 times bigger than the earth and you will have white hair and blue eyes and have white skin and you'll be 6'2 with a handsome face. The Tallest someone has been in that world is 5'9 and an average height is 5'4. You will be stronger in that world because with the extra gravity we had to make your body stronger too with stand the Gravity."

A black hole like the thing was forming behind me so before I was sucked in I said "Thank you"

The god looked confused like why would you say thank you to me.

While being sucked up I was thinking about the world and how an orphan like me came to this and how cruel the world is it is just like Clair de Lune the song of sadness.

I hope to reach the world with my music to satisfy fine my heart and the world's heart. As I thought to my self but the judgment will come after killing 100 thousand I will repent by playing the piano to heal the heart of the world. The world will be free from the pain I felt my piano will heal it all this is my dream I hope it comes True.

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