
Menma The Scientific Ninja (English)

A young man who died in the real world will use the knowledge he accumulated in his past life to survive in the ninja world, he will achieve his goal or die trying. Come read it and find out.

Metal_Cooler · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

The Medical Ninja Challenge

Permit for Bloody Havanese Training

Several weeks later, Hinata knocked twice on the door of her father's room.

"Come in, you can come in," said Hiashi Hyuga.

Hinata entered her father's room and said, "Father, I was invited to train by Menma Uzumaki at the Uzumaki family compound. I will be trained by Kushina Uzumaki, along with several friends Menma has."

"I approve. Kushina is one of the strongest Kunoichis in the leaf village. Having her teach you will be very helpful in your training. I only ask that you do not return too late from her training," Hiashi expressed.

"Thank you, father. I won't come back late," Hinata said leaving the room.

Hiashi has noticed that Hinata is still shy, but since she hangs out with the Uzumaki boy, she has started to take her training seriously. She doesn't hold back anymore, she's still polite, but this friend of hers has somehow accomplished what he hasn't: making his daughter more confident in herself.

If it were anyone else, he definitely wouldn't have given his daughter Hinata permission, but seeing that he has yielded positive results in making her bring out the best, he approves of that friendship.

One Small Drawback

I was finally able to get the requirements to learn Medical Ninjutsu and have become well versed in the basics of medicine, but I have a suspicion that I just confirmed.

I tried using Medical Ninjutsu and discovered that when I use it, being a Jinchūriki, Kurama's Chakra interferes and causes it to malfunction very, very badly, causing wounds to not only not heal, but to open up more. This partly explains why in canonical Naruto he never took the healing path. Believe it or not, I have been training for years my Chakra control, trying every type, from walking on trees, sticking a leaf on my forehead, walking on water, trying to cut a waterfall, so Chakra control is not the cause of the medical Jutsu problem.

All this enhanced with the ability to make thousands of shadow clones. To which, I am left with two solutions to the problem:

- Make a seal that is placed on my hands so that the nine-tailed fox's Chakra does not interfere.

- Seek Tsunade's help.

You have to ask yourself, which of the two will I apply? And the answer to this question is simple, both. I will make a seal so that there will be no interference and I will seek Tsunade. Or well, my shadow clones will make the seal, while I will search for the blonde.

Tsunade's weakness is drinking and gambling, all I have to do to find her is to search all the establishments where these two things are at the same time. It's very easy.

Menma makes a handstand, creating about 500 clones. One half makes the anti-interference seal, and the other half starts looking for Tsunade, already knowing where to start looking.

Training with Red Swirl Woman

The sun was rising over the training ground, tinting the sky with warm, golden hues. In the middle of a clearing surrounded by tall trees, Kushina Uzumaki, an experienced Kunoichi, stood, her black outfit and mask hiding her features. Around her, a group of young novice ninjas composed of: Hinata, Shikamaru, Chōji, Menma, Naruto, dressed in similar clothing and eager to learn, watched her intently.

"Listen carefully," Kushina said in a firm but calm voice. "Today, you will learn the basics of physical combat, an essential skill for every ninja. Remember, strength is not everything in a fight. Technique and cunning can overcome brute strength."

Kushina began to move gracefully, performing a series of fluid movements. Her hands and feet moved in harmony as she explained each step.

"First, posture is critical," she instructed. "Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. This will give you balance and mobility."

The rookies mimicked his stance, some still unsure.

"Now, the lock," Kushina continued. "Raise your forearms in front of you, elbows bent, and keep your hands close to your head. This way you can protect yourselves from attack."

Kushina proceeded to demonstrate different blocking and dodging techniques, while the rookies watched her closely, trying to memorize each move.

"Remember, don't block with brute force," she warned. "Use your opponent's strength against him. Now, let's move on to attacks."

The Kunoichi demonstrated a series of precise punches and kicks, emphasizing the importance of speed and precision over strength.

"The goal is to incapacitate your opponent without causing unnecessary damage," Kushina explained. "A ninja must not reveal his presence unnecessarily."

The novices nodded, absorbing their teacher's every word and gesture.

With the sun reaching its highest point in the sky, Kushina concluded the training session. "Remember, constant practice is the key to perfecting these skills. Now, work on these moves and we'll be back tomorrow to learn more."

The young rookie ninja scattered around the training ground, practicing the moves they had learned. Kushina watched with pride as they began to internalize the lessons of the day. At that moment, she knew that these young men were on the right path to becoming skilled and cunning ninja like herself.

After Training

"If you know your mother's training is very demanding," said Shikamaru expressing his opinion.

"Indeed, it is, but believe me, you'd rather go through this than see the death of the people you cherish and not be able to defend them because you're weak," Menma commented.

Shikamaru had to give Menma the reason this time; he has family and friends, and the truth is he doesn't want to deal with something so painful, as described by Menma.

"Cheer up, Shikamaru. One of my clones prepared some tasty burgers. Since we exercised too much all day, we're going to enjoy them a lot," Menma added to the conversation.

"Well, this can be considered an interesting prize," mentioned Shikamaru, who is very hungry.

After talking, Menma and Shikamaru went to wash their hands, because they were falling behind.

"Almost and they run out of food, as Hinata and Chōji turned out to be big eaters. Both of them have already had several burgers eaten," Kushina said.

"Hey mom, I have a question," Naruko said.

"Tell me, little girl," Kushina replied.

"Why didn't you let us train physically before?" asked Naruko.

"Well, very simply, my dear. I didn't want your training to get in the way of your physical development. It used to be done, but not today. The third Hokage, by law, does not allow children under the age of 6 to do any physical training," Kushina expressed.

Menma now understands why their mother, Kushina Uzumaki, did not let them learn physical combat. First, to obey the law, plus he noticed that his mom cares a lot about his and his sister's well-being.

"So, you're protecting us," Menma commented on the subject.

"That's right, a responsible mother doesn't let her children put themselves in danger and I don't regret doing my job well," Kushina mentioned, feeling happy to be a good example for her children.

Once they finished eating, the group of Hinata, Shikamaru, Chōji, Menma, Naruko started to play Shōgi in turns, until the night came and they all had to separate to rest.

Searching for Tsunade

"What, are you out of your mind or what? You know telling Tsunade about Hashirama's cells we're risking earning her wrath because she's going to think we're walking around desecrating her grandfather's grave, where she'll surely send both of us to a hospital bed for a long term or a coffin. It is well known throughout the leaf village that Tsunade is the most powerful Kunoichi of them all, with the worst temper of all," Yōji Aburame mentioned.

"But we have never done and will never do that desecrating Hashirama Senju's grave. That thing about Hashirama's cells was done by Danzō Shimura, not us, because we respect the dead here. You took it from the root; we just have to tell Tsunade the truth. You have evidence that proves the fact that Danzō did it, right?" - Menma commented.

"Yes, I have proof that Danzo Shimura desecrated the tomb of the first Hokage and obtained the Hashirama cells," said Yōji.

"That's enough for now. It's better for Tsunade to know the truth. We can't lie to her about this matter. If we don't tell her the truth and she finds out that we lied to her, we'll earn her fury and with how explosive her temper is, it means we won't come out of that situation well at all."

"Being honest is the only way to gain this woman's trust and come out intact when we see her," Menma commented.

"And when will we see her?" asked Yōji Aburame.

"Right now, my shadow clones already managed to find her. She is at this very moment in a bar and casino in the Five Dragons, 20 kilometers away from the leaf village. My shadow clones were able to find her. Prepare all the evidence showing that Danzō Shimura is responsible for the desecration of the first Hokage's tomb and the extraction of his cells," Menma expressed.

Yōji Aburame sealed everything Menma requested and prepared for the meeting.

"So we know, put your hand on my shoulder, let's go get it right now," Menma commented.

Yōji's right hand ended up on Menma's shoulder. Menma used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, both of them disappearing from Luna Lab.

Within seconds, they appeared outside the Five Dragons' establishment. Yōji Aburame removed his hand from the Uzumaki's shoulder.

Although Menma in his past life was an adult, in this one he is not, currently being a 6-year-old boy. No way is he going to go gamble in the casino or drink beverages not appropriate for his age. He knows from his past life that the vices of drinking and gambling are wrong and he never plans to do so in this life, even though psychologically he is more mature than all infants his age. He is only going to meet Tsunade and convince her to teach him the medical way, nothing else.

Menma does the Transformation Jutsu, which gives him the appearance of an adult, but he is still a child. Once he has this cover, he enters the Five Dragons' place with Yōji.

When Menma Uzumaki and Yōji Aburame enter, they find Tsunade drinking sake like there's no tomorrow, while Shizune, accompanied with her pig Klunk, unsuccessfully tries to get the blonde to stop leading such a destructive lifestyle.

"Yōji, could you please give me the seal containing what I asked you to bring?" said Menma.

The Aburame handed the seal to Menma.

"Well, it's time for my act," Menma said activating his self-invented Jutsu, Dung Beetle Force Jutsu, which gives him the same strength as the animal, though he has yet to fully master it, its maximum limit being 10 minutes long, at least for the time being.

"I think you've had too much to drink for today and you need to listen to me," Menma said speaking to Tsunade.

But Tsunade didn't even listen to Menma; she continued drinking.

Menma decided to go for a more direct approach. It was very dangerous, but this is the only way to do it right.

"You're a decrepit old woman who just won't accept that her brother Nawaki and her boyfriend Dan are gone, a woman so cowardly that she seeks refuge in alcohol and gambling to evade reality," Menma said.

These words did not please Tsunade at all. Menma Uzumaki achieved his goal; he caught the lady's attention. He just hoped the woman didn't beat him to death.

Shizune Kato watched in horror at what the stranger said to Tsunade, fearing for the man's life.

Tsunade got up from her chair and walked over to Menma, who was going to punch her in the face for having the audacity to say those words to him. Although it seemed horrible scenario, Menma, having his Dung Beetle Force Jutsu activated, managed to catch Tsunade's fist, which is powered with his super strength. The Uzumaki did not let go of Tsunade at any time. Yōji Aburame stood on alert in case things got out of Menma's control.

"Now that I have your attention, I must tell you that I'm sorry to say these ugly words to you, but you wouldn't listen to me. To which I come to tell you, that while you drink and gamble evading reality, Danzō Shimura has been desecrating the tomb of your grandfather Hashirama Senju. In this seal are Hashirama's cells that are used for unethical experiments, along with a lot of evidence of this fact," Menma commented, handing the seal to Tsunade and releasing her hand.

Tsunade opened the seal Menma gave her, but the more she looks at it, the more her annoyed face shows. With every piece of evidence she sees, she becomes very angry.

"This bastard, how dare he do this to my grandfather," Tsunade mentioned very angry.

Menma deactivated the Dung Beetle Force Jutsu, because it's too tiring to use at the moment.

"Shizune, go to the hotel and pack all the things. We're going back to the leaf village," Tsunade ordered Shizune.

"Yes, ma'am," Shizune said leaving along with Klunk in her arms heading for the hotel with Tsunade's order.

"As for you, I forgive you for the bad words you said, as you only wanted to get my attention. You never meant to offend me. I thank you for informing me of this event," Tsunade said, looking at Menma with gratitude.

To be continued...

Final Words: 

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