
Awakening (1)

-Five hours later-


"Come in."

Upon receiving permission, Rose enters my office.

"Young Master, dinner is ready. Would you like me to bring it here?"

Despite being my maid, Rose held some freedom in how she treated me. Not only was she an A+ rank awakener that my mother personally trained, but she also helped raise me. Befitting the fact I was her master, she treated me with respect. Still, the warmth in her voice showed that I was akin to a little brother as well.

"Rose, are my parents still in?"

With a gentle shake of the head, Rose replied, "No. Master Felix went to the Blaak guild, and Madam Cecelia went to the Blaak corporation. Having rushed home yesterday, they both have work to catch up on."

Going back to work was only natural. Felix was a vice guild master, and Cecelia was a CEO. Having assured themselves that I was fine, they had no choice but to return to work.

Having instantly made up my mind, I said, "I will eat here. Also, bring a glass of cranberry juice as well."

"Huh? Since whe-"

Silenced by a glare, Rose chuckled and responded, "I will be back with everything in a few minutes."

As she turned around, I took a minute to observe her and think of how she treated me as a sibling.

With blond hair, green eyes, a modest figure, a beautifully crafted face, and an elegant demeanor, Rose surely had charmed many simply by walking by.

Despite this, her notoriety as a talented awakener, and a frightening one at that, had held everyone from approaching her.

Overshadowing all else was how she treated the future, Michael. Among those he knew before going rogue, Rose was one of two unrelated by blood that didn't try to kill him on sight.

Unfortunately, her demise was not included in the memories I had of the future. I could only assume she lost her life protecting me. Sadly, I didn't know who to kill to avenge her.

"Part of me wants to keep her out of my plans… But I need her absolute loyalty."


Despite my blatant aversion to including her, I had no plans to change my course of action.


"Young Master, I'm coming in."

Walking into my room once again was Rose, this time with a five-course meal.

"If you need anything else, let me know. I'll bring it to you immediately."

With that, she turned around to leave.


Just as I went to eat, she poked her head back in.

"After you awaken, feel free to come and spar with me. Also, enjoy the juice… Hehehe."


"That little, huh… Whatever. She deserves that much."

Dismissing her teasing remark, I pondered over her suggestion.

'Spar with her? Hmm… That should be my gauge of how much of my skills I can bring out.'

"Plus, regardless of how well I do. She isn't the type to spread rumors without being instructed to."

Considering Father's enthusiasm and that he said he would prepare everything possible, I had about three days until the awakening.

While I wanted to continue with it right this instant, preparing a bit would help me last longer.

'Getting revenge is years down the line, practicing patience is necessary.'

"Let's just focus on the awakening for now."

As I started to eat again, I thought of the best ways to prepare for the awakening.

The process of awakening, as well as the continual strength gained thereafter, was governed by talent alone.

Regardless of how much a person struggled, endured, and worked themselves to death, a more talented person could achieve their results simply by breathing.

While Michael did start putting effort into practicing in the future, that was close to three years when he met her. Heck, in the original timeline, he didn't even awaken for another two years.

Not to mention, the lack of sheer will, and preparatory training didn't allow him to achieve the best awakening he could.

As such, while his results were amazing… That's only when compared to the average. Being a part of the so-called golden generation and his late awakening caused Michael to be far behind his peers when entering the academy.

Although my less mature body was a slight disadvantage, awakening later over such a reason was the height of stupidity.

Three days of non-stop stamina training assisted through potions should lessen the physical burden to the extent that it was no longer the primary concern.

This method was only feasible for someone from an elite family. Even then, the absurd cost of healing potions without impurities would steer everyone but my doting parents from allowing this.

Of course, being nine months behind others of the same age helped as well.

The other main downside of this method was the lack of pain tolerance and mental toughness that naturally came along with intensive training.

This was the main reason for the original lackluster awakening. His innate indifference and madness could only take him so far.

Conversely, the current me had memories of what most would consider hell.

The memories of the deaths of myself, her, and those who stood at my side when I tried to destroy the world.

The faces of those who delivered this fate to me, as well as the ones who directed them.

My desire to rend their souls and ensure their eternal suffering.

If that exists, my mind will never waver. No amount of physical pain can compare to those experiences.

-An hour later-

Ding… Ding… Ding…

[Sender: Father]

 -Use as many of the Elixirs as you need. Smash the old man's record so I rub it in his face.

[Sender: Mother]

 -We have plenty of money, just don't overdo it.

'As expected, both agreed.'

Having eaten dinner and receiving free elixir usage limits, I could start the training.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

Tak… Tak… Tak…

Not even 30 seconds passed before Rose appeared and opened the door.

An assassin of her caliber would unconsciously be able to erase the sound of their steps. The fact that I heard them was simply out of consideration for the one she served.

With a gentle smile, she asked, "How can I help you?". Despite asking a question, Rose immediately went to collect the remnants of my dinner.

"Bring all the available S class healing Elixir to the family's gravity room."

Despite the initial confusion from the seemingly random order, Rose didn't question it. Someone of her abilities could deduce why I would make such an order.

"I will bring them to you shortly. Don't overdo it before I get there.

Gravity rooms were an application of the space element derivative, gravity manipulation.

Higher-end rooms such as the one I planned on using not only increased the weight dozens of times over but also allowed for the intensity to be increased fractionally.

A higher-end room was the only option for a non-awakened 12-year-old. If it was set to double right away, the training would be too intense for it to be effective.

At 1.5 times gravity, my heart and lungs could still work. They would feel like they caught fire, but the pain was just pain.

The appearance was even more plain than the functionality. The room was just a white cube.

No decorations, no amenities. Just a white cube.

Making other structures that would withstand the increased gravity would just needlessly increase the cost, so nobody would ever add them.

The training itself was simple as well.

Push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and jump rope. A simple routine a boxer might use back on earth.

Until my body could deal with this under 1.5 times gravity, there was no point in doing anything more intense.

Before I started the training and increased the gravity, a quick 10-minute stretch was in order. Even for me, tearing something the second I increased the gravity would be rather embarrassing.

In the first circuit, I could do 13 push-ups, 35 squats, 70 sit-ups, and jump rope for 4 minutes.

In the second circuit, I did 15 push-ups, 38 squats, 76 sit-ups, and jump rope for 5 minutes.

For the third… 11, 29, 62, and 3 minutes.

For the fourth… 4, 11, 27, and 1 and a half minutes.

For the fifth… 1, 4, 9, and 20 seconds.

After the fifth circuit, I ended up collapsing on the floor. Breathing was truly hard, without forcing it, I may not have breathed at all.

Without Rose being here yet, there was no reason to try another circuit.

My heart would stop, my lungs would burst, and my bones would shatter.

After laying there for a few minutes, Rose came to the gravity room after fulfilling my order.

Seeing me on the ground not moving, her face turned to one of horror.

Realizing my idiotic maid was thinking the worst, I weakly waved my hand before an annoying situation unfolded.

"You… WHY! Huh…"

Despite wearing an expression that seemed to say 'I'll kill you if you die like this', she instantly appeared before me and poured a few drops of the Elixir into my mouth.

Like the ebbing tides of an ocean before a tsunami, my fatigue was gone within a minute.

Jumping back up, I rolled my arms and flexed my legs.

'How many more times do I need to do this to feel an effect?'

"Rose, I plan on staying in here until the awakening. Let mother and father know if they come looking for me."

Immediately after giving the order, I tried to continue the circuits.

Feeling a hand grabbing my shoulder, Rose was standing there giving a disapproving look.

"I bet the madam told you not to overdo it… so what's this?"

Had I been someone else, such a caring maid might have moved them to tears.

Sadly, neither I, Michael, nor Xavier had been one to look fondly over such concern.

The madness that was lying dormant flared up, and with a growl, I informed Rose. "I don't plan on dying; anything less than that isn't enough."

With every word I said, Rose's eyes bore more and more fear. By the end of my statement, anyone could tell what she felt.

Rather than the words themselves, the sheer madness and hatred in my eyes terrified her. She knew the indifference of the previous Michael, but she never saw his madness.

Looking at her expression, I belatedly came to my senses and turned around.

'It's a shame, losing her support already…'


Walking to the center of the room, I went to begin the circuit again.


Ill s-ay

"I'll stay and watch."

"You will need someone to give you the potion when you collapse again."

Just moments before, Rose's eyes held fear… But now? Only determination could be seen.

'I have no idea what she's thinking, but…'

"Just don't get in the way".

Next chapter