
Megalomaniacs Multiversal Chat Group[Currently moved]

What Happens When a Boy dies and gets reborn as chara dreemur with all seven fallen souls and also has a Multiversal Groupchat,Follow The Adventures of Chara and his Multiversal Group Currently invited Characters: Madoka Magicia: Akame Homura OverLord: Ainz ooal gown JJK: Itadori Yuji/Ryomen Sukuna Marvel:Nick Fury DC:Bruce Wayne/BatMan Main World:OPM

Ender_Child · Anime & Comics
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LOA Strikes And The First BioElementals Abilities

As Me and Ainz were Just out here Playing a game of chess, Homura brought Itadori back With a few burns and cut on his uniform.

"So wanna explain what happened out there" I asked while Moving my pawn 2 steps forward on the board.

"Uhm well you see I was knocked unconscious by a villain? I guess and Sukuna took over and that all happened" Itadori said while scratching the back of his head.

"Ofcourse this happens *sigh* I guess it's fine, Homura have you gotten New information on the World Hero Association" I asked as i stopped playing with the chess board.

"None yet but I have successfully recruited Five more People into the organization Some of them I found them on the streets, Some are just some Villains, But I do have information on the No2 Hero Endeavor, he seemed to have a son but died in a fire some years ago, but the strange thing is they didn't find a body" She paused.

"But I think his son is still alive there is no noticeable evidence of him dying, And also he has three more children" She finished Explaining.

"Interesting, Enji Todoroki his Citizen Name and his Hero Name Endeavor, Oh how I can fill the hate emanate from him, hehe let's see his sins returning from the past to haunt him hehehe" I said with a terrifying expression on my face which made the others to just blankly ignore me and join Ainz for chest.

tsk, oh well I guess I'm the only who would ever understand my on actions.

"Anyways tomorrow is February 26th right the day UA Holds their Little Entrance Exam, Me and Itadori are going you said?" I asked while turning to Ainz.

"Yes we want you guys to investigate their technology and we want to also see and Analyze their quirks of the children in there to try and replicate them since we can't study them closely" Ainz said.

"I mean I could just kidnap them" I said Bluntly.

"No"All three of them said simultaneously.

"Chara We aren't trying to traumatize the children who have never seen a single death in their lives" Homura said while rolling her eyes.

"And also a bad plan they could have trackers on Them" Ainz stated.

"How are they gonna track me if I'm not in this Dimension" I said with a smile.




"Yeah think really hard on that" I said while making a ball of red energy and bounce it on my arms.

"Still a no" Homura said.

"hmph fine they're safe…For now" I said Expressionlessly. They all just looked at me wordlessly.

"Since everyone seems bored and want to stretch their bodies well it's not like SOMEONE hasn't already done that" I said while looking at Itadori who was looking the other way and was whistling.

"Why not test our little Nomu here he should have stabilized" i said.

"Hmm I guess we can test on some heroes, and why not increase our influence while doing it, ok then let's go cause some chaos" Ainz said.

"Heh were considered a huge Threat so we are probably gonna fight some pro heroes" i said.

"Well then I'll go get him" Ainz said while he got up and went to the cell.

After a few minutes Ainz could be seen with a figure wearing a blue shirt and a trouser. It was the BioElemental his tail moving slowly behind him and his horns could be seen emitting a small amount of dark lightning.

"Well hello there what might be your Name" I asked.

"My Name is Kuchita Tamashi, And I greet my masters" He said while bowing down.

"Stand, today we are gonna cause some havoc and we will see your abilities if you do well we might attack the league Of Villains" i said while silently observing his facial expressions.

"I shall fulfill my mission Masters" he said with a loyal voice.

"Great Ainz can you make him a villain costume" I asked Ainz.

"Sure" he replied.

"Now then let's wait and see" I said as we waited

"Where is it" Homura asked while asking me something.

"The chocolate where is it" She asked again.

Tsk she remembered I snapped my hands and two boxes of chocolate appeared on the couch.

"Happy" I asked not amused by chocolate's being taken even though I did promise…

"Thanks" She said with a smile.

After a few more minutes Ainz returned with Kuchita who was wearing a Purple and white armor and his faced exposed, on his arms there were big claws on the forearms.

"Oh he actually looks good wearing that, you have a sense of fashion my dude" I said impressed.

"Now then Itadori, You aren't switching with Sukuna for a while" I said while directly looking at Itadori.

"Hey it wasn't my fault…Well maybe it is" he said.

Anyways After Ainz were his armoire we went out of the base and went to a busy street we were on top of a building.

"Now then how should we do this" I said while sitting near the edge of the building.

"Lets see how Kuchita does instead" Homura said.

"oh yeah We believe in you Kuchita, by the way just cause some damage don't kill anybody" Itadori said while giving him a thumbs up.

"Cause havoc until the heroes Arrive then we will deal with that" i said while gesturing my hands to move.

"As you please masters" He said then jumped of the building landing on the streets making some cars crash in the process.

"So now then, Heroes you can see me come save your Citizens from the League of Anarchy Today…I will forever be loyal to them." Kuchita said while he was gathering Dark lightning in his hands.

He raised his hands and pointed it to the sky sending out a Pitch black bolt of lightning into the clouds.

The clouds started acting crazy and all of them became big and dark, covering the majority of the city in a terrifying storm.

"Not bad, Not bad at all" Ainz said with a hint of amusement.

"Weather control huh, And it doesn't seem to be a normal storm too" i said as a Dark lightning bolt struck a building making it collapse.

Kuchita wasn't done, his shadow moved and twisted before becoming larger and Entrapping the citizens who were trying to run become trapped under his shadow.

His shadow came to life and like a cage trapped all the citizens in a big giant transparent Dark ball.

"Well he's getting creative with his moves" Homura Commented.

"Yeah but it seems a bit crude, his abilities are new so I would assume that." I said.

"Sukuna wants to fight him so he says" Itadori said Nonchalant to his words.

"Hey brat let me Out so I can fight that thing, it looks strong I want to see how strong" a mouth appeared on Itadoris cheeks.

"Shut it and watch, You despicable little spirit" Ainz said in a commanding voice.

As he said that Sukuna just kept quiet and went back to itadoris soul or body.

As Kuchita was on the streets he got into a praying position and Chanted.

"Oh Lord of Hate Grant thee, The Power To Destroy My Enemies, To Create which Cannot be Made, To destroy Which Cannot be destroyed, Empower This lowly subject With the Anchors Of Your Hateful Soul".

[Your Subject Kuchita Tamashi Asks For Permission to use Your power Accept: Y/N]

Interesting I'm guessing He can borrow Ainz Power if he does the same, Since i do remember him getting a Death Divinity And of course I accepted.

Now then let's see what he wants to do with it….


Hello How was you guys day today, and if you're confused about him doing the prayer thing I'll explain it the next chapter.