

It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces. I never let you go because somewhere in my mind I know we both will get our second chance. will they?

Mprasanna · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meeting you


I looked out of my window and saw a girl with long hair tied up in a high ponytail. she was quite different, wheatish skin with a confident glow that held her high from the rest, big brown eyes that sparkled like a diamond, and that round specs that made her look cute though. I never believed I would take fancy of someone. There was a smile on my face which I usually don't have which did not go unnoticed by Sam.

"Young boy in love", Sam commented

She is pretty and I'll get her details. Before I could open my mouth he ran out of the class.


Did you say anything ", Annie asked Rowan


Sam ran to them and said, hey hi!!

Hi, do we know you? , I asked

"Annie what are you even saying don't you know him, he is one of the toppers of our school and a school heartthrob", Shaun said. I am one of your fans Rowan said showing his teeth.



"You are Exaggerating, I am not as much you are describing me"-sam said

Annie was a little embarrassed but did not show it on her face.

I apologize I didn't know.

"No worries", he said but we can know each other.

Hi, I am sam from 12th grade and you are really pretty can I know your name.

I laughed

What are you laughing at?

No..nothing hi, I am Annie. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

By the way, would both of you like to join us for a meal? I guarantee you'll have fun.

I was a little hesitant, but seeing Shaun so excited I didn't have the heart to.

Sam did notice it, seeing her hesitating he said it's alright it's just an invitation you can reject it but I'll make sure to come with more such offers in the future too…haha...

Yeah sure we'll like to join, I said looking at Shaun and Sam.

Okay, then it's a done deal see you then.

We all went to our respective classes. as usual, we had literature as our 1st class which is usually too boring to describe.



I looked back.

What do you want Shaun?

I am really curious what's his real intention to confront us was for. Do you think he like you?

WHAT!! no way.

No really all this time he did not move his eyes from you.

Shut up Shaun, your going way out of the league, better focus on your book than to think such nonsense.

Or do you think he likes me...haha

Annie was shocked(....)

ANNIE SHAUN get out if you don't wanna pay attention while disturbing the whole class.

I glared at Shaun. Who was whispering sorry.

It was finally lunch break as decided we waited for Sam and his group in the cafeteria.

"Hey, you already there", said Sam I turned around to look at him with a smile.

My eyes went past him and there he was.

"Let me introduce you to my friend", sam said. He is my best friend ROWAN and Rowan this is Annie and Shaun.

It took me a while to get back .

Hey, I said extending my hand waiting for his reply but after a few seconds, I tried to withdraw my hand when I felt his figure slowly touching mine. It gave me a shiver, my heartbeat was beating way too fast.

I tried to maintain a smile on my face.

Are you okay Annie, why are you so red? Shaun said. That moment I wanted to beat the shit out of him. Can't, he keep his mouth shut. it's so embarrassing.

Rowan looked at me.

Hey Annie, I said. There was complete silence. She's adorable