
Chapter IV


“Your majesty is jesting. The king, is you. You are above all and all alive in this land.” Said a man with a big smile using gestures to make the king believe all his words.

“Jest…I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m no king, I belong to no people and no land. I have no idea why I’m here or when I ended up in such place.” Said the king confused.

Everyone fell silent. The air had a scent of ignorance from both sides. A side bothered by the unknown while the other in pact with it. A devilish pact arisen from unknown desires.

“Perhaps, your majesty is tired. It’s getting dark so please be gentle and rest at my place for tonight.” Said the same man with the same length of smile.

They entered the house which the king was present before. The same frozen fireplace, the same chairs and the same empty plates.

“I would like to humbly treat you with some food, but sadly the fireplace is so stiff with ice, Sire. Please accept my sincerest apologies.” The man looking at king from under his brows, pointed the stairs to his wife.

“Prepare the room upstairs for the majesty to rest.”

She went on. The same rattle was heard under her steps. A strange sound indeed, as if the ground was calling for the dead to be buried.

The king turned towards the man and parted his lips.

“You were saying that I am the king, let’s assume you’re right, where is my castle? Why you people and everything were frozen?” He was calm.

“We…frozen? Your majesty has traveled a lot and is tired, so he couldn’t separate the frozen objects with us. We were doing our utmost for the upcoming winter before we saw you, Sire. Even the coldest winds cannot make us hesitate an inch of the hourglass.”

The king was dumbfounded. He couldn’t think straight for the cold has penetrated his mind, inviting him to a long journey.

“Your room is ready, Sire.”

He moved upstairs; the rattle was dim. Once again, he glanced inside and saw the same empty room he saw before. Just one bed and a candle were making a difference. He took off his coat and placed the stones inside the pockets and went straight to the bed. The thought of sleep as a friend betrayed him swiftly for he was hearing noises. Every rattle of the wood under the bed, on the walls and the roof was a sign to him as if they were telling him not to sleep, an enemy is nearby. He felt that he is stuck in a circle and people all around just like the time the people of village circled him.

“He is here, he is here.”

He heard the exact same words again. He got up fast and took his coat, going for the stairs he stopped. The land owner and his wife were talking.

“Something’s outside. Don’t raise your voice or God knows what’ll happen to us. It’s going on well, the guy thinks he’s the king now. Once the lightness shines, we’ll tell him the castle is beyond the mountain. He’ll go for it like a fool. Those doomed monsters are surely from there.” Said the man rubbing his hands.

“But can he do it? He’s young and all, weren’t the kings supposed to be old?” asked the wife

“He looks strong, that’s it. Why do we care, if he can he’ll do it if not he’ll die? As long as he keeps those voices away, we’ll be fine. I don’t wanna hear that bloody voice again.” They went to sleep

The king moved downstairs and opened the door. The town was bright, brighter than the morning!