
With Them

[ Sarah's P.O.V. ]

Hey Diary!

Thanks for congratulating me,i know you would!! hahah Today would be the first day that i will no longer bother waking up so early and rush for school,no more depressing lessons,no angry professors and mind breaking thesis! Cause I'm done with it!

I would have just enjoy my life and give myself a break! A long break!


I just finished my Management Course. Yesterday was my graduation. And I'm so happy for that achievement in my life.

I immediately close my notebook and put it under my pillow when I heard a light knock on my bedroom door.

"Sarah..? Your friends are waiting downstairs.." my mom, Marie,says behind the door.

"Yes,mom.. I'm coming!

I told her rushing through the door.

I heard her footsteps away and when I open the door,I saw her back facing me,heading the stairs. And basically I'm following her way. She went directly to the kitchen while I saw my male friends sitting on the couch, making themselves comfortable. Yup! Most of my friends are male. This time only Rave, Josh and Tyron were here to fetch me. We're going to hang out at Vince's house.

"Hey, guys.." I greeted them.

"Locking on your room?" Rave asked in confusion cocking his eyebrows.

I just shrugged my shoulders and put a smile on my face in response.

"Damn, bro! You're asking things as if you've just met our princess." Tyron says with a grin on his face. Rave glares at him for a while and faces me back again.

"That's the point. She's always locking herself on her room. Where she's supposed to be here in the living room watching t.v. and keeping herself busy, damn it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon." he says holding his gaze on me,scolding me more than my mom does.

Shaking my head,I went pass him and head on the front door.

"Let's go guys,before my ear bleeds."

I say still with a grin on my face. I love to tease him. He's like a brother scolding her stubborn little sister.

"We'll just borrow your daughter,Mrs. Craig. We'll go ahead."

I heard Josh talks to mom.

"Just bring her home before 9 in the evening. No more,no less." mom says.

"Sure,Mrs.Craig! Before 9. No more,no less."Josh repeats and I heard them chuckles.

Tss! That curfew.

I let out a sigh and continue heading Tyron's car.

Tyron open the car's door for me,I get inside the backseat and Rave follows. Josh sits in the passenger's seat beside Tyron who's on the driver's seat now,igniting on the car.

I look out to the window silently as we're passing the blocks heading on Vince's house,while listening to their "men's conversation".

"Fuck! I thought Melinda was virgin." Tyron says with frustration. "She let's me believe it. I thought I'm gonna teach her,cause when we're on that conversation,she keeps telling me she doesn't know how to. Damn she's a wild bitch!"

I look Tyron through the rear view mirror,I could see he's pissed. He cocks his eyebrows,grinding his teeth and a tight grip on a wheel.

"Really? That's great! But why you looked so pissed at her? You should be grateful she's wild on bed! haha!" Josh says surprisingly. I've also met Melinda once. She really looks so prim and proper. Looks can be deceiving indeed. No wonder Tyron look pissed.

"I thought she was honest with me." Tyron says in a frustrated tone.

"Whoa! If you don't like her being a wild bitch then give her to me,I'm gonna ride on her all night!" Josh says with a wide smirk on his face.

"Guys,we have a princess on board." Rave breaks their conversation.

Not again!

They always treat me this way. Being the only girl on the group? Nah! I'm always out of the conversation that's why I only choose to shut my mouth up and try to enjoy to listen in their conversation.

"Nah.. It's okay,Rave. I'm being used to it." I muttered. "Besides,I enjoy listening to Josh,being an ass. It's an awareness not to trust guys so much." I tease.

Suddenly,all eyes are on me.


"What?" I chuckles.

"Look,you guys are awesome.. And I'm not referring to you.. uhm I-it's just that-"

"You don't have to explain,Princess." Tyron cuts me off.

Rave shakes his head and looks out at the window while Josh continue glaring at me.

"You looked affected,Josh.." I laugh.

"But of course! You tell me I'm an ass?" he snap at me.

"Yes, you are.." I continue teasing him.

"Fuck you,Sarah!" he seethes.

"Hahahahah! You wished Josh!"

I tell him laughing.

Tyron and Rave have grins on their faces seeing how pissed Josh was.

But knowing Josh? He might be pissed at you but it's only for a while,it'll never stay long.

Maybe we get used to it. We love teasing each other.

But I love my friends. They've been my protective brothers.

Being the only child of the family,doesn't feel so much alone. My mother is a loner too,we never talk more often. My father doesn't talk a lot too. My family is quite boring. I could just laugh when I'm with my friends.

"We're here." Tyron cuts my thought when we're at the front of Vince's house.

Rave helps me out of the car. Josh was at the front door pushing the door bell.

In less than a minute Vince's open the door for us.

"Hey,guys!" He greets. "Hello, Princess." He says facing me now.

"Hey." I smile at him.

"Thanks for coming,Ava's here."

He informs with a smile on his eyes.

"Really? That's great!" I say as I walk pass him. Ava is Vince's girlfriend. "Where is she?"

"At the kitchen,preparing drinks."

I went directly to the kitchen.

"Hi.." I greeted her,making her look at me. She pauses putting iced cubes on a glasses and suddenly a smile forms her face.

"Hey.. Glad you're here." she says.

"Yeah.. Being the only girl in the group,it's my duty to entertain their girlfriends." I say smiling at her. She laughs at my thought. Today is the second time I met her. I met her once on the school canteen while having lunch with the boys when Vince introduced her to the group.

"Uhm.. Can I ask you something?" She asks while continue putting ice on the glasses.

"Sure." I say as I held the glasses to her.

"Uhm me and V-vince-- uh are we going to last?"

She asked hesitantly. I look at her confusingly. She noticed it and continues,

"Uhm, you know-- you know him more than I do,and we've just started a couple of weeks and I still can't figure it out if he's being serious.. with me.."

A blush forms into her cheeks,that I could say she was falling so much in love with Vince. She's avoiding her eyes on me.

"Hmm knowing Vince.." I paused, Ava looked at me as I continue, "He's also a pain in the ass.. Sorry,but Vince and Josh likes to fuck girls a lot..."

"Yeah.. We knew that.." She agrees.

I shrugged my shoulders and continues

".. they dumped them when they've got what they want.. But things changed when you came to his life. Josh continue to fuck girls alone. While Vince stopped. It's really a surprise to us.. The way he looks at you and how his eyes sparks when either he or someone mentions your name.." I chuckle and I could see Ava's face turned into crimson.

"And knowing the boys,they will never introduce their bitches on me.. So,you're exceptional.. I could say.. His in love.." I say.. Ava looks down shamefully..

"Thanks for telling me,Sarah." She says in my eyes. Holding her gaze,I smile at her genuinely as I say,

"You deserve to know it"

We look at each other and laugh.

"Time to serve the drinks."

She says

"Yeah." I agree.

I helped her to serve the drinks as the boys are so engrossed at what they are watching on the t.v. screen.

I find a place beside Rave.

"What are we watching?" I asked him.

"Beautiful Creature." He says still focusing his eyes on the television.

"Yeah,I know I'm beautiful.. You don't have to remind-"

"Don't start,Princess" he suddenly cuts me off.

"You guys are impossible.. I thought you'll be watching Fifty Shades of Grey-like movie-"

"Ssshhhhh!!!" They say in unison.


I look at Ava which is now beside Vince on the couch. She looks at me sympathetically and shrugged her shoulders. She mouthed the words

Just watch.. It's beautiful..

I shrugged my shoulders and try to focus myself on the screen.

She's right,it's beautiful. And the only sound on the living room you'd hear was just the sound coming from the television.

~~~ ••• ~~~


This Story is NOT EDITED.

Readers are expected to understand the spelling and grammatical errors.

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This story involves a lot of swearings and steamy scenes that are not suitable for very young readers. Please read at your own risk!

Sasha_Tecsoncreators' thoughts