
Menma The Scientific Ninja (English)

A young man who died in the real world will use the knowledge he accumulated in his past life to survive in the ninja world, he will achieve his goal or die trying. Come read it and find out.

Metal_Cooler · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Before continuing:

Sorry for the delay in uploading the chapter. I have some pending tasks, but as a token of apology, I bring you the chapter longer than usual, I hope you enjoy it!

The Traveler Through Eras

In Search of the Axolotl and the Beetle

Now that I have the financial resources to carry out my research and I have reliable people taking care of my business, I can finally afford to explore new possibilities. My immediate goal is to focus on the study of axolotl regeneration. This fascinating animal is capable of regenerating limbs and even restoring an entire limb in case of loss.

I am also interested in investigating the strength of the dung beetle. If I manage to unlock its secrets, I could potentially acquire abilities similar to Tsunade's. Although I currently lack information on the location of both species in this world, I have decided to offer a reward to those who can provide me with such information. To ensure the authenticity of the data, I have decided that this mission will be contracted directly by me, using the leaf village as an intermediary.

It is essential to emphasize that my intention is to capture these specimens alive. I realize that this investigation will take several years to complete, but I am confident that I will eventually succeed in surpassing Tsunade's abilities.

Researching the Small

You're probably wondering where I'll start. I have two words from Menma Uzumaki: Yōji Aburame. This individual possesses an extremely interesting characteristic that so far only I have managed to perceive in this world: the insects controlled by this young man are microscopic in size and highly poisonous. Not even Shisui Uchiha was able to free himself from the clutches of this individual.

Imagine if he could master the manipulation of these insects. It would be possible to form an army of tiny creatures that would significantly accelerate my research in the microscopic realm. Or better yet, I could employ the knowledge gained about these creatures to design nanorobots that would propel me to the pinnacle of the ninja world.

The ideas I have in mind regarding these insects are numerous. Somehow, I need to capture this young man and heal his mind. However, let's face it: I lack the necessary skills to accomplish this on my own, even though I have received training from my mother, Kushina Uzumaki. Don't forget that I am only 5 years old, despite possessing extensive knowledge in my clan's sealing techniques.

Although I should focus on finding solutions rather than focusing on the problems, it is possible that someone should take care of the tasks I can't, right? Well, I have set a generous reward for whoever manages to capture Yōji Aburame alive. My intention is to free him from the clutches of Danzō Shimura. Helping Yōji overcome his traumas and the horrible psychological experiences he was subjected to, either by his family or at the hands of the root, will be a considerable challenge.

I have secured a safe haven away from prying eyes. This place is of the utmost secrecy, and not even its location should be known. This is essential to prevent my enemies from ruining my plans.

Jutsu of the Flying Thunder God

While I am waiting for results, I am devoting my time to researching my father's Jutsu. Although many claim that it is extremely complicated, I personally do not share that opinion. The three-pointed Kunai and the special seal are nothing more than benchmarks for a teleportation Jutsu.

In my past life, teleportation was nothing more than breaking down the body into atoms and then rebuilding it at the atomic level at the destination. In reality, it is not that complex. All this is possible thanks to the properties of the Chakra.

Moreover, this process is performed at an astonishing speed, matched only by the Fourth Raikage or Obito. However, an idea has come to me: why limit myself to a seal or a Kunai as a reference? Wouldn't it be better to use the atoms themselves, present anywhere in the universe, as a reference?

In my memory of my previous life, I have in mind that atoms can intertwine quantumly. Therefore, hypothetically, I could take the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to the next level. A physical reference point would no longer be necessary, as any atom in the universe could serve as a reference. This could be considered the third level of this Jutsu, a level that my father, Minato Namikaze, never managed to reach.

Several Months Later

It's been several months since the axolotl and dung beetle bounty passed. I must say that there have been many, many fakes in these months, so many that it is difficult for me to count them. But I finally got the two animals I requested.

I never expected to find them in this world. The axolotl, in my other life, usually inhabits aquatic environments in Mexico. Not that there are any cultural references to that other life, except for the Japanese one in the Naruto anime, in which this world is inspired.

Back to the subject, now that I have the axolotl and the beetle, it's time to start my studies, or rather, my clones will. If I lock myself up to study, my mother Kushina Uzumaki will surely pull me out, and then she won't even let me read a book until I behave like a social child with friends.

But that's not the end of it. With my shadow clones, they are already starting to master the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. I've been running tests with this Jutsu by recreating it without looking at the scroll, because let's face it, they wouldn't give a 5-year-old this Jutsu as if it were a toy, even if I tried to bribe them.

It is not difficult to do. Understanding the theory of quantum entanglement is enough, plus having the necessary Chakra to create many clones. Sooner or later, I will succeed and I will be better than my father Minato Namikaze at using this jutsu.

Happy Birthday!

Kushina, seeing that her children's birthday was very close, began to organize a party for the little ones. Obviously, she requested the help of her best friend, Mikoto Uchiha, in order to organize it properly.

The days went by and finally October 10 arrived, the day of Menma and Naruto's birthday, celebrating their 6th birthday. The house was decorated with colorful balloons and bright garlands stretched all over the living room. The table was covered with a festive tablecloth and in the center was a delicious birthday cake adorned with flickering candles.

The brothers' celebration was in full swing. Friends and family had gathered to celebrate this special day. Laughter and excited voices filled the air as the children played and ran around the garden.

There are several questions Menma hasn't stopped pondering: why in this reality was Naruto born as a girl when in the original story he is a boy? Why is she still called this way when another name would be more appropriate? But you know what, to hell with my questions. I'll find the answers another time. I'm going to enjoy my birthday.

The Naruto girl was wearing a princess dress with a sparkly tiara on her head, while the Menma boy had a t-shirt with his favorite cartoon character on it. Both were excited and eager to open their presents.

The adults also joined in the fun, laughing and chatting animatedly as they served refreshments and snacks to the little guests.

When it was time to sing "Happy Birthday," the siblings approached the cake holding hands. The children's eyes lit up at the sight of the flickering candles on the cake. Their loved ones began to sing in unison, and at the end of the song, both siblings blew out the candles together, wearing joyful smiles.

After savoring the delicious cake, it was time to open the presents. The children excitedly sat down and began to unwrap the packages with excitement. Each gift brought them a new surprise and a sparkle of excitement in their eyes.

The boy Menma received a colorful box of building blocks and a toy truck that he had wanted for a long time. The girl Naruto received a doll that could sing and talk, as well as a set of paints and brushes for her creativity.

As the gifts were unwrapped, joy and gratitude filled the air. The siblings thanked each friend and family member with hugs and smiles, expressing their happiness for the wonderful gifts they had been given.

After an afternoon full of fun and laughter, it was time to say goodbye to the guests. The children were exhausted but happy. As they went to bed that night, their hearts overflowed with gratitude and love for all who had made their birthday so special.

Menma of the Future

Menma leaves his bedroom without waking his wives, as one of them, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, is prone to wake up in a very bad mood when she does not sleep all her full hours.

Then, Menma visits her children's rooms to find out how they are doing at that time.

Wow, my children are still asleep. - Menma said as he looked lovingly at all his little ones.

It's amazing to think that I am now the father of so many children. Now that I have neutralized the Ōtsutsukis that roamed the planet, I have to get busy getting rid of those Senrigan Eyes, or better yet, why not give them to my version from the past? He could put them to ethical use. These eyes would be unstoppable if combined with Shisui Uchiha's. But I'll do all that once I've served breakfast to my children and all my wives. Once I'm done with my responsibilities, I'll be able to take a trip back in time. - Menma said as he started to get into the shower.

After Menma finished bathing and changed his clothes, he performed the Shadow Clone Jutsu to prepare breakfast for his current extended family.

After about an hour, when Menma and his clones had finished preparing the food for everyone, the younger children began to arrive.

Remember, children, you must wash your hands before you go near to eat anything, is that clear? - Menma said.

Yes, father. - replied all the children.

Within a few minutes, all of Menma's wives arrived. Of course, the one who stood out the most was Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, who didn't complicate things at all and came to the dining room after washing her hands using a portal.

This made Menma's other wives look at Kaguya with some envy, since she can move around so easily using only portals. Sometimes they forget that she has this ability all the time.

After this, the extended Uzumaki family began to eat breakfast. As they ate the food Menma had prepared for all of them, they chatted about pleasant topics.

Once they finished eating, the children brushed their teeth and carried out their usual daily activities. Since it was the weekend, they did not have to worry about school.

Menma informed his family where he was going, and after saying goodbye, they wished him luck in his time travel.

It's time to open a time portal. - Menma said as he activated cyber-sage mode and opened a wormhole for time travel.

After that, Menma began his search for the Senrigan Eyes. After a few minutes of time travel, he finally arrived at a very ancient time in the ninja world.

According to the carbon-14 tests I conducted in my time, when I found Shibai Ōtsutsuki's corpse, he had passed away 400 years before the founding of the first ninja villages. I have no idea how his body was discovered in the original story; I never paid much attention to Boruto's anime when he lived in True Earth. - Menma thought.

See if you can find any fighters to stand up to you. Ever since you entered the evolution sarcophagus you built, no one in the ninja world poses a challenge anymore. This is all getting boring; even Kaguya Ōtsutsuki isn't able to beat you. - Kurama expressed.

Let me remind you, my dear friend, that the sarcophagus of evolution basically makes you a god, literally speaking. I have not left my physical body just because I could not enjoy the love of my wives or the embrace of my children. - Menma commented in a robotic voice.

Threats are detected approaching rapidly. - communicated the AI called Alice, which Menma was connected to in his brain.

Why don't you fight without cyber-sage mode? Like in the old days, when you didn't have that armor and those abilities to see and alter quantum strings. - Kurama suggested.

Agreed. But that doesn't change the fact that I now look like a cybernetic Lin Kuei inside my body. - Menma reciprocated, deactivating the cyber-sage mode and speaking normally.

The enemies I detect, Alice, are Jigen and several of his subordinates. Now I understand why Jigen never appeared in my time, and this means one thing: he will die in this combat. - Menma reflected.

You should leave Shibai Ōtsutsuki's body for me. - Jigen said.

You're going to use it to create a body and consume Chakra fruits. Then, you plan to wipe out life in the universe by planting a Tree God on every living planet you encounter to make yourself stronger. Each planting of this infamous plant wipes out the life of an entire planet, draining all life only to result in a Chakra fruit. I cannot allow that. - Menma mentioned while creating a plasma sword using the stones of the place thanks to his quantum string ability. The end of your evil plans has come.

Prepare yourself, Kurama, and you too, Alice. - Menma expressed to his companions telepathically.

Kurama and Alice said nothing, simply nodded in response to Menma Uzumaki's words.

Finish him. - Jigen ordered his subordinates.

It's time to defend myself. - Menma reflected.

The subordinates confronted Menma, being annihilated by laser beams that emerged from their eyes and pursued targets. Three of them died when the lasers passed through them, hitting them in the head.

It was an excellent idea to have created this Jutsu inspired by Darkseid's legendary omega beam, which I saw in my other life. However, I called it the Raijū Tsume Jutsu. - Menma mused as he decapitated the other two subordinates with his plasma sword.

You are weak, Jigen. You lack better subordinates. - Menma said as, in one swift motion, he grabbed Jigen by the neck and performed the iconic Sasuke Uchiha gesture from the "you lack hatred" meme.

Jigen tried to free himself, but Menma apparently threw him against a nearby tree to continue the fight. This evidently enraged Jigen, who got up from where he had fallen and responded with kicks and punches.

Menma turned off his plasma sword and proceeded to defend himself using Kung Fu in the style of Neo in the Matrix.

You didn't land a single hit on my face, what a disappointment! - Menma mentioned, mocking the melee with Jigen.

Jigen's anger increased as he was unable to connect any blows against his enemy.

It's my turn. - Menma said, throwing a kick that sent Jigen back against the tree, where it hit.

Jigen felt cornered, aware that his opponent was much stronger than him. In a matter of minutes of combat, Menma had completely neutralized him. When Jigen was about to launch a surprise ninjutsu against Menma, Menma was faster and delivered a powerful discharge of positrons from his hands, leaving Jigen completely paralyzed in the tree, unable to get up.

Do you like my Positron Beam? I must admit that I was inspired by the Force beams used by the first great Star Wars villain, Darth Sidious. It is a truly beautiful jutsu. - Menma commented.

Jigen couldn't speak because of his paralysis, but if he could, he would probably say: I don't care what you say.

You know, you shouldn't have taken over that body; that's called desecration and it's extremely bad. You're a bad, bad boy, very bad, Isshiki Ōtsutsuki. - Menma commented, reproving Isshiki's action.

You are no one to lecture me. - Isshiki thought.

Menma activated cyber-sage mode, took Jigen's body in his hands and extracted Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's soul from Jigen's body.

The original Jigen died due to this act, but before departing to the pure world, he expressed his gratitude to Menma Uzumaki for freeing him from Isshiki's control, finding peace in his last moments.

Good riddance. - Menma said in a robotic voice as he executed the Soul Eraser on Isshiki Ōtsutsuki's soul.

With this action, Isshiki Ōtsutsuki will never ever reincarnate or cause harm to anyone ever again, as he was erased from existence at the soul level.

Menma, you should give Jigen a dignified burial. - Kurama suggested.

The Uzumaki said nothing, he just used an earth jutsu to say a final goodbye to the original Jigen, giving him a dignified burial.

Finally, Menma placed a stone slab that read as follows: Here lies a man who found peace in his last moments after being freed from the seizure of his body by an enemy from space. Rest in peace.

You should take Shibai Ōtsutsuki's body. After all, that was your intention, wasn't it? - Alice said.

Yes, I was forgetting. Thank you for reminding me, Alice. - Menma said with some embarrassment for having forgotten why he had come to this time, as he spoke in a robotic voice.

I must not allow her body or her eyes to fall into the wrong hands, Menma stated in his thoughts, with a noble goal.

Without uttering a word, Menma took out two seals. On one he sealed Shibai Ōtsutsuki's body, and on the other he sealed his plasma sword. Having accomplished this, he proceeded to store these seals in a compartment of his armor. Then, he set out to leave that era and move forward into the future, returning to a time when he was still very young.

A portal to the future opened, and Menma Uzumaki spent several minutes navigating through the fabric of space-time until he finally reached the era he was looking for: his past, when he was just a child.

It's been half a century since I was just a kid. - Menma spoke to Kurama telepathically.

Yes, that's a great deal of time in human terms. However, to beasts with tails like me, it means nothing. - Kurama expressed.

I have to admit that you are right, my old friend. Technically, you are immortal, created by the Sage of the Six Paths. Orochimaru must be envious, since you can exist eternally without resorting to monstrous methods. - Menma added in the telepathic conversation.

Yes, but we must focus on what we came here to do. Alice is impatient and looking for action. - commented Kurama.

Well, first of all, we must heal Yōji Aburame's mind. It will be necessary for all the events that happened in my past to come to unfold. Also, this Root youth has suffered greatly due to an abusive father and the indoctrination of the Root ninjas. - Menma reflected.

Are you going to heal his mind? - Kurama asked Menma telepathically.

Yes, that is precisely what I plan to do. - replied Menma on the same mental channel.

After a few minutes, Menma managed to infiltrate the Root's subway base, searching for Yōji Aburame.

I'm scanning the list of enemies at the Root base with the sensors. - Alice said as she displayed on Menma's armor helmet screen the list of all hostiles present, including those on the other side of the wall.

It's terrible. Danzō Shimura is truly a monster, brainwashing the minds of his people. And I'm not even mentioning that he is indirectly responsible for the corruption of Akatsuki. This man should pay for his crimes. - Menma reflected.

I must remind you that, if you eliminate him now, you will change your history. - warned Alice.

Yes, you're right, but it doesn't mean I should ruin his reputation at the right time. - Menma replied mentally.

With extreme care and without being seen, Menma began to neutralize the Root ninjas, avoiding the use of lethal force. He continued in this manner for several minutes until he finally reached his target: Yōji Aburame.

Yōji Aburame looked at Menma with distrust. However, the Uzumaki, with the power of quantum strings, stopped time.

I have no intention of harming you, nor your fellow insects you have with you. Rather, quite the opposite. I am going to heal your mind. - Menma said as he removed his helmet to begin the healing process.

Menma Uzumaki's eyes changed from blue to red, characteristic of the Sharingan, and then advanced to the Mangekyō Sharingan. He used the Kotoamatsukami on Yōji Aburame. At that time, Yōji's mind began to be healed through the powerful Genjutsu. This process gave him individuality, reprogrammed his brain and allowed him to overcome the brainwashing and abuse he had suffered at the hands of his father.

Here, give this to my version of the past. Find him and help him. - Menma said handing him the seal containing Shibai Ōtsutsuki's body.

Okay, I'll help you. Thank you for relieving my suffering. - Yōji mentioned.

I'm retiring. - Menma said putting on his helmet again and restoring the flow of time.

Menma returned to his own time, appearing in the courtyard of your compound.

So, you used the Kotoamatsukami to heal emotional wounds quickly, avoiding the long process of traditional mental healing that you know through science. - Kurama mentioned.

Right, it was the only fast way to do it; otherwise, my past version would run out of time. For now, I am going to enjoy with my children, as my daughters want me to play with them and they are quickly coming towards me. - Menma concluded. He deactivated the cyber wise mode and turned his eyes back to normal to enjoy the affection of his family.

To be continued...

Final words:

Remember that the original text is in Spanish, so if you see an error, you know what it's due to. You can review the original text at:


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See you next week, Tuesday.