
memories of flames

Ben is a boy who goes threw the worst thing that could happen to someone besides dieing. when he wakes everything is different both in his world and him physically. we in ark on a journey of fantasy and magic

Fox_Demon_2089 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The beginning of the end

"The good news that we were able to save at least one of them."

"But what are we going to tell the parents and the survivor? I don't think he would take it very well, poor kid, something like that would scar even an adult."

"You´re right, (sigh) for now we wait and try to break the news to the parents of the one that we lost......

[Who was talking just now? Where am I? what happened to me and where is Rene?]

This was the first things that went through my mind when I first woke up in that quite hospital room. I had no idea what was going on but soon I would find out in the most darkest and horrible way. It all began with a lie from the doctors.

"Hey doctor where is my friend Rene? When can I go see her? No one tells me about her and won't let me leave my room to go see her. When can I see her, please tell me doc."

"Be patient Ben you will see your friend soon. She is fin but she needs lots of rest so you just have to wait, okay buddy?"

"Okay doc but I feel like something is wrong or that someone isn't telling me the truth"

It was that feeling that tugs at your heart but you can't figure out what is going on. So I decided to sneak out later to find Rene to see if she could forgive me for not being able to protector her and to tell her that I would get stronger so it won't happen again. Because she was the girl I love and soon to be my wife. I still remember that day she said yes. It was last year on our eleventh birth day. Even though her parents hated me. She said yes and even gave me my first kiss. So I had to see her. But I wasn't ready to hear or see what I was about to see.

"Alright Ben time for your medicine. Remember you will be released today. You will be able to go home today. Aren´t you happy?"

"Somewhat, but will Rene be able to go home today too?"

"No she need to stay a bit more."

Somehow, I knew that was a lie deep down in my gut. After the nurse left, I got up and silently snuck out of my room. I looked in all the rooms I could. But I couldn't find her. I was about to give up when I heard her name.

"Well doctor miss Rene Lorence is ready to begin."

"Thank you miss Jones; I will be there in a bit.

I fallowed the doctor and the nurse to the morgue. I didn't know what they were doing weren't they going to see Rene why would they be heading into the morgue? But as soon I went in I found out immediately why they went in there. There in front of me was Rene. She was laying still and cold on the examination table of the morgue. She was bruised all over. Like she was beaten to death. A cold felling fell over me and all I could do is scream.


I ran out of the room and straight for the exit. I had to get away. These was a bad dream, I had to get as far away to wake up. I had to wake up. Rene shouldn´t be dead. We both had to be oaky. The doctor said she was oaky. I have to wake up, is what kept racing threw my head. I ran out of the hospital, still in my hospital robe and kept running I got to a freeway. I jumped the rail guard and crossed the road but as I took my first step into the road I heard a horn blowing at me. I turned and saw an eighteen-wheeler coming straight at me. At that moment everything went slow and all my life flashed through my mind. All the times that I made Rene smile and laugh when she was sad. I smiled and whispered.

"I´m coming to see you my love both of you."

I flew as the grill of the eighteen-wheeler hit me. I remember hitting three or four cars before everything went black. I remember thinking this it, am I dead? But I heard a voice it was strong but soothing.

"It's not your time to die Young one....."

Everything went black and silent for an instance. I awoke in the hospital with my Grandfather sitting next to me. I was all bandaged up. I also saw that I had metal rod poking out of my left arm and leg. I was in pain all over. Why was I still alive after that hit?

"Ben your awake! How do you feel son, would you like some painkillers? Nurse get the doctor my grandson is conscious!" My grandfather franticly yelled out as he left the room.

Sitting up was excruciatingly painful. I felt as if I was being torn apart piece by piece. After a while my grandfather returned with the doctor and a battalion of nurses.

"Young man how do you feel, can you tell me how many fingers you see, dose this hurt? Nurse check his vitals and you see if his examination results are in. Son you're a very luck young man to survive a full impact of a diesel engine at sixty miles per hour. You did brake a couple of ribs, your humors, radius, clavicle, and several damaged vertebrates. We did an experimental surgery on you. We replaced the broken bone with serval bi-carbonate implants. There is a high chance that you will never walk again, but you will be going to therapy daily and have tri-monthly checkups to make sure your body hasn't rejected the implants." Doctor said as he looked at his clipboard.

The only thing that went through my mind was why am I still alive I should be dead. None of this made any sense and who or what was that I heard just before I blacked out? I was going out of my mind with all these questions blazing through my head. I took a deep breath and said the first question that came to my mind, "Why am I still alive!?"

"Your alive because we were able to save you after you got hit by the diesel truck, my boy," the doctor said as he came to my side. "after the surgery you took your time to wake up, we thought you would be in coma forever lad."

"What do you mean by a long time? Wasn't I out for just a few hours?" I said as the doctor and my grandfather looked at each other and then down at the floor. At that moment I had a feeling I must have been out for more than a day, but how long was I out for?

The room became silent and no one said a word. I started to get anxious and blurted out in anger, "will someone just tell me already!"

"My boy you have been in a coma for three years now. The surgery was done about a year and a half ago. With a new material that crashed to earth. You where compatible with it so we went ahead with the procedure with the permission of your grandfather. Without this you would have lost your left arm and leg."

I was in shock at that moment I was knocked out for three years. How could that be? And what was this me being compatible with a material that crashed. What was that all about, was all this a dream, a joke! If I really was out for three years, what happened to my school work. I missed her funeral where was she berried where was her tomb? Why was I still alive, and this arm and leg what where they made of? I had so many questions fly through my head. It gave me a head ache that was unbearable! I couldn't with stand this spinning and pain.

"Doctor he is going into shock! We have to apply a sedative before he has a heart attack!" one of the nurses screamed as my eyes flashed bright red.

The next thing I remembered was being pinched by a needle and feeling my body become heavy. Everything went black and I was out cold again, but this time I was floating in a dark room a light flew towards me. "you have finally come young man. I am a being from a parallel universe from yours. I was in an epic battle with the forces of evil. In that struggle I got blown to your universe. Then I was trapped within your dyeing body. If you die, I can't go back to my world. So please calm down your body has fused with my body. It will take a while before I can go home, but I fear that the door has opened and your world will change. I can feel my conscious fusing with you that's why we have no time for you to be stuck in this hospital. If we don't unmerge and I go home everything you know and call normal will be lost…. So please hurry... Ben...."

"...….. Be.....Ben, can you hear me how do you feel?

I took a deep breath and answered my grandfather. "I'm okay grandfather, I just panicked I'll be okay now. Can you tell me will I be able to leave the hospital soon? I want to go see Rene´s grave. I want to say my goodbye to her. Can I do that?" I asked with a heavy heart I couldn't believe the girl I loved was gone. And it was all my fault.

"I think you'll have to stay for another day but as soon as you are released, I promise you will be able to go see her. While we are here, I will tell you what has had happened these past three years' okay son?"

I couldn't believe what my grandfather told me. I was shocked about how our world had changed so much. Apparently, In the first five weeks of my coma thing changed in a big way. our world had fused with a parallel world. I couldn't imagine how things could be now.

It's been six months senses I left the hospital. I still use a cane to walk around but things where as normal as could be. I start my first year of high school today. I should be nervous or excited but I wasn't, I was empty inside. I had no motivation any more. I just didn't care about anything anymore.

I interred the gym where the entrance ceremony was supposed to start and I sat at the furthest seat away I could, hopping no one would set next to me. The ceremony started and everyone was cheering as loud as they could. Unfortunately for me someone did sit next to me. She was what you called a dirty blond hair girl. You know the blondes that aren't completely blond with different shades of browns and yellows. She was screaming at the top of her lungs and trying to get me to stand up and cheer to. I hated it she was those types of people. The worst the ones who want everyone to join them and be happy all the time.

After a hole hour of torture, it was over and we were dismissed from the gym. I walked as fast I could with my cane, but I was not fast enough. The girl that sat next to me caught me.

"Hey, my name is Renais Flower, how are you? Do you need any help to get around? I would be happy to help you if you want." She smiled at me.

"No thank you. I don't need any pity or any help from the likes of you," I scoffed at her as I turned and walked away.

Before I could take my second step away from her, she grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face her. "Now listen here you, asshole. I'm trying to be nice her. I wasn't showing you pity or kindness. I was trying to extend a hand to an idiot that looked like he could use a friend! I'm going to it say it again and this time I hope you give me the right answer got it." I nodded in agreement with eyes wide open. "Hey, my name is Renais Flower, how are you? Do you need any help to get around? I would be happy to help you if you want." She smiled at me again.

"H-hey, I'm Benjamin Silver. I appreciate the kind gesture but I can move around on my own just fine." I smiled halfheartedly as I walked away as fast as I could.

That was a very strange encounter. I hope it never happens again. I went to the councilors office to get my new class schedules for this year. I was glad that grandpa remembered that I loved art. I looked over my schedule thoroughly, my first class was English. I walked into the class and to add to my misfortune that girl was in my first period class. Some kill me now I screamed in my head as I walk to the desk that was the furthest back and sat down.

"Good morning class I am Mrs. Geo; I will be your English teacher this year. I hope we all get along and that you fallow all my rules and regulation of my class."

Class went by fast, I stood up and walked out the door. I checked my schedule to see what my next class was. I was shocked to see it read Battle Ready 101! Are they serious, I know that the world became a more dangers place but battle ready 101 what the hell!!!!! And after that class I got Magic for Beginners! What happened to career orientation and oral communication, carpentry and shop class. Were things changed this much over a fusing of two worlds?

"God what a drag this new world is," I sighed as I walked into my class. I sat down without thinking and laid my head down. I had a massive head ache and I was just done with this school.

"Hey I see we are in the same class again Mr. Sliver, this is a happy surprise. Isn't it?"

I looked up slowly when I heard that familiar voice it was that girl, GOD KILL ME NOW!! "Hello, Miss flower could you be a doll and leave me the fuck alone?" I asked as I laid my head back down slowly.

"No can do Mr. Silver; I am sitting here as you can see by the seating charts on the board. I am you partner for this class whether you like it or not," she said with a smirk. "You and I will be good friends by the end of this semester I promise you that."

That class was two hours long; it was the best class so far. We learned about hand to hand combat and we went through drills to hone our skill. Even though I had to sit out for the most of it I had a blast. Even though that girl was with me the whole time. I got to shoot a rifle and I was good at it. I had a near perfect shot recorded.

I remember thinking this was it. If I learn this sooner, I could have saved Rene. I would have saved her. So I promised myself that I would learn all of this. So if there ever was a next time I would be able to save someone close to me. I would never let it happen again.

"Look Bro, that cripple thinks he can do it. But he can't even walk without his little stick. Just give up you can't succeed here. You never will. You're not strong enough to be a real worrier." A guy in my class bellowed as he walked away.

I looked down at my leg and in a state of rage I threw my cane and took a step forward, but fell to ground with a loud crash. I heard people laughing in the background and people trying to keep from laughing. I felt like a loser at that point, a worthless piece of garbage. All I could do was drag myself to my cane and slowly stand up. When I was almost up I lost my balance and fell forward again, but I felt a soothing hand under my arms. It was the girl I pushed away so many times. She looked at me and smiled. As I looked at her, she mouthed out (don't lessen to them you will be better than them in no time). I smiled back at her, but in my heart I knew that they were right. The doctor told me I would never walk with my own two legs again.

The next class was magic class I was a little skeptical about it. Just think about it magic real magic only exists in myths and fairytales, so I thought. It turns out with the fussing of the world we were all endowed with the ability to use magic. I was happily surprised about that. The bad news was that I was horrible at magic. The best I could do was make small orbs of fire, water, earth and darkness. It sucked that all I could do was make orbs.

At the end of the school day I was getting ready to go to my daily physical therapy. I looked around and a stared to sneak away from those boring asses. But I got caught by none other than Renais herself. "where ya going? Isn't that van here for you Mr. Silver?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes, there here for me but what's the point of going. I've been doing it for six months now, and I've only got to walking with a cane. Plus, the doctor said I was never going to walk without a cane ever in my life. So, what's the point of going to them?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "you may have a point about that, but wouldn't it be amazing if you could prove everyone wrong. Don't you want to be stronger and prove to everyone that you can do it?"

I walked away from her and coldly said, "it's none of your damn business what I do or don't do, don't try to convince me that I can do anything. You don't know me and you never will!!"

She grabbed me by the collar and dragged me towards the van. "Are you looking for this guy here? He was trying to leave without you seeing him"

"thank you, young lady, this rascal needs to go to therapy and be a good boy."

"like hell I do! Let me go you retarded ape shit, don't you know this could be count as abduction if the first party isn't willing to go?" I proclaimed as I swung my arms around.

"It's not an abduction if you are obligated to go for your health's sake; you, dumbass!"

"Did you just call me a dumbass, you you you... boobzila"

"Wow what a great come back dumbass, you can say all you want but you are going with them. And for your information, I'm only a c cup, humph." Renais said as she pushed up her breasts. Which in a wired way kind of turned me on…. I mean back to the story.

I was dragged to the hospital for my physical therapy, it would be fine if she didn't tag along. Why is she even here? I did my therapy as usual while thinking what does she have to gain from all this, and why in the hell dose my health concerns her. I was a total stranger to her, I mean we just meet today. she is definitely a wired one for sure. However, I don't know what exactly it is about her but I like her being around me. So, in a small break I had I went to her and asked, "Why do you care if I go to therapy anyways? Why do you act so concern over my wellbeing?" she looked at me and tilted her head to the side and smiled. At that moment I swear I saw a glimpse of Rene in her smile. I was stunned at that very moment.

"I really don't know why, but something in me told me that you needed my help and this is kind of embracing to say but you, kind of remind me of my little brother."

That's it I take back what I thought about her. I hate her, how in the hell do look like her little brother! God this girl is going to drive me crazy one of these days!!

The next day went by the same as the first, but somehow it felt different than before. I don't know, maybe it was that I felt alive again. I got to my first period on time and I sat next to the girl that annoyed the crap out of me but at the same time gave me back the spirit I needed to continue with my life. I looked at her and smiled, "thanks for yesterday Renais, I really appreciated it and you can call me Ben."

From that day forward, she was with me in all my therapies and I somehow started to see her as a friend. The first semester went by in a flash. I was getting better in my magic for beginner's class. With the help of Renais. I had the top score in the battle ready 101 class. At the end of this semester I had started to walk without the use of my cane. Running was still out of the question for now, but I knew with the support of Renais I would be at a hundred percent soon.