
A Good Girl

After eating her food and medicine, Sienna felt better and she decided to read more book. She always spent her days like this since she started living at Charles's house. Woke up, ate breakfast, read a book, ate lunch, continue reading, ate dinner, chatted with Charles, and slept. This cycle repeated itself for the past two weeks.

But thanks to this, she got to know the world better. She knew where exactly she lived now, what country it is, how big the world is, what snow is, how many seasons there are, and other general knowledge. She also learned how to do a simple browsing on the internet when she felt bored reading. She learned this from Mr. Lee, who also taught her a lot and told her things that she didn't understand. She got to know the concept of religions from him. She also knew she was a Christian from him. Mr. Lee also told her about various interesting events like Christmas and Easter that were related to religion, also other interesting events like Valentine and White Day.

It was easy to recover her general knowledge, but the harder one was recovering her advanced knowledge, like a foreign language, advanced studies, etc. She felt that it was strange how she could forget such basic knowledge especially the one that even six years old knows. She felt grieved at how she turned into a useless and stupid girl, but she really can do nothing about it. The only thing she could do was re-learning all the things she knew in the past and also learning new things. And now she was intoxicated with the process of learning 'new' things and enjoyed reading more.

"Feeling better?" Charles walked in without knocking at her door (again). Sienna only nodded her head without even turning her head to look at Charles.

He looked at the empty bowl and glass then clicked the intercom and told the servants to take them out. A few minutes later, one of the young servants came and took the dirty dishes out.

"What are you reading?" Charles sat at Sienna's side when the servant closed the door. He rested his head on Sienna's shoulder.

"I don't remember since when did we become this friendly to each other?" Sienna pushed Charles's head lightly. Then she realized that Charles just finished taking his bath, even the water still dripping from his wet hair.

Sienna frowned. "You will get a cold like this." She took the towel that Charles carelessly draped around his shoulders and started to dry his hair. She was still rather weak, so it took her a long time to make Charles's short hair to half dry.

"Thanks." Charles held Sienna's hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and kissed her hand gently. When he opened his eyes slowly, he looked straight at Sienna's eyes. His gazes gentle and full of love. But Sienna could see the glint of possessiveness in those eyes, overwhelming her. She never felt this overwhelmed.

'Shit. This guy really likes to spread his pheromones around.' She felt like her whole face burning hot and she bet that her face already as red as a tomato.

"Hmm? Did your cold worsen again?" Charles's hand hadn't touched her forehead before she slapped it away and said stammeringly: "I.. I'm fine. Uhh.. weren't you ask me what I am reading? Here, you can see it yourself."

Charles raised one of his eyebrows and took the book in Sienna's hand, flipped a few pages and closed it again. "Stop reading this uninteresting book. Talk to me instead," he said while throwing the book to the table.

"Hey!? Give me back my book." Sienna tried to take back her book.

"I rarely have a day off and you just ignored me like this?"

"Who told you to take the day off?"

"Fine. I'll cancel my leave and go back to work after lunch." He crossed his hands in front of his chest and turned his head the other way. Sienna felt her heart thumped a little faster than usual.

'Is he angry? Should I say sorry? But he was the one in the wrong so why should I? What should I do then?' Sienna felt a bit panicked because Charles usually won't get mad easily. She really didn't know what should she do at a time like this. Even when she slowly regained her former knowledge, but her knowledge of human relation still pitifully low.

She felt that something is wrong, but she decided to do something first.

"Don't go." She tugged the corner of Charles's shirt. She felt like she acts out of character today, but she couldn't care less about things like that right now.

"Are you feeling sorry now?" Charles asked without turning his head.

Sienna gritted her teeth before answering: "Yes..."

"Alright, I won't go. Be a good girl and listen to what I am saying from now on." Charles turned around and caressed Sienna's hair gently. Sienna suddenly felt a chill when she met Charles's gaze. She averted her gaze rapidly and nodded her head.

"Good girl."

Sienna looked at Charles's beaming smile and thought: 'What was that? Was that only my imagination?'

"Stop caressing my head, I'm not a child." Sienna slapped Charles's hand due to her agitation. She felt like she still needs her defense measurements in front of Charles. She absolutely won't let her guard down in front of him -or anyone in this house.

"Okay, okay," Charles said this, but he still played with Sienna's hair. Sienna could only sigh in defeat. She didn't realize it now, but she was slowly abided by Charles's rules and went along with Charles's pace.

"Why are you even here if you just want to annoy me to death?" She supported his chin with one hand and looked at Charles. Her complexion was so much better now, her face was not as pale as in the morning, though her body temperature was still a little high.

"I thought you will be lonely if I left you alone."

"Could you even think of another line? You repeated that same line for more than ten times now."

"Eh? I really thought you will be lonely tho."

Sienna: "...."

"Why are you not saying anything?"

"Doctor, I think there's something wrong with the nerves on your head. You need to do brain surgery on yourself," she said with a straight face.

"Pfttt... I thought you could never make a joke again, looking at your serious face every day. Oh my God, what day is this? Such a historical day, I need to write this day in my notes." Charles giggled while actually wrote today's event on his phone notes.

Sienna: "...."

'God, I think I am also sick in the head.' Sienna could only sighed in resignation.


Author's side note:

Do you think the pace of this story is too slow? And btw Sienna is not a tsun okay! (I just feel like I need to clarify this lol)

Aren't Charles cute?? Lol

Falling_Starcreators' thoughts