
*Welcome To My Special Hell

Ah how their terrified faces amuse me, they really thought they'll just get away using a van? Hahah quite funny, now I feel like going to the league of villains and raiding their base, but I'll do it maybe before the sports festival, Who knows me and Ainz could even make more bioelementals.

Of course since Kuchita is the Primogenitor he is the strongest, even though becoming a bioelemntal means losing Your quirk…but I'm pretty sure the Nomus wonts mind.

"So how cool is your dad now Nero" I asked while placing her down on the ground.

"Very cool, what are you gonna do to them though?" She said tilting her head.

"Heh well I'll show you daddy's special move but we have to wait for a few heroes to get here" I said while patting her head.

"Ahem now lov tell me who exactly asked you to try and kidnap my lackeys child, if you don't tell me I won't kill you yes, but I'll definitely make you experience pain beyond what a Nomu feels" I said my eyes closed but every one of my words a threat to their sanity and life.

"w..we were told to k…kidnap some people" hmm I heard him but not properly, I used the hate tentacle breaking the rear mirror and picking up one of the villains, he looked like a cat and an lizar mix together, honestly I'm glad I'm not born in this world, Some of the people here are ugly as fuck.

"Oh by who? Could it be All for one or maybe someone else" I asked while squeezing him with the tentacles.

"w..we don't know who I..it was w..we're given orders by a..an unknown person" he said while losing air by the second.

"Hmm Nero make him experience pain beyond this world and enslave him" I said snapping my fingers letting the tentacle unwrap around him making him fall.

"Okay dad [8 eyes Abyssal Gaze]" she said her eyes turning black and purple the mans eyes shines purple and his face became blank and emotionless.

"And now what should I do with you" I said pulling out my knife, I made sure to lower it to the level of a very sharp knife that can cut almost anything.

"w..wait I'll betray the lov and join the league of Anarchy" the villain said his body had a rocky texture he's mouth was covered only exposing he's eyes.

"If you're gonna betray lov you'll probably betray us too, You're actually better of dead". I said while making a red line in the air which appeared on the man's arm severing it completely.

"Ahhhhhhhhh someone help!!!" The man screamed as his hand dropped to the floor and now remained a bleeding stump.

"Hahahaha Don't worry, why because I'm here" All might said jumping on top of the vehicle.

"Hello all might we meet again, how was the beating given to you by fallen knight" I said twirling my knife around.

"…Vill- No Scourge what do the league of Anarchy truly want" he said in an unwilling tone.

"Ah it's sad how you don't know what's happening in the hero system Allmight but if you did know would you just stand back and watch ideally" I asked while grinning.

"I mean Assasination of heroes, Silencing of citizens seeing what they shouldn't have seen, Human and Animal experimentation, this isn't done by villains oh no it was done by the hero commission, if you truly want answers ask your friend hawks he's killed enough to have seen the dark side of the hero World" I said while saying hero in a sarcastic way.

"So in a simpler term our goal is to abolish and reveal that dark side and cause Anarchy all over the world making the so called heroes to be seen as the villains" I said now looking at him in the eye.

"W..what that can't be true, No it must be a lie, they wouldn't do that right?" Allmight said while questioning some things. Like why didn't the committee do anything about drug and chemical dealers, and like how not dealing with the Abuse of quirk less people.

"Ah and I also forgot, ask endeavor for me if he regrets what he did to his family" I said quitely the voice of the man gone, now on the seat was a lifeless corpse.

"And if you look at it closely, Villains were made by the careless mistakes of heroes" I said slamming another nail to the coffin.

"…Is what you said true" he asked with a serious expression.

"Of course I am, honestly this is getting bor-" before I could talk anymore a feather came towards my way, it missed and I destroyed it.

"Ah speaking of hawks, how is the experiment of the hero community, we didn't talk much our last fight, You like how I fixed your wings" I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

"And also I did nothing wrong I'm just saving my lackeys child from mentally ill Villains" I said Nonchalantly.

"…Who truly are you" Hawks said with shaky hands.

"Strange Endeavor asked me the same question, Go ask him instead of me" I said shooing him away.

"…." he silently flew there he sighed and made a sword with his feathers.

"…Hawks what are you about to do" Allmight asked his expression was sad, he was feeling betrayed.

"Villain Soul Scourge you have been deemed as a danger to the hero commission….Im here to put an end to your crimes once and for all" he said, his gaze determined to kill me, wow didn't I cut him the last time or is he just delusional.

"…Hawks tell me this isn't true…tell me you don't actually do that…TELL ME" All might said while shouting at hawks.

"Dad what's going on?" Nero asked while tugging my sweater.

"This my dear daughter is called infighting and drama" I said while looking at the two heroes.

"Ah how sad, this game of hero and villain is just childish, you've been given power but use it for useless and unorthodox things well other than protecting people who deserve it, but some heroes do it genuinely some do it purely for the fame and fortune, it's just pathetic and sad, You're grown men but yet you indulge in childish play, how so ever miserable" I said while Nero was holding my arm, the van was still suspended in the air.

"And also do you think you can kill me with those your dull feathers, let me show you what a true sharp weapon is" I said slashing at the building near him, a rd line appeared on it and then it collapsed to the ground.

"Oops, I missed~" I said playfully.


"Yay dads so cool I wanna try" Nero said excitedly.

"Hmm maybe later, first let the other ones who are hiding come out" I said making my knife hit a nearby building and pulling someone out.

"Kamui Woods, what are you hiding for come join the show" I said while my knife returned back to my hand.

"Villain you won't succeed in your vile plans, You are an incarnation of pure chaos and we heroes are the order" he said righteously.

"Oh really Bow down You piece of living weed" I said while he slams his head into the ground, his body shivering from fear. As if he were looked down at by his most terrifying predator.

"Nero that's how you take care of unwanted people, make them bow down to you like filthy insects" I said while saying it to her.

"Mhm I understand dad" Nero said cheerfully.

"Oh yeah I forgot about you two, Anyways continue" I said while both of them looked at m warily but Allmight was still looking at hawks.

"…Allmight I can't explain it to you…Not know atleast" Hawks said his face looking at the ground with a strange sense of loss.

"As happy as I am to cause trouble for you heroes I have no time for your little…Arguments" I said as I decided to walk away with the van.

"!!!We still aren't done Soul Scourge, you need to be put in bars even though you are trying to do good, I promise if you surrender your sentence may be reduced." Allmight said softly.

"A child like her shouldn't be become a villain…I promise if yo let her have a normal life no one would harm her…Just surrender" He said Pleadingly.

"Ah you see I'm pissed off now Allmight I'm gonna say this you are probably the only I'm ever gonna respect…but you're too Naive so as a parting gift I invite you all *WELCOME TO MY SPECIAL HELL". I said while plunging my knife to the ground, Making the entire ground glow a red color slowly turning bright by the second.

"Bye~ bye~ 'hero'" I teleported with Nero and the van away from the blast area as I see a giant read beacon appearing from the ground swallowing the surrounding victims.

"Nero where your slave?" I asked her.

"Oh he is my Domain" She said cheekily.

"Good job my little dark star" I said while patting her on the head. And looking at the current destruction…..


Ah no one's reading my Minecraft fic how sad.

Anyways how's the chapter.

Allmights gonna be confused and Will question his entire life.

But all in all, After this arc everyone is probably gonna enter their more 'Op' Fazes

Next chapter