
Time is warm and suddenly like a rushing stream


"He Xiao'an, go home for dinner!" Like many families, the most common thing the mother said was to urge her playful children to go home and eat rice, if nothing else, the next sentence should be to let her wash her hands and then teach her a lesson: how not to go home early.

The mother's voice came from a distance across the house, and the little girl was frightened, and hurriedly left a sentence to the other little boy: "Dad, I have a step ahead, you can take care of the child!"

The little girl ran on the loess road, the Wutong Lane in 2010 was still a mud block house, and the family with a beautiful red brick house was one of the so-called "rich" people in the alley, of course, this ordinary little girl's family and the "rich" were not touched, and the little boy's home staring at the girl's running back in a daze with a mud ball in his hand might be able to fight, of course, this is all a later story. 

The gentle and bright light of dusk sprinkled on this ordinary town, people live and work in peace and contentment, so warm, people who have been busy all day are drenched in the sunset, walking briskly on the way home, children are hurrying on the path under the urging of their loud mothers, and the sound of goodbye echoes in the quiet and far-reaching sky, disappearing with the curling smoke. It was the era of landline buttons, and a bag of sweet pears could be converted into a group of enthusiastic apples and grapes, and people were close to each other, and the way home was close.

He Xiaoan was six years old that year.

"Mom, what did you eat today?" the little girl's voice wafted through the yard. Mom touched Xiao'an's head, "I stewed fish today! The little girl's eyes lit up.

Tomorrow is He Xiao'an's first day of elementary school, in order to celebrate the enrollment of the naughtiest little girl in Wutong Lane, the cute neighbors sent stationery and all kinds of delicious food, He Xiao'an's favorite pencil case printed with a pink rabbit sent by Jiang Heming's mother. She decided to wait for Jiang Heming to go to elementary school and give him her favorite teddy bear pendant. But it's going to take another year.

On the first day of school, except for the confusion that I couldn't find the classroom, I was late and was gently reprimanded by the teacher, everything went smoothly, He Xiaoan's first table mate was a little boy whose name and appearance were very delicate, his name was Chen Yu, it was interesting to say that there was a girl as big as He Xiao'an in Wutong Lane, called Yu Cheng, the pronunciation of the two words of their names was just the opposite, Yu Cheng and He Xiao'an were born in the same year and enrolled in the same year, but she was in the third class, Xiao'an was in the first class, He Xiao'an called her Little Orange, Chen Yu, Xiao'an named him the big devil. As for the reason, it starts with the fact that he drew the 38th line on the table on the first day of school, and Xiao'an poked her with a pen, He Xiao'an doesn't like this boy very much, his name is delicate, but he is first-class and unreasonable.

He Xiaoan also met a very interesting girl, she recommended herself to become the small class leader of the first class, and she was generous and popular. Chen Yu poked He Xiao'an with a pencil is the small class leader's righteous and insistent action to make the first small report of the class of the year, Chen Yu was picked up by the teacher and slipped out, and the little class leader laughed while helping He Xiaoan wipe off the 38th line 1on the table. 

"What's your name?" He Xiao'an smiled like a flower. She likes this girl.

"My name is Rorschach. Bad boys are really annoying, come to me anytime if you have something!" the girl's hearty laughter echoed in Xiao'an's ears.

"Actually, I want to teach this nasty Chen Yu a lesson, I secretly drew the 38th line to him, he didn't find out, I have a marker, I plan to wait for him to cross the line and poke him, I heard that the marker can't be erased, and I will be considered unlucky to him. He Xiao'an smiled with a sly face, and the little girl who looked soft and weak was thinking about these bad tricks in her head, "But this classmate named Rorschach is very good, I like her very much and thank her, she is my first friend at school!"

Jiang Heming nodded as if he didn't understand, still looking confused, and just looked at He Xiaoan and smirked without speaking.

"Little kids. He Xiao'an, who was still a child, touched Jiang He's head, "I'll know when you grow up, adult things are very complicated, and you can't understand it." "

Jiang Heming still looked at He Xiaoan and smiled. He Xiaoan felt that he was really a little stupid.

"Anyway, why are you waiting for your uncle and aunt at the intersection? Children who don't go to school are idle! I can't always accompany you in the future

Played, adults are very busy. He Xiaoan winked at Jiang Heming and pretended to be deep.

"Can't you play with me?" the little boy lowered his head, "My mom and dad have come back from work, and I'm waiting for you to get out of school."

He Xiaoan laughed even louder: "What do I do, I have to do my homework when I go home, and I can't play with you."

Jiang Heming paused word by word, "If I can't see you, I will miss you ..."

There is no other meaning, the child will only feel that whoever is happy with him wants to be with her all the time, it is so simple and beautiful

, the child's world.

"Really?" He Xiaoan took Jiang Heming's hand, the boy was not as tall as the girl, He Xiaoan's hand was bigger than his, "I haven't seen you for a day, I miss you too, have you eaten, go to my house and sit down, the small biscuits that my mother bought are very delicious, and there are many small animals ... shape." On Twitter, He Xiaoan said a lot of things. The little boy followed Xiao'an and let her lead him, and the smile on his face couldn't be dispersed for a long time. 


He Xiaoan always felt that Jiang Heming was born to his mother, and there was always such a strange idea in the head of a little child.

She still remembers that her mother gave Jiang Heming more than half of her small animal biscuits, and she left a small handful for herself in a big bag.

In fact, no matter whose children my mother is so good, she called Zhang Yang to come to the house for dinner, and the two chicken feet were one for him and He Xiaoan. Zhang Yang is the nephew of Uncle Ma's family next door to Xiao'an, and his parents work in another city, so this warm-hearted childless local uncle took on the responsibility of supporting Zhang Yang when his parents went out to work. Zhang Yang is one year older than He Xiaoan, and they can be regarded as growing up together.

Wutong Lane has raised several generations, and in this generation, He Xiaoan is a well-deserved child king, and children of all ages around her like to play with her. I don't cry when I fall, I have something to say, I always have new ideas in my head, and I always take my children to all kinds of strange activities and "rituals".

Wutong Lane will hold a celebration every festival, of course, adults generally do not take children to go, they sing, dance, chat, play cards, take children to go to the sky for a while, finally rest for a while, can not not take children! He Xiaoan perfectly solved the big problem of parents.

"Since they have a gala, we can't be left behind!" He Xiaoan stood on the bed and clenched his little fists to deliver an impassioned speech

Other children sat in front of the bed with small stools and listened to the "leader" speak.

Growing up with this group of children in Wutong Lane, He Xiaoan knew all their specialties and hobbies, so a program list and process plan blurted out from the mouth of the little leader: "Jiang Heming sing, you have a good voice, what song to sing." .....I want to think about it, why don't you come to "Can't Afford to Hurt"! Sun Tao, you can make everyone laugh every time, you can make us laugh every time, Zhang Yang has learned gourd silk, you blow it every night before going to bed, do you know how much I want to go over the wall to Uncle Ma's house and beat you, this time I will give you a chance to perform! Little orange, let's dance, let's dance "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond... What, Jiang Heming, you don't dare to sing on stage alone, why don't you dare, or you sing "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" and we will dance with you! Liu Xiaoyu does a good job by hand, can you teach us to fold dry paper crane wind chimes!

After a while, everyone reached a consensus, and a carnival of the children who were not at home was properly arranged. Of course, adults won't patronize themselves to play, and they can't leave the children at home to make this group of little overlords lawless, this year it's Sun Tao's mother's turn to take care of the children, the year before last was He Xiaoan's father, last year it was Aunt Ma, and this year it's Sun Tao's mother's turn to take the turn.

He Xiaoan likes Sun Tao's mother very much, and many years later, when she recalls the life in Wutong Lane, she still feels warm when she talks about this aunt. This is a humorous, gentle and considerate woman, who cooks a good meal, and counts the most fragrant smoke wafting out of Sun Tao's house every time she arrives at the meal, He Xiaoan said that Sun Tao's mother's cooking skills can be a chef, Zhang Yang suggested that Sun Tao's family open a restaurant in Wutong Lane, Liu Xiaoyu said that it would be good if his mother cooked so deliciously, Sun Tao, can we change our mother?

Sun Tao has a sister who is in junior high school, fifteen-year-old girls and this group of five or six-year-old children naturally can't play together, He Xiaoan is very afraid of this sister, she has a bitter face every day like someone owes her millions, never see her smile, and when she meets the greetings of the children, she just looks at her coldly and never responds, the teacher said to be a polite child, this sister is not very qualified.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival of this year, the parents of Wutong Lane gathered in the activity room of the Wutong community to organize their own party, and the children held a children's party in the courtyard of He Xiao'an's house. When He Xiao'an and Yu Cheng danced, Sun Tao was on the "stage" Flipping up and rolling on his heels, He Xiaoan almost tripped himself over the turns, the little orange forgot to move and turned in a circle and then grabbed the ground with his head without accident, Jiang Heming's lyrics were out of tune and eighteen bends were so nervous that he shook his legs, Sun Tao improvised a joke about Jiang Heming's performance, He Xiao'an laughed forward and backward and almost tripped over himself, Zhang Yang blew the gourd silk and blew a sound that was even more noisy than the ghost scream He Xiaoan heard in the middle of the night, Liu Xiaoyu's paper-stacking teaching became everyone's free play, and the waste paper that the dry paper crane had not yet crumpled together was decent.