
Meowgish Unleased: The Demon Cat's Metamorphosis

Alec wakes up in a world that could have used a more welcoming brochure. It's not his room, and it's definitely not his body. Nope, he's stuck inside the fabulous frame of a demonic kitten. So, what's a guy- or cat– to do? He embarks on a magical, thrilling journey to find his place in this delightfully cruel land. Knights, cults, spells, swords, mythical creatures, and dungeons filled with all sorts of surprises are the name of the game. Forget about discovering his lost existence; Alec's real goal is to figure out how to make it as a monster in this world that seems hell-bent on making life interesting. Join him as he tries to survive and thrive, all while dealing with the not-so-hospitable locals.

Neyren_TT · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Alec, The Meowster of Skills and Existential Thrills

Alec, perched on the wooden desk, squinted at the quest screen like a cat trying to decipher hieroglyphics. This isn't right. He mumbled to himself. His thoughts delved into the mystery of these creatures and their dwindling numbers. First, there were 67 of these little critters, then it casually dropped to 53. And now?

He pondered this revelation, realizing the quest hadn't identified the creatures as centipedes but rather as "blood spawns." Did these 'Blood Spawns' stage a rebellion and scatter in different directions? Maybe they realized they needed some space and decided to go their separate ways – centipede drama at its finest? Alec thought wryly.

Despite his musings, he considered the serious possibilities, he couldn't ignore the fact that all 53 had been eliminated in his absence. Did a different monster join the party while I was out of the mess? Alec's curiosity mixed with a touch of trepidation. He knew that the centipede he had faced was no pushover, and if something was efficiently hunting them down, it was a force to be reckoned with. Whether it's a tiger in wolf's clothing or an actual wolf, it's not my immediate concern. I need to stay focused and, you know, not become lunch for anyone.

Alec now had his "Cautious" mode activated at maximum capacity. The situation felt like tip-toeing through a minefield, except every step came with a surprise party of unknown variables, each of which could shout "boo" to his survival prospects. It was as if he had to face off against an entire army of invisible adversaries, and the sword of uncertainty dangled above him like a metaphorical guillotine. He couldn't afford to lower his guard, not even for a catnap.

Alec's mind danced with thoughts about the nature of these quests and the hidden perils they might hold. He was keenly aware that accepting a quest reward could easily usher in unforeseen consequences, turning his escape from one nightmare into an entrance to another.

His initial strategy revolved around investing his remaining free points in agility, wisdom and clarity. His plan was to track down the remaining creatures, secure a high vantage point, pick them off one by one with precision, activate Mystic for stealth, retreat to recuperate, and then rinse and repeat until he'd snuffed out every last centipede. It was a meticulous dance of survival, and Alec had no intention of stepping on anyone's toes.

The crux of his strategy revolved around two key elements: his formidable mind stat and the Blood Bullet skill. He had a hunch that his mind was the linchpin for magical might, and if his assumption proved right, this would supercharge the potency of his magical attacks, rendering them far more potent against his adversaries.

Comparing the two skills, the Blood Claw boasted a base power of 40. It managed to breach the centipede's outer defences but grappled against the inner carapace.

On the flip side, the Blood Bullet had twice the base power of the Blood Claw, giving it a significant advantage. Alec's mind stat was nearly double his strength, further stacking the odds in favour of the Blood Bullet. Crunching the numbers, it was reasonable to expect that the Blood Bullet would deliver a whopping 400% more damage compared to the Blood Claw, a surge of power more than capable of piercing through the stubborn inner defences. It was a mathematical gambit, and Alec was ready to bet on his calculations to outsmart the centipedes.

Taking things a step further, the secondary effect of the Blood Bullet ratcheted up the explosion's intensity, doubling its force to an astounding 800% blood damage. With this level of firepower, there was simply no conceivable way the centipedes could emerge unscathed from such an assault.

Alec was acutely aware that he couldn't afford to just sit idly by, waiting for everything to play out without incident. His emerald eyes fell upon the crushed library floor, and he swiftly called up the quest screen.

{Sub Quest:

Strange Fortress (Blood Beast Extermination)

An influx of blood mana on the ground floor of the fortress is leading to an increased spawning of blood beasts.

Objective: Eliminate the spawned blood beasts (1/1).

Difficulty: SS

Reward: Skill (Blood Chains)(T1)

Claim Rewards: Y/N?}

With an affirmative mental click on the quest screen, Alec welcomed his reward, and in that instant, an electric thrill raced through his body. It was as if he could sense the sheer energy of knowledge being etched into the depths of his consciousness. Goosebumps cascaded down his spine, a sensation that remained startling each time it coursed through him.

Alec carefully surveyed the dimly lit library, ensuring there were no imminent threats in the vicinity. Once he felt reasonably safe, he directed his focus towards unlocking the information related to his freshly acquired skill.

{[Blood Chains][Lv1(0/400)]

Power: Varies (20+)

Type: Ranged, Status, Conjuration

Mana cost: Moderate, varies

Maximum length of chains: 2m

Maximum range for chains: 1m

Maximum number of chains: 2

Cooldown: 1 hour


This skill allows the user to conjure two blood chains. The chains have the unique ability to absorb mana from their surroundings and convert it into pure mana, which can then be absorbed by the user to increase base mana regeneration. The user can manipulate the chains for various purposes, including attacking, defending, or restraining.

Special Attributes:

[Effect increased by 300% for blood mana]

Additional Information:

[Maximum length of chains increases with skill levels]

[Maximum range of chains increases with skill levels]

[Cooldown decreases with skill levels]}

Alec couldn't help but crack a triumphant smile. Woo! Okay, kitty, you've got some potential here.

This new skill had the potential to make Alec the life of the party, at least in his own feline mind. It allowed him to summon and manipulate two blood chains, which was already pretty cool. But wait, there was more! It came with an added bonus—mana regeneration. And, boy, did Alec need that bonus. His mana recovery had been slower than a sloth in a chess match, gaining a mere 12 points in the last hour, a snail's pace equivalent to 0.003mp/s.

Alec cast his emerald gaze downward, observing the scribbled calculations on the floor. It seemed his blood claws had found an unexpected talent – performing arithmetic directly on the ground. Who knew they were so versatile? You know, I've always considered that doing math on the floor adds at least ten IQ points. At least, that's what my high school teacher told me.

The skill, however, was playing hard to get with the specifics. It revealed the base mana regeneration but kept the juicy details a secret. Alec knew better than to squander this newfound skill recklessly. After all, he had no desire to revisit the horrors of mana starvation. The memory of that ordeal still made his fur stand on end, and he intended to keep it that way.

First, he needed to calculate the actual increase in base mana regeneration and determine a reasonable cost for maintaining and manipulating the chains. To do that, he opened his status screen.

{HP: 220/220

MP: 44/95

SP: 216/216}

His feline eyes quickly darted to his mana tank. It was now hovering at about half full. Here goes nothing.

{Blood Chains}

The moment he activated the skill, it felt like a surge of electricity rippling through his surroundings, sapping his mana tank at a rapid pace. But Alec was ready. He focused his thoughts on two distinct points within the swirling maelstrom of mana, which he had chosen as the summoning locations for the chains.

The mana responded to his intent, shifting and swirling in response. It rushed toward the summoning points, swirling in chaotic patterns of crimson energy. The once abstract locations in the mana surge became tangible, drenched in a vibrant hue of red.

With a final surge of power, the blood chains materialized before his eyes, their ethereal forms hovering and swaying. Alec couldn't suppress his delight as the blood chains appeared before him, their forms a mesmerizing dance of crimson enchantment. It was like watching a spellbinding magic show, only this time he was the magician, and the audience of one was himself.

The satisfaction was akin to a high schooler experiencing their first taste of performing a wondrous magic trick. His grin widened, his emerald eyes dancing with curiosity.

With his feline determination in tow, Alec valiantly stifled his inner curiosity, opting for a more somber and analytical demeanor. He fixed a scrutinizing gaze on the state of his mana tank, as if assessing the damage done to his financial report.

{MP: 18/95}

The blood chains' first appearance turned out to be a bit of a mana-sucking extravaganza, proving that summoning otherworldly chains wasn't as cost-effective as, say, window shopping. Regardless of the painful expense, Alec marched onward, his curiosity resembling a cat eager to explore an unfamiliar cardboard box.

In pursuit of knowledge (and perhaps some savings on the mana bill), Alec strategized and activated two essential abilities simultaneously: Restrain and Defend. It was time to conduct the ultimate mana efficiency experiment.

As the countdown began, Alec settled into an observation mode, pretending to be a contemplative sage when, in reality, he was more like a kid waiting for the microwave to ding after putting in his hot pocket. A minute ticked away, and his impatience finally got the better of him, prompting him to check the state of his mana pool.

{MP: 12/95}

Alec's calculations painted a grim picture. The expense of maintaining those enigmatic blood chains was undoubtedly a pocket-emptying endeavour. In just one short minute, he had burned through 6 MP, revealing that each chain devoured a chunky 3 MP every minute, or a surprising 0.05 MP every single second. It was as if the chains had a frequent flyer program with Alec's mana pool as the currency.

For the sake of simplicity (and to keep his catlike brain from overheating), Alec chose to ignore his base mana regeneration when tallying up the costs.

But he had more to do. Alec's body quivered with anticipation as he started to contemplate the potential benefits of the Blood Chains' absorption ability. But before he could delve into this experiment, a sudden seismic jolt rocked the area, sending his concentration scattering like frightened birds. In the wake of the disturbance, a thunderous and bone-chilling roar, originating from a distant location, echoed throughout the fortress.


But instead of fear, Alec's feline heart raced like a hummingbird's wings, every whisker on his face twitching with excitement. His agile body seemed to quiver in unison with the victorious roar, and his slitted emerald eyes shimmered in delight. The sensation surged through him like a playful zephyr on a summer's day, whispering tales of conquest.

He couldn't resist the magnetic pull of that uproarious cheer, which seemed to beckon him with outstretched paw. With a graceful leap, Alec bounded forward, his lithe form resembling a playful tiger frolicking in tall grass, eager to plunge into the heart of the jubilant commotion.

In the split second it took for his human reasoning to catch up with his primal instincts, Alec found himself frozen in his tracks. Horror and confusion painted his face as he grappled with the competing voices in his mind. Instincts, those pesky gremlins of primal wisdom, urged him to embrace the jubilant chaos. But human logic, often the party pooper of the mental dance, asserted its control.

With a sudden about-face, Alec backpedalled as if a switch had been flipped. He sprinted in the opposite direction of the victorious roar, all while the relentless gremlin-like instincts screamed their protests in the back of his head.

What the fuck brain?

This marked the first time Alec had encountered such a stark divide between his mental and physical selves. It had been dawning on him that something was amiss ever since he had crossed over into this world. He felt strangely detached, as though he were a spectator rather than an active participant.

In his former life, he had a family that cherished him, quirks and all. His mother's unyielding standards and endless nit-picking, his father's unwavering support, and even the constant bickering with his sister—all those memories remained etched in his mind. His friends, his teachers, and every connection he had formed were part of the tapestry of his past. Yet, despite the vivid recollections, it all felt strangely unreal, as if he were leafing through a book of his own life rather than living it.

Once again, the flood of memories threatened to engulf his thoughts, but Alec fiercely slapped them aside. It was as if his mind had devised a strategy for self-preservation, a way to cope with the surreal circumstances he now faced. Survival took precedence, and the past could wait.

As he scurried with a renewed urgency toward the library's exit, his focus sharpened. It was becoming increasingly apparent that his initial suspicion was correct. Another formidable creature was in the midst of the hunt, and by all indications, it might be one of his own kind. The resonant power of that victorious roar served as a resounding confirmation. Alec's supposed kin, it seemed, was a being of monstrous proportions, a force to be reckoned with. Yet, the critical question remained unanswered in his brain: was this creature an ally or a foe? Only time would reveal the truth. For the time being, Alec was determined to steer clear of any potential danger, even if that rebellious gremlin in his brain continued its relentless protests.

With lightning speed, Alec went to work, distributing his hard-earned stat points. A whopping 15 points went into wisdom, 4 into clarity, and the final point found its home in agility. He wasn't about to let those points gather dust; no, siree.

As the stats transformed before his very eyes, wisdom leaped to 24, clarity to 14, and agility to a solid 30. There was no point in hoarding these precious points. They were like steroids for his mana pool and regeneration, two of his main drawbacks.

A surge of power coursed through him, as if he'd just had a triple espresso with a side of lightning. His mind roared to life in overdrive, as vigilant as a cat on the prowl. Alec wasn't about to let anything sneak up on him now.

But just as he was about to make another turn within the dimly lit hallway, his frenzied rush was rudely interrupted by a sound that could only be described as the villainous creaking of an old, haunted door. His heart, already engaged in a high-speed race against time, decided to show off and rev up the engine. It was like a Ferrari at a drag race, except his heart wasn't winning any trophies.

And then, behold, a pair of eyes—gleaming like they had just discovered the jackpot in a dark, sinister lottery—pierced through the shadows up ahead.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

And then, as if to win a prize for the eeriest entrance, the creature revealed itself. Its armoured body, probably fresh from a spa day for menacing monstrosities, shimmered with a crimson hue. If only it had opted for a nice lavender shade instead, but no, it had to be the embodiment of Alec's worst fears. Classic.