
The First Crossroad (2)

Click… Clank… Click… Click…

'Why, just why did you major in Engineering!!!'

"I could have just picked something easier, right?"

'Xavier, why did you go to college in the first place?'

"I would have made enough money even if I just stuck to a trade…"

'Lame, that wouldn't have been fun at all. And there's no purpose if it isn't amusing.'

"Forget it, I'm done for today."

The young man stood up and stretched, tossing a dozen papers into the desk drawer with haste. Despite the rush, everything landed neatly in a stack of other documents.

"It's only 1:30; I should be able to make a day trade in time."

After turning on his computer, three monitors hummed to life, casting rainbow-colored light in the otherwise dark room.

Sitting back down, Xavier opened nine different tabs, each displaying various data and charts.

'Let's see, $15,000 on an NVIDIA call should do.'

"It's 2:15… I'll just have a monster and watch the charts till 4:00. Wonder if I'll be less lazy later on."

Xavier groggily stood up and stumbled over to his closet, where a mini fridge resided. He retrieved a green monster from the fridge, muttering, "Is this really all I have left?"

With a crisp pop, the can cracked open, and a chemically laced aroma filled the air.

"That's the stuff; can't get enough of this. Sadly, they don't make one that isn't a stimulant."

He smiled contently and drained half the can.

-One and a half hours later-

"Looks like it's time to sell. $2700 profit… Not too shabby if I say so myself."

Trying to finalize the trade, he reached for the mouse.

"What the-, why is my arm numb? Circulation shouldn't have been cut off; nothing was pressing on it."

'Why is it spreading…'

"Are you messing with me? Nahh, I have to be wrong. What kind of 18-year-old has a heart attack?"


Falling to the floor, all Xavier could do was lament the stupidity of his reality.

'Shit, I'm really gonna die… How lame.

* * *



Young Master!!!

'Who's this pretty lady?'

'Didn't I tell Rose I don't need to be woken up?'



"Did I finally go insane?"

"Who are you?"

The pretty lady in question, Rose, froze up at the absurdity of what she was seeing.

She knew her young master was always different from others; anyone could tell. Even from a young age, the boy rarely displayed emotions.

So, what in the world was she seeing?

With a trembling voice, Rose asked, "Young master? Why are you talking to yourself? And what do you mean by insane? You are perfectly normal… Should I call a doctor for you just in case?"

Getting no reaction from him, Rose decided to shake him senseless.

Seeing that her young master was paying attention again, Rose was about to ask another round of questions.

Before she began, her young master started to seize and fainted shortly after.


Others barged into the room hearing the commotion, but it was too late.

Without seeing the window in front of Michael's eyes before he fainted, few would be imaginative enough to conceive what just happened. Not that they could have done anything about it even if they knew.

[Soul Synchronization Starting in 3…2…1…]

[Progress: 0% || Time Remaining: 23:59:46]

[Progress: 99% || Time Remaining: 00:12:28]

[Progress: 100% || Time Remaining: 00:00:00]

[Soul Synchronization Complete]

With a crisp metallic chime, the two souls of different worlds became one. In the process, memories were lost, and personalities changed. But can the fusion of two psychos really yield a good result?

* * *

24 hours after we fainted, my eyes flashed open.

Instead of the nigh-total indifference that usually resides in them, a glint of mischief showed itself in my blood-red eyes.

"It's a shame most of the memories of the future were replaced by my memories of that world. Three years of memories were left over, but most of them are just daily life and training… As well as my ending."

"Still, it will be enough for me to change a few key events. First of them being in three months…"

"The best course of action would be not to antagonize them…" Although my words trailed off, the smirk on my face betrayed them.

"There's no way I can do that; my madness may have faded a lot… but it's still there."

"Just how should I toy with them?"

Right as I was sinking into thought of how I should deal with my various enemies, my older sister Claire walked into the room.

Likely not expecting me to have awakened yet, she momentarily stiffened.

Being siblings, we both look similar. Each of us with black hair, red eyes, and a sinfully attractive physique.

In her crimson eyes, only relief and warmth existed. Something that would have been covered up by her icy continence to those of a different bloodline.

'Maybe I only need to kill one of my sisters. Claire, this idiot only cared about what was best for her family.'

These merciful thoughts were only possible as Claire never had a hand in her death. Had this been different… I likely wouldn't have been able to keep myself from skinning her alive over a bonfire.

"I'm glad you are awake. Do you have a clue on what happened yesterday? The doctor we called said there was nothing wrong, but you wouldn't have fainted if that were the case."

As she finished speaking, her eyes narrowed and observed me suspiciously.

In the few seconds I took to push my previous thoughts away and think of a response, her gaze intensified manifold over.

"A headache. No, a migraine?" It seemed she expected a grand response as her expression cracked and seemed to say, 'What is this idiot talking about?'

Expecting this kind of reaction, I sighed and elaborated, "My head, I felt as if it was ripped in two and mashed back together. Are you sure there was nothing wrong? No traces of magic either?"

Seeing me double down on my response, Claire relented her scrutiny and continued the conversation.

"Do you really think we didn't check that? Besides, there aren't any people dumb enough and capable enough to try that in our estate. We are one of the top four elite families, or did your headache cause you to forget that?"

Hearing her tone at the end, it was obvious that Claire did not believe me completely. But what could I do? I'm technically a different person than before. Suspicions were bound to arise regardless.

'What a mystery though, what exactly caused this if not for magic?'

"Get your brain out of the trash. How could I forget something like that? I have a perfect memory."


She clicked her tongue and inaudibly mumbled, "So much for being worried, he's the same as ever."

Turning around to leave, she opened the door and paused. "I'll let mom and dad know you're awake."

Clunk… Tap… Tap…. Tap…..

As she closed the door and walked away, I could finally shift my attention to the floating windows.

Next chapter