
Meowgish Unleased: The Demon Cat's Metamorphosis

Alec wakes up in a world that could have used a more welcoming brochure. It's not his room, and it's definitely not his body. Nope, he's stuck inside the fabulous frame of a demonic kitten. So, what's a guy- or cat– to do? He embarks on a magical, thrilling journey to find his place in this delightfully cruel land. Knights, cults, spells, swords, mythical creatures, and dungeons filled with all sorts of surprises are the name of the game. Forget about discovering his lost existence; Alec's real goal is to figure out how to make it as a monster in this world that seems hell-bent on making life interesting. Join him as he tries to survive and thrive, all while dealing with the not-so-hospitable locals.

Neyren_TT · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Yowls of Despair

Alec screeched to a halt, his emerald eyes darting between his remaining mana and the impending centipede calamity. With the screen minimized, he braced himself for the fast-approaching invertebrate apocalypse.

In a split second, he activated Mystic and gracefully pirouetted out of the centipede's way, proving that even small furballs can outmanoeuvre giants when needed. The centipede, determined as a cat chasing a laser dot, rammed headlong into the wall where Alec's furry behind had graced moments before.

Quick as a cat snatching a treat, Alec pounced on the opportunity and unleashed his pièce de résistance—the infamous {Blood Bullet}. His jaws yawned wide, a feline maw turned cannon, and faster than a cat pouncing on a moth, a crimson projectile rocketed from his mouth with a thunderous meow-gnitude. It smacked the centipede's grimacing mug, causing a gooey explosion that made a Jackson Pollock masterpiece look plain. The centipede's backside squirmed like a snake's final dance.

Moments later, the notification arrived, confirming the centipede's impromptu metamorphosis into ex-centipede.

{Defeated [Sanguine Scolopendra Lv10]!

Level up! 6→7




Alec allowed the Mystic to gradually fade away, revealing his resolute emerald eyes as he quickly took stock of his mana reserves.

{MP: 106/190}

The entire skirmish had been a whirlwind, a mere ten seconds that cost him a hefty 21 mana points. On the upside, Alec was pleased to find that expanding his overall mana pool had a direct correlation with the mana points he had at his disposal. He etched this knowledge into his memory. With another level under his belt, Alec wasted no time allocating his newfound stat points exclusively to his wisdom stat. Every drop of mana counted, and the potential acceleration in his mana regeneration was a boon he couldn't ignore. In this cat-eat-monster world, every edge was worth the investment.

Alec's respite was as fleeting as a cat's attention span. It wasn't long before the all-too-familiar creaking noises began to reverberate down the hallway. The sounds seemed to originate from all directions, creating an unsettling sense of disorientation. Alec quickly spotted two more centipedes advancing towards him, coordinating their movements as if orchestrating a well-timed pincer attack.

Alec pondered the reasons behind this sudden influx of armoured arthropods. Despite the mysteries that shrouded their actions, he knew that his primary objective was not to emerge victorious in these battles but to endure and find a path to escape. As the first centipede menacingly closed the gap between them, Alec's reflexes kicked into high gear. He deftly invoked Mystic and Space Step in rapid succession. Space Step granted him the ability to teleport instantaneously, while Mystic concealed his very presence. The second centipede, hot on the heels of its companion, was poised to engage.

As the surge of mana enveloped him, the fabric of the realm merged seamlessly with his fur, shrouding him entirely in a mystic cloak. His very presence seemed to warp the world itself. In tandem, Space Step encased him in a sphere of space mana, granting the power of instantaneous relocation. In the blink of an eye, Alec found himself repositioned behind the first centipede, primed and ready to execute his escape.

His feline heart raced like a turbocharged engine, urging him onward. He sprinted with unbridled determination, ignorant of his destination but unwavering in his resolve to uncover an exit somewhere within this fortress. Yet his short-lived elation was swiftly overshadowed by a sudden, eerie whoosh, a palpable shift in the very air around him. Alec's emerald eyes honed in on the source of this unsettling disturbance, his wariness tingling at the edges of his senses.

"{Pierce the Curtain}"

Alec's heart skipped a beat as he felt his cherished skill, the protective shroud of Mystic, being ruthlessly torn asunder, leaving him exposed like a cat stripped of its fur. It was a disconcerting sensation, akin to having a thousand eyes dissecting his very essence. His fear stemmed not merely from the sensation of exposure but from the chilling origin of the voice that had triggered this violation.

It marked the first occasion since his arrival in this world that Alec encountered a human voice. The words spoken were in an unfamiliar dialect, but Alec, equipped with an otherworldly linguistic skill, understood every syllable. His heart raced as the source within the shadows unveiled itself.

In the dim, eerie light that barely kissed the boundaries of the corridor, a man in his thirties emerged from the murky shadows, cloaked in a crimson robe adorned with twisting serpentine patterns. The robe clung to his form, accentuating his presence with an air of confidence and authority that whispered through the obsidian corridors. His every step was accompanied by the ominous procession of colossal armoured centipedes, each marching in eerie synchrony that sent a spine-tingling shiver down Alec's fur. These centipedes moved like obedient sentinels, their antennae swaying, and their numerous legs clacking in an eerie, unnatural harmony.

"[Shadow's Call]"

Then, like a page from the arcane grimoire of their world, another voice pierced the darkness, this time belonging to a woman. It was as if the very shadows, which had concealed Alec until now, had sprung to life. They coiled around him like a vice, a tightening grip of despair that crushed his very essence. Panic, like a swift tide, surged through his veins as he attempted to escape, but his feet clung to the castle's obsidian floor, as if bound by an unyielding enchantment.

As the shadows constricted their hold on Alec, more humans emerged from the inky depths, stepping into the dim light. Among the five newcomers—two women and three men, all draped in the same ominous crimson robes—wicked grins adorned their faces.

The man who led this strange ensemble took a deliberate step forward, his expression unwavering and his demeanour ice-cold. In his hands, he held a golden cage, which he carefully placed before Alec. Then, stepping back with his eyes closed, he whispered incantations in an unintelligible tongue. The runes on the cage came to life, unravelling themselves and forming an arcane prison that ensnared Alec's frozen frame. His despair deepened with every passing moment.

Alec's mind raced with questions as the situation unfolded around him. What was the purpose of this trap? Why were these people ensnaring him? Who were they, and what did they want with him? The absence of answers left him with an overwhelming sense of helplessness, deeper than anything he had ever experienced in his life.

"What's your take on that stealth ability, everyone?" the first woman inquired as they huddled together in the dimly lit corridor.

"I'm not sure, but I'm confident we'll unlock its secrets in due time," the leader replied, his words resonating within the stone walls.

"This little rascal has been toying with us for over six hours," the second woman chimed in, her fingers tightly gripping a peculiar device emitting an faint glow. "It always manages to evade our divinations."

"At least we've finally caught up with it," another man added, his vigilant gaze scanning the surroundings.

"Richard, are you certain it's the right creature? I don't recall ever hearing of its species before, and I'm not eager for another lecture from Lady Channing," another woman voiced the group's lingering uncertainty.

Maintaining his composure, Richard, the man in the lead, instructed, "Channel your mana into this." He handed her a slab with a thin layer of dried blood.

The woman accepted the slab with a curious look and followed his directive. The runes on the slab gradually ignited, responding to her mana. Her eyes widened as the runes disappeared, replaced by a growing sense of recognition. "its offspring."

"Indeed, this is a fragment of history that predates the calamity. The High Priest is on the brink of confronting the Bonded One, and the rift's closure is imminent. We must depart before that," Richard emphasized.

"Ah, that creature was quite the formidable one," the second man added.

"It was merely an anomaly, although one that posed an obstacle to our plans," Richard commented, casting a malevolent glance toward the ensnared Alec. "Nevertheless, we have reaped substantial rewards in return."

"So, are we just going to eradicate that monster?" the woman holding the peculiar contraption inquired.

"Not 'we,' but the High Priest will undertake that responsibility. And yes, we won't be able to subdue that creature. It boasts an impressive level and is excessively aggressive, growing even more powerful the longer the rift remains open. Furthermore, our division lacks tamers with the necessary expertise. Given the thunderous roar we heard, it's probable that the creature has already met its end. It is prudent to harvest its materials before closing the rift. Considering it belongs to a pre-calamity species, such materials should command a high price," Richard elucidated.

"What about those mercenaries? I heard that two of them managed to escape into this rift after our ambush," she continued, her voice tinged with concern.

"They possess knowledge that could prove problematic. I am certain that Lord Trelawney has devised a strategy to ensure their cooperation," Richard responded confidently.

"I heard one of them even managed to eliminate an entire team of ours before fleeing into the rift," the third man added, visibly shaken. "What sort of strategy do you suppose would be effective in such a situation?"

"Beyond establishing ambush points at the rift's entrance? Leverage, Anwen. Leverage. Lord Trelawney is known for his resourcefulness; he will undoubtedly find a solution," Richard explained. "Our mission was solely to secure the offspring. Now, let us make our departure."

Alec found himself trapped in a puzzling world with terms he only half-comprehended: Taming? Offspring? Calamity? Rift? These words held the weight of mystery, but Alec's immediate predicament loomed larger. No matter how he strained his abilities, his skills and his body refused to heed his commands. The cage that entrapped him seemed impervious to his escape attempts.

Desperation welled within him, and he made a futile attempt to use Space Step. The result was searing pain as the bars of the cage seared his flesh, and his mana dissipated with a hiss. Richard, the man in control, found humor in Alec's defiance and chuckled.

"Feisty little thing, aren't you?" Richard quipped, a smile playing on his lips. "Don't fret, though. I'm sure Lady Channing will know just how to take care of you." His words were devoid of any kindness.

Though Alec understood their language, his skills prevented him from speaking it. Pitiful meows were all that escaped his lips when he tried to communicate. He had no way to convey his predicament to his captors. Even if he could, what would he say? "Please don't enslave me; I'm a human, not a monster. I hail from another world." His otherworldly knowledge was a double-edged sword, granting him insight but leaving him helpless in his current state.

Alec's watchful eyes were drawn to a man named Anwen, who led the group. Anwen's actions, presumably casting spells at the castle's corridor intersections, were guiding them toward an unknown exit.

Alec experienced a familiar sensation of detachment that had haunted him throughout his time in this strange world. Helplessness weighed upon him like an unbearable burden, to the point where he almost wanted to deny its existence. It was then that he felt a flicker within himself, the gremlin that had remained silent until this moment. He allowed it to awaken.

While Alec couldn't fully comprehend the identities or motives of the individuals who had captured him, one thing was clear to him. They were utterly mistaken. Their claims about the 'High Priest' handling the 'Bonded One' and the recent roar serving as confirmation of their success were fundamentally flawed. Alec could sense the truth in the roar, and it wasn't a cry of defeat; it resonated with the essence of triumph.

Alec's instincts appeared to comprehend this world far more profoundly than his conscious mind ever could. So, with a firm acceptance, he allowed his inner gremlin to take control, like an ancient essence stirring deep within his soul. It surged forth with an intensity that manifested in a series of shrill yowls echoing through the chamber. Each yowl was laden with profound emotion.

Each yowl carried a profound weight, a chorus of despair, the crushing burden of defeat, and the depths of his helplessness. They were more than mere sounds; they were primal pleas for salvation. These vocalizations transcended the confines of language, expressing his fear and vulnerability in their purest form. In a world that had become both incomprehensible and terrifying, Alec's yowls were a cry for aid, reminiscent of a desperate child facing an insurmountable challenge.

The chamber filled with the echoes of his yowls, creating a haunting symphony of suffering and anguish. The stark contrast between his earlier defiance and this raw vulnerability became palpable.

Alec's sudden yowls initially caught Richard and his companions off guard. At first, they couldn't help but be amused by the apparent madness of their captive. Their exchanged glances spoke of fleeting entertainment, as if Alec's desperate struggles were nothing more than an unexpected diversion from their more serious matters.

But their amusement was short-lived. The unnamed member of their group, evidently growing impatient with Alec's cries, decided to take action. Without hesitation, he delivered a swift and brutal kick to Alec's face. The impact sent searing waves of pain through Alec's head, momentarily silencing his anguished yowls.

Richard wasted no time in reprimanding the man, his voice laced with admonishment. He reminded the aggressor of the importance of maintaining their captive's physical condition and emphasized that Lady Channing preferred her acquisitions to remain whole and intact.

Alec's inner gremlin, undeterred, now in control of his emotions, continued its mournful yowling. The eerie and heart-rending cries escalated, resonating with his profound despair and hopelessness. The chamber filled with the haunting symphony of sorrow, reaching its crescendo, as though the very walls of the fortress could not contain the anguish.

And then, the world itself quivered with sudden and forceful tremors. An earthquake-like upheaval shook the surroundings, while a deafening roar tore through the air, its sound infused with an unparalleled and seething fury.


Once more, Alec found himself inexorably drawn into the heart of this tempestuous roar. It was more than the simple cry of a potent being; it became a symphony of blazing fury and unremitting wrath. It wove a tale of maternal vengeance, pledging retribution for anyone audacious enough to harm her progeny. In every reverberation, the roar held an unwavering vow of total obliteration for those who had dared to endanger her offspring, each note echoing the indomitable determination borne from a parent's love transmuted into furious wrath.

The unnamed man's voice quivered with uncertainty as he questioned, "If the High Priest dealt with that creature, then what in the Aeloreth's name was that?"

In contrast, Richard maintained his stoic demeanour, exuding indifference. "There may have been some complications," he conceded, "but I don't believe we should be overly concerned. Our primary focus should remain on our task. There's no way that creature can escape the core cham-"

Before he could complete his sentence, his lower body simply vanished, leaving behind the lingering, unresolved syllable of his word, "-er." The air hung heavy with this fragment as Richard's lifeless upper body crumpled to the cold obsidian floor. His entrails oozed out onto the glossy surface, a grotesque tableau of violence. Then, from the inky depths of the obsidian floor, an insatiable maw of darkness materialized, much like a colossal shark rising from the unfathomable oceanic abyss, and swallowed Richard whole. Only the arm holding Alec's cage remained, suspended in the eerie aftermath.

Then, pandemonium ensued.