
Menma The Scientific Ninja (English)

A young man who died in the real world will use the knowledge he accumulated in his past life to survive in the ninja world, he will achieve his goal or die trying. Come read it and find out.

Metal_Cooler · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2

The Start Of A Legend

Three years later

My former name was Jorge, now that fate gave me a second chance as Menma Uzumaki, I have been living three very happy years in the village of the leaf, I do not waste any time.

I have taken it upon myself to expand my vocabulary knowledge, to learn more of the Japanese writing system. Having learned Hiragana, Katakana and 300 Kanji in my past life already gave me a starting base.

With what I have learned, I can now speak and write the Japanese language. The incomprehension I encountered when I was reborn in this world is over.

Before I continue with my present, I will review what happened in my life in the last three years: Danzō Shimura tried to provoke hatred against me and my sister, only it didn't work out well, because Kushina as soon as she heard about the spread of bad rumors against the Jinchurikis let's say the redhead made them meet the bloody habanero first hand.

The only thing she achieved with this is that the whole village treats me and my sister as if we were royalty, in the absence of a better definition, thanks to Danzō that backfired, all this happened because we were the children of Minato the fourth Hokage; although I must say that referring to Naruto as a girl is something that I find it hard to accept, there is no other way.

Mother sometimes goes on missions, she doesn't leave us alone, so when she goes out, we end up being taken care of by her best friend Mikoto Uchiha.

So, I know both Uchiha brothers.

Now that I know how to read this language, now I can really get into the art of Uzumaki sealing.

I have to convince my mom to teach me the shadow clone jutsu and sealing. This will be very interesting. I love my life as Menma Uzumaki.

Dealing with red

I am currently climbing trees for Chakra control, my mother Kushina Uzumaki came to stop me in my exercise.

Menma come down from that tree right now. - Kushina Uzumaki expressed.

It's okay, mom. - Menma mentioned, getting down from the tree.

Kushina watched Menma with a worried look.

I don't like to see you isolated and focused only on books. - Kushina said in a soft but firm tone.

Why don't you teach me the Shadow Clone Jutsu? Then I can go play while the clones relieve me in learning. - Menma suggested.

Kushina thought about it for a moment and said the following: okay, I'll teach you what is necessary for the execution of the jutsu; only you're going to go play and make friends. Don't try to trick me and break the trust I gave you; your clones will train under my supervision, but you will behave like an infant, is that clear?" - Kushina said.

It was well understood, mother. - Menma mentioned.

You should know that I love you and I worry about your mental health, you must be a child; when you are older, you can fulfill your dreams, but for now enjoy your childhood. - Kushina said, giving Menma a tight hug.

Menma was touched by his mom's loving gesture, so he decided to listen to her and not think anymore that he was an adult, he died and was reborn as Kushina's son; while his mother, first of all, taught him the position of the hands to do jutsus in the right way.

Learning with the redhead

It took Menma a month to finally memorize all the hand signs. Kushina clearly doesn't want him to become asocial, she wants her boy to play a lot and make a lot of friends in the leaf village.

Now that she knows the hand positions, Kushina Uzumaki is ready to teach him the Shadow Clone Jutsu, just like the woman told Menma a month ago.

Show me what you learned, kid. - Kushina expressed.

Menma correctly showed Kushina's request.

Very good boy. Since you were able to do what I asked correctly, it's now time for you to learn what I promised you. - Kushina continued.

Kushina performed the shadow clone, showing him that it is done with the tiger seal or the horse seal, and giving him a good explanation.

You should know that only users with huge amounts of Chakra or adults can use it, because it expends a lot of Chakra. It is a forbidden jutsu for this reason, although as we are Uzumaki we can use it without any problem. Something that other clan's envy. Just don't overdo it, okay? - commented Kushina Uzumaki.

I understand, mother. - Menma said.

Menma followed his mother's recommendations to be able to use the Jutsu safely.

It was in this way that the reborn young man was able to perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu for the first time.

Hello," said the shadow clone.

The Uzumaki boy started to jump for joy when he saw that his Jutsu had succeeded the first time.

Kushina congratulated Menma on the success of the well performed Jutsu.

The first step to promotion

A month passed after Menma mastered the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Now, Menma has been practicing his penmanship, as with the Russian doctor's handwriting he currently has, Kushina wouldn't dream of teaching him sealing.

However, Menma has one issue to resolve more urgently than anything else: money. He needs funding to be able to conduct research and pay for his scientific training.

Kushina is not a millionaire, despite the pay for her previous and current missions. Therefore, Menma completely ruled out her mother as a source of financial support for scientific ideas.

I wonder if it's possible to recreate the burgers in this world. With the little I saw of Boruto, I noticed that it is feasible. If I achieve my goal, I could obtain a source of income to make my dreams come true.

Although my mother doesn't allow me to study much, the good news is that one of the friends I hang out with along with my sister is an Akimichi. Members of this clan love to eat, and Chōji Akimichi, to be exact, is one of them.

If I can recreate the hamburger and manage to make Chōji Akimichi love this food, the rumor will spread and I can start getting money for my research. - Menma thought.

Well, now I should check how much savings I have to start my business. - Menma said, looking for his piggy bank with coins.

Once Menma found his piggy bank, he broke it open and took out the coins he had been storing in the piggy bank for years.

Now I have to make a budget and conduct a detailed investigation of everything I need to make my business a reality. - Menma thought it over.

Learning and testing with stamps

While a shadow clone set about investigating the matter of the hamburger business, original Menma was engaged in practicing calligraphy together with several shadow clones. He wants to make sure that when he reaches the age to enter the ninja academy, he can perform the seals competently.

Menma conducted a test based on his previous life's programming, considering that sealing and programming share similarities in their application. He wrote the following as a demonstration to determine if it was possible to perform sealing in a language other than Ninja World Fūinjutsu, using HTML code:

<div class="stone">


function sealStone() {

var chakra = gatherChakra();

var stone = document.querySelector('.stone');

var seals = [

"<span class='seal'>+</span>",

"<span class='seal'>*</span>",

"<span class='seal'>#</span>",

"<span class='seal'>!</span>"


for (var i = 0; i < seals.length; i++) {

stone.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', seals[i]);



var closingTag = "<span class='seal'>;</span>";

stone.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', closingTag);




function gatherChakra() {

// Logic for gathering the necessary Chakra




Menma was surprised when he completed the sealing code; the stone simply disappeared and was sealed. When it worked successfully, the young Uzumaki began to jump for joy. What Menma didn't know was that, with this successful accomplishment, he had just inaugurated a new era of advancement in the art of sealing.

Kushina noticed the commotion her son Menma had caused and went over to find out what was going on at that moment.

Mommy, mommy, look what I did! - Menma exclaimed, beaming with happiness.

The young Uzumaki showed his mother how he sealed a stone in a piece of paper. Kushina witnessed something she would never have imagined seeing: a type of sealing she was completely unfamiliar with, presented in a language she had never encountered before in her life.

What kind of sealing is this? - Kushina asked, puzzled.

Although Menma had accomplished something extraordinary, she had no idea how to explain it.

"You could say that I invented a new form of sealing, one that no one can decipher" - Menma commented.

Actually, I didn't even make it up; this was simply my best way to avoid revealing that I had knowledge about this because I studied a little programming in my previous life. This was what I came up with to hide the fact that I am a reincarnation.

The second problem

Menma paused to consider another of the problems he faced, one that could be considered more serious than the previous one and that would present a difficulty if his enemies discovered him.

In my previous life as Jorge, I faced a problem: at the mention of blood or the sight of it, I was paralyzed with fear, feeling terrified. Menma considered this a significant conflict, as I could not remain in civilian life indefinitely. He knew that, if he did, Akatsuki would capture him, extract the nine-tailed fox and he would eventually die. That was unacceptable to me.

If I have to talk to my mother Kushina Uzumaki, of course, without revealing to her that I lived another life, I will. Mom has to help me with my problem. - Menma thought.

Mom, mom, there's something I want to talk to you about. - Menma said to Kushina.

Tell me, my little one. - Kushina replied affectionately.

When I see blood, I feel a deep fear that paralyzes me. I need your support to overcome this problem. - Menma expressed.

Kushina believed her son, recognizing that this problem could become a considerable obstacle in his path as a ninja, where he inevitably encounters bloody situations.

I will take you to the Yamanaka clan to have your mind examined. These problems are beyond my capabilities. - concluded Kushina Uzumaki.

To be continued...

Final words:

This is a translation of the original fanfic in Spanish, being me the author of the Spanish version. You can find it at the following address:


If you want to see the drafts and even the corrected versions before anyone else, you must support me with a donation on patreon:


Chapters are uploaded every Tuesday.