
Meliodas In TBATE

Aiden, an 18 years old boy, living alone in this cruel and harsh world ends up meeting the legendary Truck-kun and die in his hands. Meeting god, he gives him a new chance to live in the world of The Beginning After the End, a magical world filled with adventures and mysteries in the body of Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath from the Seven Deadly Sins acquiring all of his powers and abilities. Follow the story of our Mc in this new world where new people exist and original events happen, and watch how he is going to change the world by his intervention. [NOTE] I do not own any of the characters or the plot in this book, only the original characters and events are mine. [DISCLAIMER] THERE IS GOING TO BE +18 SCENES IN THIS BOOK SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 48: Let's have some fun

After all of these events and years as an adventurer, we went back to Xyrus city using the portal, I felt somehow nostalgic seeing again this city remembering my family.

I went to the adventurer's guild to retire along with Ash and Lucy, the receptionnist was stunned about this decision but did her job in the end.

As this was annouced, the streets of Xyrus city buzzed with whispers and speculations. Some praised this decision, believing that it marked a new era of peace and prosperity.

Xyrus's adventures had often drawn monsters, calamities and unwanted trouble, so they hoped that his absence would bring an end to the chaos.

Others, however, were deeply opposed. The council of nobles feared that my and the other's retirement would create a power vacuum, and they vied to fill it.

My previous allies, who had fought by my side on some occasion and had the chance to know me presonnaly were conflicted, torn between loyalty to their friend and their duty to the kingdom.

Taverns were filled with debates about the future. Bards sang songs of my exploits, while skeptics warned that the realm would become vulnerable without my protection. The common folk, caught between the excitement of change and the fear of the unknown, were left to wonder what destiny had in store for their beloved land.

In a world accustomed to the strength of only a few adventurers, the announcement of me and my party's retirement had ignited a storm of questions and hopes, casting a shadow of uncertainty across the kingdom.

But in the end all they could do was to swallow this decision since there is nothing else they can do.

"Where are we heading to?" Ash placed his arm on my shoulder.

"Home of course, but first follow me guys." I told them.

"I dont know why this sounds like trouble for me, but I like it." Lucy smiled excitedly.

We went to change from our adventurers clothes to more normal ones, but less revealing to not get recognised by people.

As our trio strolled through the cobbled streets of the medieval city, our attire seamlessly blended a sense of sophistication with practicality, all while keeping our identities concealed.

I donned a tailored ensemble that was both dashing and discreet. Im wearing a deep indigo tunic with intricate silver embroidery, over this I have a black leather cloak that concealed my identity from prying eyes. My boots, now a rich polished brown, exuded an air of refinement.

Ash, the agile and fast lighting of the group, was the epitome of masculine style and elegance. He wore a dark tunic with intricate silver accents that struck a perfect balance between style and discretion.

His trousers were tailored for both comfort and movement, allowing him to navigate the city's winding streets with grace. Ash's knee-high leather boots were sleek and practical.

He wrapped himself in a deep maroon cloak with a hood that shrouded his features in an air of mystery, making it difficult for passersby to recognize him. His attire maintained an alluring yet understated charm, and his fiery dyed red hair was hidden under a hat, adding to his aura of secrecy and sophistication.

Lucy, her robes were now of a deep, inky black with shimmering silver sigils. They flowed gracefully, hiding her slowly growing curves and revealing only her hands. Her hooded mantle provided additional secrecy, and a delicate silver headband adorned with a sapphire graced her brow.

A belt of ornate design held her vials of mystical potions, and her fingers were adorned with discreet but powerful rings concealed beneath gloves.

Arriving to our destination, a suspiscious building with music and all kinds of sounds coming from it, a security guard was standing in the front door.

"Ash can you paralyse him for some seconds so that we can sneak in." I asked him.

"Seriously what are you thinking of?" Ash asked.


Ash released an electric current that made the security guard lose consciousness for a couple of seconds that were more than enough to let us slide in. The guard woke up not understanding what happened and just continued his job as if nothing happened thinking that it was because of his lack of sleep.

Getting into the building we started hearing music more clearly and after some more steps we could see many people gathered dancing around.

"Wow is that a club? It's my first time here, but are we allowed to be here we are still twelve you know?" Lucy explored the place with her eyes.

"Don't worry, have you ever been drunk?" I asked with a big smile.

"No..." x2

"Then we all will drink for the first time today!" I started sneaking behind everyone reaching the bar and I grabbed three bottles of booze and went back to them.

"There you go buddy, have fun." I handed them a bottle each.

"Are you sure this is okay Meliodas?" He asked nervously while taking the bottle.

"Come on, stop being a pussy. Girls like bad boys like me." I joked opening the bottle drinking already half of it.

The idiot Ash started drinking too but he drunk a lot in a single go, then a man came towards us with his hands in his pockets while looking around as if to see if there was anyone looking at him. In other words he is too suspiscious.

"Hey kids, what are you doing here with those bottles?" He asked

"Can't you see? We are celebrating something here." I said drinking my second bottle already.

"Oh I see, if you are celebrating I have something good for you kids, it will make your parties ten times better." He took out a small bag with plants in it and continued.

"These are called weed, they will..."

Not letting him continue I interruped, "Man fuck off already."

"But this is really good..."

"I said fuck off" I looked at him with a death stare.

"O-okay then." He finally left.

*Sigh* 'This shit was almost going to ruin my past life.' I thought.

"What is weed Meliodas?" Lucy asked, with her bottle still closed.

Turning towards her I explained. "Its something really bad, I dont recommand you try it, if you do then you will become the worst version of yourself."

Then turning towards Ash I continued. "You see Ash? You should never trust these..." As I was speaking I realised something.

He is gone!

I looked around me to find him barely able to walk going towards a girl probably three time his age.

"Stupid ass where are you going?" I muttered under my breath.

"Shut up! Im not a pussy I can drink too! Im gonna talk to that girl there, she fucking like bad boys!" Ash was barely able to talk due to the alcohol effect

"I didn't know you liked milfs." I said with a expressionless face.

"What are you talking about she is not a milf, she's my age!" He refuted.

"Looks like you aren't made for alcohol buddy, you only drinked half the bottle and you are already this drunk, now i know, never make Ash drink before missions or a fight." I said making note in my head and taking the bottle from his hand at the same time.

"Besides that you will get plenty of chances to look for a girlfriend when we attend Xyrus academy." I told him.

"HUUUH? Just what are you talking about? I can never attend it, only nobles and royality can go there no matter how talented a person is." He was waving and tripping everywhere barely balancing himself.

"Don't worry I have my ways, anyways Im gonna grab just a last bottle and we will go to avoid problems." I told him.


"Ash?" I looked at him to find him already asleep.

"What a headache." I mumbeled.

Putting his body on my back, I again and for the last time grabbed a bottle and was going to head out when I heard shouts at the entrance.

"We are the royal guards, we have received complains about some sort of drugs business here and children allowed to drink. No one is allowed to leave until we finish our investigation." One of them shouted.

"Meliodas, what do we do?" Lucas asked very close to my ear.

"Well this is troublesome." I muttered with a chuckle. "Follow me!" I continued.

I started running past everyone with Ash on my back, Lucy following behind with her bottle in hand.

"Hey you, dont move brats. They are the kids who were reported! CATCH THEM IMMEDIETLY!" One of the guards shouted pointing at us as he started sprinting with his collegues.

We got out of the club running with guards following behind us in the street. "Is it true that we will attend Xyrus academy?" Lucy asked running behind me effortlessly leaving the guards behind.

"Yes its true, it will be a great experience for all of us and to learn more on magic." I told her, looking back at her I saw her eyes sparkling in excitement which is pretty rare since she almost always have a angry and sharp expressions.

We turned to a small tight alley only for the guards to follow us. "Stupid brats, its a dead end. You can't escape from us now!" One of them spoke.

They turned in the alley to find nothing but dustbin and trash everywhere. "Where the fuck did they go? Search everywhere boys, they shouldn't have gone too far."

From the rooftop of the big building I was looking at them, Lucy taking Ash from my shoulder to lift him.

"Tch, Idiots..." She said.

"Hahaha that was fun. But its really unfortunate that I can't get drunk." The last part was said more to me than to her.

'It's weird, I dont have the immortality curse I know that for a fact since il growing, but why don't I get drunk...? It's really annoying.'

Ignoring the fact, I asled Lucy. "You gonna drink that bottle? If not give it to me I like the booze in there." I asked her.



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