
MERC$ - My Unique is a System

Acura is just a young bipolar kid with big dreams of becoming the best Mercenary in the Kingdom of Dolphina. Along the way he’ll have to recruit dependable allies, fight off ravenous monsters, and dangerous Dos. Avoid trouble with the Army, compete against other Merc Bands, and also find a way to solve the mystery of the Veil...nothing too hard right? The land of Whales is filled with mysteries, dark secrets, and the power of psych that allows humans to achieve supernatural feats. Follow Acura as he try to to solve the biggest mystery which is in himself.

And3r_son · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Lover not a Fighter

"Acura the sleeping beast, sporting 15 wins 4 losses, a true veteran boasting the most matches one combatant has ever had...without dying first of course "

The crowd laughs at the announcers joke, while Acura walks into the ring. He thinks to himself 'I never get used to this, to the fighting, to the blood...when will it end.'

This young boy is Acura Gear, now 12 years old. Over the years he was taken in by Mr. Waker who tormented him daily. As he got older his Bi polar episodes got worst and more frequent. This made Mr. Waker decide to sell Acura to an underground fight ring, where orphans are the combatants. Acura has been in this situation for more than a year.

"Ho ho ho Tina I have a lot of money riding on you and not to mention a personal grudge against Elena, You better not lose this fight or you know what!"

Baron Farfield a chubby man with short blond hair and an expensive looking black robe shouts exhaustedly after Tina, he breathes heavily after finishing his threat. Tina sobbing looked at Farfield, then gazed at her opponent Acura.

"Hi I'm Acura, I don't think we've met before nice to meet you" the girl stared at Acura confusingly. Someone nicknamed sleeping beast was greeting her as if he was friendly. She thought to herself was she being tricked to let her guard down?

"I'm I'm Tina, nice to meet you as well" she said stumbling her words.

"He's doing that shit again"
"We're here to see you fight not make friends!"
"Why doesn't he die already"
"I hope she scratches his eyes out like her last opponent"

The crowd curses Acura, every match is the same, but this doesn't get to him.

"That's enough of that..." said the announcer "it's time to see bloodshed, last chance to place your bets!"

The crowd is roaring with bets, you can hear Tina's name being called over and over, seemingly she's tonight's fan favorite.

"Now you two vermin, Dance for the crowd FIGHT!" The crowd again roars from excitement.

"Maybe if we don't fight each other they'll cancel the fight Tina, let's try that"

"Do you think it would work? My master really doesn't like your master, if I don't win he'll take him from me..."

"Take him? Does he have someone you love? Are you ok?" Acura frantically asks these questions when he hears his master in the background.

"Every match you do this, Fight or you can kiss your belongings good bye."

These words stoke Acura to reconsider his earlier proposal, he was totally against fighting a helpless little girl, but the locket and pendant held too much meaning.

Before he could make a decision a barrage of slashes fly pass him as he instinctively dodges each one. Acura has never had formal training, but all the fights he has been in up to now gave him enough experience to deal with basic maneuvering. Actually he was always more athletic than kids his age, even some older. When he was living with the Waker's, Sori was two years older than Acura; although whenever Sori tried to pick on Acura he'd be the one on the losing end after some time.

Right now Acura was mainly putting his efforts into dodging while trying to convince Tina to stop fighting. Tina's face which red and saddened, was the opposite of her attacks which were ferocious for a girl her age. Her nails were purposely grown out and filed down like blades, more than likely the doing of her owner. Upon observing her Acura could see bruises, and cuts all over her. Around her neck there was an imprint of a collar. His own living situations was bad, but he can't imagine what she was going through also.

Acura caught one of Tina's hands and puller her in into a standing submission hold.

"Please Tina let's think about it, there must be something else besides fighting that we can do"

"You just met me, you don't know me, why do you care so much what happens to me?"

"I just think..." No! Tina interrupts Acura.

"You're making things harder, I just need to fight and win and then I get to have him, that's all there is!"

Tina frees herself and faces Acura with exhausted breaths, and sweat running down her face.

"Tina you little piece of shit do you want me to destroy him?"

Farfield from high waves a worn stuffed teddy bear in the air for Tina to see.


"Yes and if you want Eren to live you will win and STOP EMBARRASSING ME!"

Suddenly a crack was heard, Tina's short hair started to flare up as an aura envelopes her dust can be seen blowing away from her. She glared at Acura once more with piercing eyes. And eerie scream was heard as she vanished. Acura has seen this before, she's using a sensate. But before he could fully analyze the situation his thigh starts spurting out blood. Acura screams from the pain. There is definitely no time to try to reason with her now. It's a life or death situation.

Acura takes a deep breath and calms his nerves, while feint signs of Tina can be seen flickering through the stage.

*Swoosh* Acura is slashed again on his back, he drops to his knees, with ought giving  him a chance to breather she attacks again, this time Acura rolls away just in time. His vision begins to blur due to blood rush, he can barely see Tina now, only hear the slight steps. He closes his eyes and as soon as he heard a feint noise he ducks, dodging a slash aimed for his neck.

'She's really trying to kill me, is that teddy bear that special to her' Acura thinks to himself.

"Tina why are you going so far for just a stuffed toy?"

Tina stops and appears right in front of Acura in an instant.

"He's not a toy! That's my brother..." Tina with tears in her eyes shouted. "My mother said that my brother's spirit was inside the bear and that's why his body didn't move when he was born. She said to take care of him because I'm his big sister!"

Tina's aura grew once again, the killing intent could be felt a mile away. Acura regretting the situation knew that it's only a matter of time now before he suffers a fatal blow.

Madam Elena watches the match with a smirk from above. Surrounded by rich looking people, expensive wine and delicious food could be seen on everyone's table.

"I'm surprised he last this long without waking the sleeping beast, but I think this has gone on long enough, "Ragner" wake him up"

"Yes Madam right away"

"Ragnar" Retrieves a rock the size of an apple, and walks towards the edge of the balcony from which they watched the fight, he stares at Acura and smiles gripping the rock tightly.

Tina disappeared once again, and with Acura's senses dulled he just assumed a defensive stance and prepared for the worst. He was assaulted with a barrage of slashes from head to toe. A relentless attack that dropped him to his knees once again. Tina stepped back gaining distance, she then postured herself which signaled that this would be the final blow. She lunged towards Acura when suddenly his head was knocked forward, a single rock rolling on the floor could be seen.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his bodied fell towards the ground, but in the last moment his feet regained balance. Tina with her claws inches away from his neck was suddenly grabbed by her face, all her momentum stopping at once.

"Finally" he muttered. "I couldn't stand it no more watching that wimp take a beating by a girl no less, chuh!"

Madam Elena smiled as she whispered "he's awaken".