
Megalomaniacs Dimensional Chat Group

Follow as a young man dies and gets reborn as chara with a chat group that connects to different dimensions and universes. ******************^************ I wasn’t feeling the other one,and i felt like it was going…nowhere so let’s start anew. also this one has relatives, some may be just au counterpart’s but older or younger. also if the owner of the pic wants me to remove it, contact me

Ender_Child · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Awakening Pt.1

Hello there, my name is chara and i am a reincarnator, But the thing is i can't remember my last life's name or even how i died.

i currently live alone and it's been three months since i arrived here,i did find out this world has things called space quakes,but they happen quite randomly . buy i just find that suspicious and i have been feeling a little bit how should i say hmm,well my chest just hurts for the past few weeks.

but sugar seems to make it hurt less, so here i am eating a bar of chocolate whilst walking on the streets. that was when a space quake started happening.

"i need to go to a bunker before it hits" i said but i think i'd be a bit too late,was it a bad day to come out today ?. Well…i am still not going to get killed i am determined to stay alive!!.


I am determined to run away, a giant purple beam crashed into the city, destroying the buildings near it. i was okay but the shockwave did reach me, i fell down and my chocolate is now ruined,oh well it's still not safe so i may as well just head back home.

but i am curious what's happening on the crash site….Well i guess checking up on it won't hurt.

i started walking there, i think this space quake might be the more medium ones, but they did say the one from thirty years ago was much bigger than the ones happening this era.

i hid behind sole of the destroyed buildings and just sneaked around so i wouldn't get anyone's attention if anyone is there.

i looked at what i would assume a final boss placing her leg on a throne…Okay then that just seems overly flashy not gona lie. and my neighbor is there, what was his name again i am not really that social or ever go out that much.

i don't know why but maybe because i felt like i would accidentally hurt someone,but then again i just hate when people stare at me for too long.


Wow there miss that was not needed, the girl slashed her sword and destroyed a building close to me!!, i think it's time for me to lea-


"ugh…that hurts" i said placing my hand on my chest, it felt like my heart was being drilled into by a thousand different metal wires.

well it was unexpected but i think i can still make it back, a little heart pain wont hurt.

"Am i crying" i said in confusion, i touched my face and brought my arms back,a black substance was currently flowing out of my eyes.

My head hurts, and some girls are fighting the other girl, my mind is messing with me cause i think i just saw my hand covered in blood.


the moment i tried to look back up, a loud buzzing sound entered my ears and then i fell unconscious…




Who are you.

Me? that's an interesting question.

Why is it interesting?

Because you already know that answer.

What if i don't.

Then you will find out.

What if i don't want to.

Then…You can live peacefully and not be entangled by yourself.

What does that mean.

it means rejecting yourself and becoming someone you are not.

What if i want to be a new person instead.

Then accept your past and present and then use it to go further into the future.

Will the passage of time allow me or will fate just cut off all my strings.

Do not give up no matter what, Remember fate just governs events on our lives and changes all the flaws.

I am scared.

of course you would be everyone is scared of knowing themselves.

Maybe i am just weak.

Weakness doesn't matter, Remember no matter what stay determined even if it means you have to start over from the beginning.

…What if it is too much for me.

Seek for friends and companionship along your ways, Staying alone only does bad to you, do not become them become you.

But can i ever change.

Of course you can, as long as you have,Kindness,integrity,Justice,bravery,endurance,perseverance and Determination, You can become who you truly want to be.

Maybe you are right.

Well maybe i am,It's time for you to wake up but it will take longer for you to truly awaken.

I see,i guess it is time for me to wake up,Maybe i should trust people more.







heh…Well well well, what do we have here, looks like i blanked out again, probably because of the energy that hit me earlier.

well i guess i should head back home but at the same time maybe my subconscious was right. ugh well i will think about that later after going back and not collapse on the streets.

{The Next Day}

…As i said it's been three months since i came to this world and i lived alone…but that doesn't mean i don't have relatives….and you see i was supposed to go to school a month ago but i skipped.

so here i am taking my subconscious advice and not be a loner…here we go i guess, or not it could go either way also if i collapse in school just so you know i am never going back.

And i definitely am going here just to like experience.

"Hello everyone, today we have a new student who was supposed to come here a month ago but due to some health problems…he didn't get a chance to come so be nice to him" you know that was almost Bad but, maybe.

"Hello i am chara nice to meet you" i said plainly waving my hands and just went to take a sit. people are annoying…Why do they think i look like a girl yeah i haven't cut my hair in a long bit but it's not that long.

Also the boy from earlier is in this class and his name is shido or something, and talking about the events of yesterday it felt like a fucking fever dream.

Class is boring that is the one of the greatest truths in my opinion.

So sleep it is.







uhm hi,you seem different from last time

hmm maybe but does it matter.

Who knows maybe it does maybe it doesn't.

Have you ever felt hate?.

Hate…not that much.

i see but you should understand,hate is everywhere and it is apart of everyone,it is alright to hate, it is normal for all humans.

Can i hate myself instead.

ofcourse but that is up to you, hate can be used to actually make yourself stronger,but it will always come at a cost.

and what is that cost.

if you can handle the hate there is no big cost,but if you cant you would be consumed.

So it's okay to hate but hating things too much can lead to consequences that cant be fixe?.

silly they can be fixe but it will take time, for example in this world someone would hate somebody who killed that person's parents but that person wouldn't know because it was an accident.

But what if they did make it up for that.

then hate them less but still hate them, it takes time to truly forgive someone you don't like but at the same time feel bad for them.

So what is the difference between hate and love?.

Well for people like us love has to meanings, The level of violence or LOVE and the feelings to be close to the people you trust and care for.

why is that LOVE different.

Because thT one is gotten through taking the lives of others, that love has over twenty levels of it.

…Do i have to kill.

Only if you have no choice but you can also choose to be merciful and try to make that person change.

Options everything has options…why?

because without them we would be led into a place more astray,without options fate would just make us crumble apart,just like a building falling apart albeit an old building.

A building?.

Yes a dynamic structure made from the very roots of the ground through the hands of humanity, So in the simplest terms without options the very structure of options our foundations would be ruined.

i guess so.

Well then since you understand goodbye it's time for you to wake up.






another dream maybe i should take some pills, i mean if they would help. i definitely will take them.

Well looks like is break time or something, so imma just skip

"And thats not all i also sniff your pe clothes" what the fuck, i just came out of class to find the class empty and see two weirdos.

"uhhm hello i am shido" the boy akwardly said.





[oh that seems like a better target, ask her out]

"hey!! i don't go like that and you know it"

[I am serious and also isn't that our neighbor]

"…Now that you say that he does look a lot familiar"

"Okay…so i will be on my way and just forget i ever saw that." Damn it now i am going to be seen as a weirdo by him, why did i have to be dragged into this…it is to save the lives of others yeah!!.





Okay i don't think i am coming back after that but it's just one person it cant be all that are weird.

*Warning the signature of a space quake has been detected in the area*

Two days in a rown and it happens when i am around, is fate messing with me or is it just a coincidence.

Well let's just leave.


*cough* *Cough*

"Damn it not again" I am definitely unlucky my heart felt like it was ripped apart and now i was coughing off black colored blood?…Thays not the point am i going to die again.








Where am i?.

in your mind.

am i dead.

Do you want to die.


then you aren't dead, you're just…in limbo or your mind.

can i leave.

Yes you can but do you want to.


You seem determined not to die.

who wants to die again and again?

No one only the once who were cursed to or chose to do that.

So am i cursed or will i choose to.

If you think it is right then there is no problem but if you do not want to it is your choice so if you want you can choose.

what if i want to stay.

there is no problem with that but be ready to face the consequences.

I see, why do i still have these dreams.

because you are almost close to accepting who you are.

and who am i.

A young man trying to find his way or his identity.

So i am a human.

we are all human but some people aren't truly human.

What do you mean.

Sometimes we have to fall to reach out higher.

i must let go and let myself take over?.

Yes to truly find yourself you must fall, well then goodbye.






"Maybe that is what i need" a boy on the ground said, his uniform seemed to be soaked in blood and some of it seemed to be teared.

he closed his eyes slowly, his hear seems to uave stopped beating. but then a gold chain appeared on his neck and it was a heart shaped one…it was glowing red.

the air near him seemed to have stopped eerily as if iy have never existed, the boys face now adorned a grin capable of even making soldiers have a nightmare.

his eyes were closed but they were still dripping black liquid.

and then…he opened his eyes..


So how was the new chapter, also should i make a discord server so you guys could give me some ideas?.