
Awakening (3)

Under Bradly's guidance, the Mana gem released its powerful energy into my core.

It coursed through my veins like blood, reaching every limb and digit, infusing my organs with its magic.

And just as quickly as it entered, Bradly pulled back the Mana to my heart.

He swirled, compressed, and expanded the Mana before dispersing around my body once again.

Though Bradley couldn't directly form a Mana core, he could simulate the process.

Under his guidance, the Mana circulated nine times. With each circulation, I gained more control over the Mana inside me. After nine circulations the mana was thoroughly under my dominion.

Marking the end of outside interference, Bradley's previously felt presence behind vanished.

Five minutes…How unbelievable.

Indeed, he's most definitely your family.

This process took five minutes, though, to me, it felt like it could have been five seconds or five years.

The exhilaration felt by introducing mana into my body was overwhelming.

Michaels's memories of the future served to amplify this feeling.

The absolute control I remembered only served to amplify the feeling of bareness that came with the loss of Mana.

As a result, the ecstasy I experienced was so primal no form of carnal pleasure could ever match it.

Sadly, time didn't allow me to bask in this sensation for long. To smoothly form a Mana core, my undivided attention was necessary.

The Mana in my heart swirled around, growing denser and more tangible with each passing second.

After a minute, a spherical Crystal the size of a grain of sand materialized. Each passing minute increased the size of my Core, and after six minutes my Mana Core was completed.

This translucent crystal reminiscent of a one-carat diamond would serve as the base for everything to come.

With the completion of the first step of my awakening, the pleasure felt previously was being replaced by pain.

As I embarked on the second step, the background noise vanished from my perception. In contrast to the first step, which was about talent, the second phase was all about time.

The longer one endured, the more promising their future. Additionally, it determined the path an awakener should take—whether they would excel as a mage with a large mana pool or as a warrior with a robust physique.

My focus shifted to surpassing Michael's achievement in this phase. While his foundation was superb, it was not the best. I aimed for at least four hours, though the pain was already beginning to take its toll.

Fifteen minutes in, the pain was intense, but I pressed on. Most would quit at this point, but I persevered, knowing the pain was nothing compared to what awaited me.

Impurities surfaced in my body, quickly purified by the magic in the room as my Mana Core grew denser. For the next forty-five minutes, the pain intensified as impurities were expelled.

At the one-hour mark, purification continued, and my Mana Core expanded, increasing its rank to F-.

This was the point where talent was recognized, and one could make a living as an awakener if they reached this stage. However, only one percent of people ever did.

By the two-hour mark, the pain was excruciating, but I pushed through. The number of people who reached this point dwindled further. At this stage, all major mana channels were mostly clean, and my Mana flowed smoothly.

At three hours, my Mana Core reached the peak of F+, and purification extended to secondary mana channels. The pain remained constant, but I focused on enduring.

At four hours, all impurities were removed from my mana channels, and my body began to reconstruct itself.

My blood vessels ruptured, my bones shattered, and my organs cracked. The rampant energy inside the Mana gem healed these wounds only to cause them again.

My mana pool, which previously was growing at a snail's pace began to rapidly expand.

Each minute past four hours provided exponentially more benefits. However, only once every few years is someone blessed by them.

The pain continued to climb without end.

Boiled in oil, bathed in a storm of lightning, and being flayed alive were the only comparisons.

At four hours and forty-six minutes, I surpassed my grandfather's record. Every fiber of my body begged to stop, but I persisted.

The pain was overwhelming, but I refused to yield, driven by a determination stronger than any physical discomfort.

Finally, at five hours and twenty-three minutes, I set a record, my body trembling with exhaustion and triumph. The pain had faded to a dull ache, replaced by a sense of accomplishment that filled me with pride.

With the awakening process complete, I couldn't help but clench my fists in joy, marveling at the depth of my newfound power.

"This is…Amazing."

Seeing just how absurd of a result I accomplished, a murmur unconsciously escaped my lips.

Bradley and my father snapped out of their stunned states, their reactions a mix of surprise and pride.

"You don't say. Tsk, why didn't a monster like you awaken on time?" Bradley's words carried a hint of annoyance, but his actions contradicted them as he efficiently cleaned me and my clothes of sweat and blood.

"Haha, congratulations, my son. You've shattered that old man's record; I must tell everyone about it." My father's excitement was palpable, his pride in his son's achievement evident.

However, I was already considering the implications. The news of my extraordinary talent would surely attract attention, both positive and negative. Those seeking power or threatened by our family's rise would undoubtedly take notice.

"There's no way Mother would let him tell everyone…" I muttered to myself, knowing my mother's protective instincts would likely prevent any unnecessary attention.

"Huuuuu." My father's deep exhale drew my attention, and I turned to the other man in the room, ready to speak but was interrupted before I could start.

"No mind me, I won't tell anyone. Aggravating your family isn't worth it; plus, this seems more fun." The man's words were unexpected, but his decision to keep quiet relieved some of the tension in the room.

Although my father seemed relieved, I couldn't help but regard the man with suspicion. However, before I could voice my thoughts, he surprised us all by initiating a Mana Contract.


"I shall not divulge any information regarding Michael von Raven Nexum's Awakening process."


"Damn brat. Happy now?" His gruff words were accompanied by the formation of a binding contract, ensuring his silence regarding my awakening process.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his actions, impressed by his decisiveness. My father, on the other hand, seemed taken aback, his confusion evident as he watched the scene unfold.

"This… surprisingly isn't out of character," I remarked, noting the man's straightforward approach.

With a clang, Bradley abruptly left the room, leaving my father and me alone once more. My father's comment about Bradley being a "hot and cold gramps" elicited a chuckle from me, though I couldn't deny the accuracy of the description.

Turning his attention back to me, my father's expression grew serious. "Anyway, who did you plan on telling your record? Your mother… that's non-negotiable."

I took a moment to consider his question before responding, "Mother, Rose, and the grandparents." It was a strategic decision, knowing my mother would appreciate being informed first and foremost.

My father seemed surprised by Rose's inclusion before my siblings, but he didn't question my choice. "Claire, give me a few months to think about it. As for Emily… Never."

The mention of Emily's name brought a dark cloud over my thoughts, a deep-seated hatred that I couldn't shake.

My father's keen insight didn't miss the intensity of my emotions, and though he appeared puzzled, he refrained from pressing further.

'They will redouble their efforts now,' I thought to myself, already anticipating the reactions of those who would seek to challenge our family's newfound prestige.

With the awakening process complete there was no need to stay at the Mage Association's floating Island.

Heading back down to the lobby, we didn't bother to hide my awakening.

Staff, researchers, and guests alike were surprised to see the non-awakened Raven scion giving off the Mana fluctuations of an awakener.

Even those who were originally unaware of our visit to the mage association quickly surmised that we came here for my awakening.

Some were annoyed at our arrogance, others confused as to why I hadn't just awakened nine months ago, while a few had near expressions.

Still, each one of their expressions contained surprise.

Although they did not dare to probe me in front of Father, the residual Fluctuations of Mana gave them enough information.

If I could hear their thoughts, I am sure each one of them simultaneously thought "As expected of their bloodline, his control doesn't befit his experience.'

Contrary to what they thought, this Mana wasn't under control. Mana simply orderly flowed around all on its own.

'I did consider I would awaken this type of bloodline ability, but I didn't expect it to be this strong'.

Despite my curiosity to explore my newfound abilities, Father and I confidently passed through the warp gate to Ausiait, paying no attention to any spectators around us.

Luckily, Ausiat is the capital of Valken, the continent known as the heart of the world. Because of this, there was a direct warp gate that connected to the Mage Association, saving us from having to take another trip through a warp gate. The Raven family manor was conveniently located in Ausiat as well.

From a distance, Ausiat appeared to be a bustling city with tall buildings and a thriving population. However, upon closer inspection, the city was surrounded by vast expanses of untamed wilderness. Towering trees and rugged peaks dominated the landscape, with monsters of all shapes and sizes roaming freely through the forests and mountains. It was clear that the city was nestled amid nature rather than dominating it.

The only reason Ausiat could be considered a capital city was because of the high council's focus on it. The five prominent families of Valken called this place their main residence, and the prestigious World Academy, located on a massive floating island, added to its allure. While the general population tended to avoid dangerous creatures and uncharted territories, those in positions of power saw these lands as valuable training grounds for experienced hunters.

It took about an hour to travel from the heart of Ausiat to the Raven estate, and every moment was filled with exhilaration as I reveled in my newfound ability and strength.

—— Michael von Raven Nexum ——

Age: 12

Core Rank: E+

Strength: F

Agility: F

Endurance: F

Stamina: F-

Intelligence: S+

Charm: A-

Mana: F+

Elemental Affinity: [ ], [ ], [ ]

Skills: Sword of the End (S >> D-) [Passive], Illusion Steps (S+ << D-) [Passive], Kinetic Conversion (S) [Active], Loved by Mana (SSS) [Passive]

Curse: Memories of a Forgotten World (EX)

—— Michael von Raven Nexum ——

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