

My wife Alexis cheats on me and hides it. She deletes her call logs, chats, and erase everything that could complicate her on her phone before she gets back from work. She put passwords on her phone, little does she know I already knew she's being cheating on me, but her happiness is my priority.

When doing the laundry I often time see semen discharge on her panties, hotel receipts in her drawers and her clothes used to reel of a male perfume but she would come home and act all sweet to me, and kiss me with that same mouth full of lies she use in kissing other men and sleep with me with that same pussy she use in messing around. I was exposing myself to a lot of dangers. I was hurting, I was bitter, I was confused...until this fateful day.

I just dropped the kids off at school when this car hit my car from behind, "Oh my," I got out of the car and all hell was let loose. It was a beautiful looking lady in whose skin I could see myself, her fragrance that I perceived I know will be worth a huge sum of money. I was ranting into the air cause I don't know what next will happen when I get home to tell my wife what had happened to her car, but the lady just kept apologizing to me but I was not having it. She did everything possible to pacify me until I finally calmed down then she promised to fix it. She collected my phone number and said she will give me a call the next day.

Next day as I was dropping off at the department store, I received a call from her asking me to give her my address so her mechanic can come get it fixed . I gave her the address and the mechanic indeed came and took my car, to my utmost surprise she fixed my car, sprayed it, washed it and filled up my fuel tank as a way of saying sorry and I was mesmerized. After that act we got chatting on the phone and became friends eventually. She was really nice; understanding, loving, funny and charming too.

She started by asking me out to lunch and I obliged. I have never had a woman ask me out on a date before. We got hanging out for another 2 months before she invited me for a dog show in Abuja, which she was a financier of. She was such a great company. I enjoyed the flight all through with our endless talk on what we loved doing. I was a dog lover so was she, she happened to have 4 dogs while I had six of them. So we talked more about dogs which my wife never got time to discuss with me.

We arrived in Abuja, lodged in the hotel which she paid for and she went to attend some businesses. Little did I know she was a successful business woman of a multi million enterprise yet so humble, simple, friendly and loving. She got back, asked me to be ready that the show will begin in the next half hour.

After the show was over I retreated to my room, collapsed in the bed and I was off. In the next 1 hour my phone woke me up to her call inviting me over to her room for dinner. We ate, laughed, cracked jokes and even sang together. When I was about to leave I noticed she didn't want me to leave. " You are so much fun to be with," she said, " you are so much fun to be with, how I wish you were the one I married," this I said to myself, cause I had fallen for her.

We hugged and before I knew it our mouths touched as her hands massaged my already pulsating body. Her hands were so warm and tender in the chill of the room temperature, as they pierced my skin as she rubbed them all over me. Guided by the fragrance from her body I was consumed, "take off your shoes, and don't be late', She said. In hesitation I obliged. As I rose, her lips welcomed me with serenity, so succulent and tasteful it felt, out of her breath was a mix of chocolate vodka, my favorite mix. I was immediately aroused as she tore my shirt off my body while I got lost in the ocean of her touch. She was such a dip kisser, caressing my cheek to my ear lobe, "ahhhhhhhhh", this I felt in my frontal cortex, she just unleashed me.

In a moment I felt her seat of affection in my face, as she caressed me to my bellybutton sucking and biting on my tits, increasing my penial endocrine, and, BOOM!!!, I was all over the place. We continued to ravish the atmosphere with our act as he rose again, taller and harder than expected, as she grabbed at it with her mouth, jerking at each stroke to my twin sacs......., "THIS IS IT", she whispered as she rose her head from my shaft, the sight of her look was so seductively poisonous, increasing the rhythm to her mouthpiece, i was completely lost to her skills, " aaahhhhhhhhhhhh!" ......not now.....

I woke up to her beautiful body couture as she walked across the room to the bath. I immediately rushed to join her like a child whose mum is about to abandon him. She is a goddess in human form, an angel with hidden wings waiting to fly. Her rhythmic walk was as a model on the runway. At this moment I was single again gazing at my new bride to be, never willing to let go, ever.

She turned on the shower as it beats her skin with a spark of crystal like radiance. I could not stop staring, lost in her world I was, her ass cheek; so fresh with no fine lines. Her legs, smooth as apple yet I will never be given a bite at it. Leaning over to wash her feet, " wow," butterflies in between her ass, she passes her fingers in between to flap them at me, " get over here", they say. Who on earth can resist this; definitely not me, not now. It was a face-off, as I found my face at it, as she held my head from its rear, whining and grinding her butterflies to my face as she moans in ecstasy " flap them with you tongue baby, am on fire", she said, " ohhhhhhh!, ahhhhhhhh!, don't stop...faster", ....she moaned, as she burst her fountain right in my face, as I quench my taste with some. " hhhhhaaaaa!,.......

She ushered me to the table at the corner of the room, and asked me to sit on it, parted my legs, caressed my inner thighs with her soft breast, each stroke shot to the middle of my brain. I was no longer in control of my own body but she, giving me a good head that I never could imagine. Suddenly I felt a hot soft lubricated substance becloud my shaft brains, it was so blissful I couldn't hold it anymore, I released myself into her in loads, after much foreplay. It felt so good feeling like a man again after months of celibacy.

I remember the last time I experienced such an erotic sex was 9 years ago on my wedding night. We made love all through the night exploring different positions and activities and finally collapsing and sleeping off in each other's arms. This was how our affair officially began.

We started dating. I would tell my wife I was traveling for an official assignment and we would travel together, my wife didn't care. She was having a good time cheating on me with different men, at that time, I cared less. My heart, soul and body were long gone.

Antonia and I had amazing sex subsequently. We were just like newly wedded couples. Money was always sent to my account, she would make arrangements to take me on a tour to a different country or state. She buys me expensive gifts. I was practically living my dream life. She even got me some investment shares in my name and is looking to set me up in my own enterprise.

Until one day my wife asked us to discuss." Larry!, I wanna talk to you", My heart froze, " could she have found out about me and Antonia ", but I was already prepared for the worst, then she said she wanted a divorce... "what?", I said, "You want what?, A divorce", Then She whispered, saying, "baby I'm sure you can testify that we have tried really hard with this marriage thing but it just isn't working"... I just sat there looking at her in a confused state, but rejoicing inside! Good decision!, I thought to myself.

" So you have come to the conclusion that divorce is our ultimate solution", I replied to her, "Well I just don't want to continue leading you on when my heart is no longer here", she said, "Well, where is your heart I asked?". She refused to respond as she walked out. By the evening when I returned from work she had packed her things and left the house with a note, " when you are ready with the official papers let me know ''.

I informed Antonia immediately and she was so overly joyous about the news that she got me an already furnished and crispy apartment so I moved in with my son whom she is so much fond of. We got even more serious and she even got pregnant. She has always wanted to have a child from our union, a baby girl that she went shopping for baby girl clothings. Now she is desperately waiting for our divorce to pull through so she can have me all to herself.

After 3 months my wife is back saying she doesn't want a divorce anymore. She was completely out of her mind then when she asked for a divorce and was shocked that I moved on too quickly and is vexed that I'm with a better and richer lady who loves me. My wife Alexis is ready to do anything to win me back in her life. Am in a confused date on what to do, " to think she can waltz into my life and out as she pleases, ent going to happen again", I thought to myself.

Antonia and I went for dinner close to our new home after the divorce paper was ready. While we were having a joke over a meal my ex wife Alexis walked in with a different man friend from the one I knew, not knowing we were also there having a meal. They sat right behind our table while they ordered their meal. "I am not interested in my marriage anymore, my ex husband will file for the divorce papers any time soon, so we could have each other forever", she said. " He is such a loser, wonder why I married him in the first place".

Two day later I was at her office with the divorce paper. " but I said I'm not letting you go with that Bitch she calls herself Antonia. I still love you with all my heart. Can't we resolve this issue on our own?", she said. " people break up and make up", I was not in my right senses when I called for a divorce", she said. '' For the interest of our child we both can make this work". Just then Antonia walks in, played her voice note to her hearing, and that was it. As we appeared in court with her voice note as proof of her infidelity. I was given custody of our boy. Got married to Antonia and lived happily ever after.

Walter Odiase Ukhurebor

