
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

Ash_D_Born · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

Chapter 6

As I held Rhaenys in my arms, I felt conflicted. I mean, I promised to only look out for myself when I arrived in this world, and now I'm making connections with it. I care about Elia and, by extension, her children. That's why I'm dreading things right now.

If I remember correctly, there's something called Robert's Rebellion, which overthrew the dynasty soon. And knowing that means all, if not most, of them were dead. Including Elia, I could give two fucks about her husband.

I decided that when it happens, I'm going to smuggle them out during the war. I won't let this little girl die. I won't let Elia, my dearest friend, die either. 

I cradle Rhaenys in my arms and kiss her forehead while smiling. I look around and see Elia and her ladies looking at me like some rare animal.

'What?' I was a little perplexed.

'I never knew you were a softie like that. If I didn't give birth to her, I would think she was yours,' she answered while smiling.

'Looking at her stirred something in me. She's so precious, and look how she's tugging on my beard; she has good taste already. I'll give my life to protect her and ensure her safety.' I answered back.

There was a pause in the room before Lady Ashara remarked,

'If you care this much for a friend's child, what about yours?'

'The same. Absolute protection. I'll gift them the world if I can when I get around to getting married.'

'What did you say your type was again? Ah, yes, a strong, independent, tall woman with a nice ass. I hope you keep your fantasies away from my ladies, you cur.'

I threw my head back in laughter and decided to tease her anyway.

'And how do you know I wasn't describing you, my lady? I mean, your height needs some help, but I can work with that.' while wiggling my eyebrows. Elia scoffed while her ladies covered their mouths, trying to prevent laughter.

I continued rocking the baby as we all sat around talking about each other's recent lives. Lady Larra got engaged to a consort to further the Blackmont line recently, which was really the only thing of note. I told them I was a merchant and also a sellsword that commands a fleet on the Narrow Seas. Lady Larra and Ashara were interested as they started brokering a deal to bring goods directly to their ports at Blackmont and Starfall. After some hours, I finally bid them goodbye and sailed off towards White Harbour.

As the only port worth talking about in the North White Harbor is a massive city the falling snow that covers the buildings earned it its name. With the breeze from the the sea and the cold winds of the north making it have a very nice smell compared to Kings Landing.

After the crew landed and started unloading the goods and transporting it to the merchants who paid for them I went to the castle of the Manderlys to meet with Lord Manderly and discuss setting up a meeting with Lord Stark for a deal that will significantly impact the North.

You see when I reading about the North and their struggle to grow food I cane across the Neck. I noticed for all of the North's trade with Braavos they never traded rice from Yiti. In fact there was no rice in Westeros they never heard of it. Which means a monopoly.

Some weeks of traveling and here I am with a few bags of rice standing outside Winterfell about to make a deal that will turn me from one of the newest rising merchants to the richest merchant in Westeros.

After receiving bread and salt I was directed to Lord Rickard Stark's solar. The man is huge easily 6'4, a bit lean for his age but I giess that comes with living in the north for so long.

'Good day, my lord. My name is Aaron. I asked Lord Manderly to set up a meeting for us as what we discuss will affect the future of tge North.'

'No last name?'

'Family tradition not to use our family mame before making it in the world as to not bring it shame.'

'You have the Stark look.'

'Coincidence my lord. Never met my father.'

'As you say. So what is it you want?'

I took that for what it was. An opportunity for a salespitch. I know the Stark's care about the North and for my initial monopoly to work I have to at least pretend to as well.

I spoke to him about my travels to the free cities, my love for reading about Westeros. How I found a type of food that not only can be grown quickly in the North its very versatile and can go years without spoiling as long as it is kept dry.

He thought I was fucking with him. I then told him it was true and I would like to be the main supplier of this food in the future and also provide the plant to be grown and harvested in the North itself.

We negotiated the prices of the rice I'll bring in amongst other goods. Hours of back and forth before we almost concluded before the old man set negotiations aside and asked me plainly what I really wanted.

'My name is Aaron Snow. Born to Rodrick Stark and Anissa Rogarè. My father left us in my earlier days but I suspect he's gone now. I built my fleet almost single handedly. I own businesses in Kings Landing and the Free Cities. What I want now is my own home. A bit secluded so no one will bother me too much and legitimization in Westeros.'

'And what would you do with becoming a Stark? You won't be in succession. Everyone has to die before you're name comes up and even then you would be pushed aside by other Northerners with some Stark blood.'

'I don't want to be a Stark exactly. I want to create a branch house and with the success I have with my fleet I would be a boon on the North.'

Rickard seemed to think it over before agreeing but he needs to send a raven to the king for legitimization and creating a branch. We then agreed I would be given Sea Dragon Point. We hashed out the deal with the rice with me being the sole importer of it from the North.

After we were done Lord Stark introduced me to his children.