
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

Ash_D_Born · Book&Literature
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22 Chs


Name: Aaron Snow (bastard of Rodrick Stark)

Born: 260 AC

Height: 6'2

Abilities: Immense warging potential, immense greensight potential (2nd only to Bran), immense fighting talent, great creativity and immense magical talent).

Reincarnated into Planetos as a bastard of Rodrick Stark and a Anissa Rogarè. Aaron Snow is raised by his mother in Volantis until she passes away and he's forced to leave. He doesn't go empty handed, he steals the Valyrian sword Truth and escapes. Spends a long time wandering as a sellsword or merchant before heading of to Westeros to meet the Starks. He eventually causes a major canon divergence.