
Chapter 1: New beginnings

Talia stepped outside her house and took a fresh breath of air " guess we have to move...I'll miss this place " Talia says and walks To the street to check the mail, Talia looks up and sees birds(buzzards) " Must be something dead or about to die " Talia says And walks back to the house.

Diary entry:1 April 23rd 2010

This story may be odd or somewhat strange...but it's mine.My name is Talia Abigail Jackson, I'm 14 ,I'm albino, how and deaf to a certain extent I can hear most things but others I can't I still have hearing aids. For when I can't hear or when I'm sick. And my ears are stopped up, I live with my mom in a small house BUT!,we are moving to an old family house...TWO hours from my current house, well I guess it won't be that bad I might make new friends at this school,instead of enemies for being alive ...OKAY that got depressing FAST.so for now peace out I guess

Talia walks in the door and puts and.

Mail on the kitchen counter so miss Jackson will see it "mom, mails on the table "Talia says bumping into a box with the word "PLATES" on the front and a fragile sticker almost every corner " jeez mom way to over do it " Talia says with a small chuckle, "Well, it is your great grandmothers China."miss Jackson says as she picks up cardboard box and writes "CUPS" on the sides "you know mom maybe in the new house we can get a dog?"Talia says and cocks her eyebrow with a sly grin"Maybe...depending on space when we get there"Miss Jackson says ,Talia was beaming " REALLY!?!" Talia says with a huge grin on her face "it also depends on your grades At the new school if you get straight A's for two months you can get a puppy " miss Jackson says ,Loading cups into the cardboard box,Talia was determined to a dog "Okay,if I get straight A's for two months Then I get a puppy?" Talia says questioning what miss Jackson said "That's what I said, did I not?"miss Jackson says laughing " Okay, well I need to finish packing my things before Later or the moving truck will go on without me" Talia says running up the stairs" TALIA BE CAREFUL PLEASE!" Miss Jackson yells Across the house, Talia swung open her bedroom door and grabbed 2 boxes and a marker and began to pack.

The next morning Talia had finished packing the rest of her belongings The night before and Miss Jackson had finished packing as well, " Talia, wake up or I'm getting the spray bottle " Miss Jackson says, Talia shoots up and hops out of bed " What's the rush mom?" Talia says. Rubbing her eyes " moving truck will be here in an hour, get up and get dressed." Miss Jackson says Blankly, clearly tired her self," Oh shoot " Talia says and scampers around the room to get dressed " I'll be down stairs. Cleaning up a bit and don't forget to get your bag your going to have in the van,I'm driving one and a friend is driving the the other." Miss Jackson says and closes the door and heads down stairs, Talia. Changes and grabs her backpack and throws her phone charger headphones and laptop in the Compartment and zips it up , "it might get cold " Talia says and grabs her hoodie off a hook And heads down stairs.

Miss Jackson, gathers her things and puts them in her purse, "Mom I'm ready " Talia says,"Okay, the moving trucks are here,So grab a box and put them in the truck please" Miss Jackson says grabbing a box and heading out the door, thirty minutes later "Talia dear, bring the last 2 boxes to this truck "Mr.Carven says as he's putting his own box into the truck."Okay." Talia says and runs inside to grab the other boxes ,looking around one last time before closing the door behind her , Mr.Carven takes the boxes from her and Loads them up ,"Okay Sweet heart, I know I'll be home by 7 I'm helping the Lindsay move." Mr.Carven says to. His wife on the phone. "Thank you for all your help sal" Miss Jackson Says smiling" what are friends for "Mr.Carven says, Talia. Hops in the passenger seat of the first moving truck"I think I'll take a nap on the way there mom "Talia says And yawns " okay, I'll wake you up. When we get almost there "Miss Jackson says and starts the trucks and drives off ,Talia puts on her hoodie and falls asleep.

Talia dreams of when she was young around six or seven it's hazy but she's playing with a boy,she can't see his face but he looks a year or two older then her "Hey,come back! you aren't supposed to leave me alone!" Talia. Says screaming at the boy the boy laughs and turns around " you aren't going to get anywhere if you follow me lia" the boys says and laughs running off again Talia yells the boys name but it's not audible in the dream " fine!" Talia says and pouts,the boys laughs and hangs upside down From a tree limb, Talia Sits on a tree stump looking at the boy," HEY!, I got an idea " Talia says and jumps. Up and runs over to the tree , the boys climbs down and stares at her "what's this idea lia?" The boy says looking at Talia with a small smile " We can play hide and seek!" Talia says Smiling, the boy perks up "okay I'm it! I want to find you "the boy said with determination on his face "OKAY! Count to 30 "Talia says as she runs off to hide "30! Ready or not here I come !" The boy says looking around , Talia Looks up at the boy the a window in her play house and giggles a little, then shut her mouth "ohhhhh TALIA! come out!" the boys says and jumps in front of the door of the play house "BOO!" The boy says And Talia screams and she hears a rattle under a small chair and cowers in a corner shuffling her feet back accidentally hitting the snake, it strikes... the boy sticks out his hand and there was a red strobe of light then Talia woke up, "Who...was that..?" Talia says looking out the window.

Ehh, this is my first time doing something like this so I’m not sure,I’ll try to upload. Another chapter by next week.

River_writercreators' thoughts