
Memories (Levi x Elle/reader)

Elle_937 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The cold wind blew against my cheeks slapping them telling me to stay up. My eyes whimpered as I tried not to close them. The cold didn't help either as I was shivering and my limbs were turning purple. I don't know how much longer I can stay like this.Sometimes I think sleeping and never waking up is a lot better than this hell. I haven't sleep in days just due to a stupid dream. Why won't it stop? I am so helpless and can't do anything but run. Night is peaceful to some people, nothing to worry about, just dreams in different reality's. For me you're vulnerable when you're sleeping. Anyone can take you, anything can happen. A cold sweat reached my face as I touched my cheek to feel a tear. I looked down to see I was trembling. Even thinking about the dream made me cry. I started to slow by breathing using the way my sister taught me in 4, 2 hold, and 5 out. I really miss my sister. Her goofy smile the way she always knew how to calm me down. I didn't want to sleep anymore. The wind slapped my face as my wobbly legs bent and I stood up. And I ran still, never stopping. I am always running mentally or physically. I am just a speck of dust in a huge world running from my problems pathetic right. Then I eventually stopped physically to Catch my breath. My face was pale and I was panting, I laid down on the soft spiky grass. A little lady bug climbed up my hand. "Hi there little guy" I said laughing. The little red and black creature walked around my hand before flying away. I stood up quickly so I could keep running. But a weird feeling came over me. It felt like it was dragging down. My vision got blurry "shit" I thought out loud as I started to try to walk. If you were looking at me I would probably look like one of the drunk wall Maria police lookouts. I saw tiny dots as everything went dark. There were thousands of reasons why I fainted , restless nights, no food for days on row, little no water, exhaustion, stress, coldness and the list went on. But that wasn't the problem, it was that I was valuable and alone.