
Memoir from a youth

Everyone was a kid once. Someone once said: "Those can't grow up who never was a child." So, what happens if you didn't had a childhood? ...Are you really grow up?

kuro_sksk · Teen
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4 Chs

From now on

Four years has passed since we met.

She became even more beautiful over the years, but something has changed.

We remained friends but she started to fade away. Naked eyes couldn't notice this fom her act, but I could. She no longer made friends. She just kept up with the currents.

But none of us was her real friend.

We only know what she showed and told us.

Even so, what if those things weren't the true? 

Could I believe in her? In her existence?

I wanted to stay with her a little longer. But time couldn't be stopped. None of us had the abbility to do that.

So, we stayed. We have changed.

We started to fall apart. 

How can something fall apart if it never were together in the first place?

She was fourteen years old. Just about to go to highschool. She had a hard time choosing what she should be. She wanted to be an artist.

It's a bit interesting in my opinion. I would imagine her to be a doctor, but she chose artist. That's won't change the world and help people, so why? It's not suits her that much.

But somehow, we all knew it did.

She always paint beautifully. She draws like no one in the class, so let it be. I would like to tell as well, that she painted moments.

Moments from life.

Once back then, I saw her in an alley. I was terrified when I saw her. My first thought was that, it's not her. How could a girl like her in a place like this? Why? What happened? 

Did you found the answer already, dear reader?

Yes, She draw. I waited for hours in hiding for her to finish. 

When she came out, I saw a draw about a dove. It was close to death in her draw. It's wings were injured and bloody. I didn't know what to think then. I went to the alley as well to see if she really draw a real thing. And she did.

There was a small dove in the alley, injured.

I lost my belief at that time. My belief in her existence.

If she was still herself, she would help the bird right? So she finally fade away. Completly.

And I was alone again. She was still her act, but I couldn't be the same. No matter how hard I tried, I knew it won't work anymore. Our friendship, I mean. My belief in her perfectness.

So what should I do now? We are going separate ways. She will be an artist, and I? What will I be without her? -My mind couldn't stopped thinking even for a second.

I decided back then, I'll be a photographer.

Why? You and I both will wonder about this.

But I spoiler it for you, I wanted to create the ever lasting moments.

That's what I call a picture. 

Moments that froze in time. Moments about her was my favorite type of photograph.