
Megaverse traveler (Deleted)

Brother deleted the novel so it got canceled, read my new novel "Chillin' in an Omniverse"

Ainz_Sama_1234 · Anime & Comics
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My head is calmed down now and I can think thoroughly about what to do and what now and decided that I will rewrite the novel once again but it will have several changes like some harem and some other changes too...and

I thought about it for most likely an hour and decided to make a new novel, I don't want to take 1.5 m views as compensation and so I decided to make a new novel and just place a completed tag on this novel.

I don't know but it just feels wrong for using my old cover to make a new novel and I fully know that the 1.5m views and all the collections are of an old novel that is no longer.

The Name of the New novel will be decided in some more time...you guys can remove this novel from your library.

The title of the new novel will be posted here or you can just find it on my account page after some time or on Monday, lets the future decide it.

I will start thinking about the storyline and other things about this novel.

I know some guys might be thinking why can't I just write a summary or rewrite the novel...let me tell you it is not possible for me. To rewrite all the things I write before, all the words, and even the chapters I forgot most of it and rewrite it with the same or similar plot will be just uncomfortable and not a good idea.

I am sorry to disappoint you all in me but please give me a last chance and read my next novel which will be coming soon because if that novel doesn't work I might not write anymore...thanks for your time.

And one comment said that I could just put a summary about the old chapters and start writing it again...no it is not possible all the words count and all the new readers will find it annoying and drop it...

See you next time...

Ps..this Novel will be Stated as [Compeleted] as soon as I think of the Title for the New novel.