
Melody of the Night

Zeyneb · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Thinking of you is a poison I often drink. 



The sun rays were stroking her slowly. They were helping her to wake up. Her mind that was once at peace started feeling pain again. Her senses were returning. She might have laid there for a few more minutes if that splitting pain hadn't  struck her head.

With that pain she sat straight. She looked around, the forest park was looking less scary than it was looking last night. Everything was clear and bright.

Suddenly she realized why she was running and how she ended up there. She again stood up but unlike last night her first attempt was a success.

Her eyes started welling up when she remembered the events from last night. Her heart again started feeling anxious. Her breath started getting irregular. She started walking but her steps were staggering. Her tears were blurring the scenery in front of her.

She started finding the path that led her there. But everything was identical around her. She turned around but there was not any cliff. It was just plain land with lots of trees but there were no paths. it was more wild for a park.

She pulled out her smartphone. She unlocked it but seeing the home screen wretched her heart. He was smiling at her with his phone in his hand showing her photo. His eye smile was looking more beautiful with his gummy smile.

A tear rolled down her cheek. Under her breath a pray made her way.

She  wanted to give up there and then. but a sentence escaped her lips

"he must be waiting."

This sentence shook her awake. She suddenly looked at the networks but there were no signals. All networks were unavailable. She opened maps but it was also not working. She found it strange. She started walking.

She thought to herself

" That park wasn't a very big one it must have some boundary near."

She started walking quietly. But her mind was not quiet even a bit. Every kind of thought was making its way to her mind about him. She wasn't even a little worried about herself. She even forgot about the wound that led her unconscious last night.

"what if he had given up on his life?"

" what if he had already breathed his last breath?"

Her hope tried to voice

"No how can he leave even without even meeting me once?"

" How can he leave me behind like this?"

But soon her madness took over

" he didn't think about me even once?"

"no he might be alive"

And at last it was her greed that made its way to her mouth

She yelled;

" he has to be alive."

" he has to be alive."

A/N: hey everyone. So this is second chp. I'll upload next chp in one or two days. Please bear with this slight lost songl. Soon things will speed up. Just hang in there my dear readers until then accept this love.