
Megalomaniacs Dimensional Chat Group

Follow as a young man dies and gets reborn as chara with a chat group that connects to different dimensions and universes. ******************^************ I wasn’t feeling the other one,and i felt like it was going…nowhere so let’s start anew. also this one has relatives, some may be just au counterpart’s but older or younger. also if the owner of the pic wants me to remove it, contact me

Ender_Child · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

A blocky New world pt.2

As i broke the wood on the trees to get it so i can make some wooden planks and make a house, oh right everyone had some kind of disagreement about that.


"Let's build a simple house" Subaru suggested as he placed a block on the ground.

"That sounds plain, let's build a large Tomb instead" Ainz refuted as he placed a stone block on the floor.

"Ehm Maybe a big house,something that isn't grand" Rimuru suggested.

"Thats boring Rimuru san, Lets build an entire underground dungeon instead" Kumoko said cheerfully.

"How about a giant castle,that would be so cool?!!" Itadori said cheerfully with stars in his eyes.

Homura just blandly looked at them not saying anything at all, basically she was doing the same as me.

"What do you mean, a tomb is too latge and it would consume space,if we built a simple house,it won't take that much space and we won't be noticeable" Subaru debated as he stated his reason.

"Haah,no wonder you die quickly,only bu challenging what you can't challenge will you be able to get stronger,Making a tomb will make great defenses,we could make traps and other countermeasures if intruders breach in" Ainz said adamantly moving closer to subaru.

"…I think a big house is still better Besides, it can accommodate all of us comfortably without drawing too much attention," Rimuru continued, trying to mediate the escalating disagreement.

Kumoko, bouncing slightly with excitement, chimed in, "But an underground dungeon has its perks too! We could have secret tunnels and rooms, and it would be super fun to build!"

"Yeah, but think about a giant castle!" Itadori's enthusiasm was infectious, and he gestured wildly. "We could have towers, and a huge gate, and it would look so epic! Imagine the view from the top!"

Homura sighed, breaking her silence. "While a giant castle or dungeon sounds thrilling, we need to be practical. Resources are limited, and we need to ensure our structure is defensible and sustainable."

Subaru nodded in agreement. "Homura's right. We can't get carried away with grand designs. We need something manageable that provides safety and functionality."

Ainz crossed his arms, his skeletal fingers tapping against his bony arm in thought. "Perhaps there's a compromise to be found. We could start with a simple structure, as Subaru suggested, and expand it into a more complex design over time."

"That's a good idea," Rimuru agreed. "We can build a solid foundation and then add to it as needed. This way, we ensure we're secure from the start and can adapt as our needs grow."

Itadori's eyes still sparkled with excitement, but he nodded. "Alright, we start simple and build up. But can we at least add some cool features as we go?"

Kumoko giggled. "Of course! And maybe we can incorporate some of everyone's ideas. A bit of dungeon, a bit of castle, and a cozy home to start with."

The group collectively nodded, finally coming to a consensus. Subaru placed the first block on the ground with renewed determination, setting the stage for their collaborative creation.


So in the end it worked out,yes but there was one singular problem,Why the fuck am i feeling like somebody is always watching.

Whenever i turned around,i would catch a glance of someone with two red glowing eyes…it isn't fun.

"I am going to go check in something guys" i said notifying the rest.

"Sure just don't get yourself killed" Homura was the one to answer.

As i left looking at the blocky landscapes, i went into the oak forest, i took ten more steps and then saw a sign saying. 'Who are you people'

"Who knows" i said as i felt another presence behind me, i saw another sign. 'Is that sarcasm or are you threatening me?'

"You could just come out and speak to me" I said but that was impossible,another sign appeared in front of me. 'A simple player is commanding me,How disrespectful'

The three near me broke apart and turned into items on the ground. 'You do not understand why i am, i am 303, and you better hope you do not interfere in my world,or else i will make each and everyone of you experience what a true nightmare is'

After that, all the signs broke and then disappeared, Welp i knew there was a catch coming to this world but i definitely think we are going to get hunted no matter even if we do noy interfere.

Returning to our makeshift camp, I relayed the unsettling encounter to the rest of the group. Homura's brow furrowed in concern, her usually calm demeanor showing signs of unease. Subaru, Rimuru, Itadori, Ainz and Kumoko exchanged uneasy glances, silently processing the potential threat.

"What do you think it meant by 'a true nightmare'?" Itadori asked, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"We should proceed with caution," Homura advised, her tone serious. "If this player—or whatever it is—considers us intruders, we need to be prepared for anything."

Subaru nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "We'll prioritize safety and fortification. Our structure may need more than just physical defenses."

Kumoko, usually the most upbeat among us, looked thoughtful. "Maybe we should consider adding some hidden features or traps, just in case?"

Rimuru, ever the voice of reason, spoke up. "Let's focus on establishing a strong foundation first. We can build up our defenses and strategies as we gather more resources."

Ainz thought for a moment and said.

"The mana in this world is small but it seems i can increase it by increasing the level bar that is shown in my inventory.

[Ding?!!, As the group members have different abilities,they can regain them back if their xp reaches some level's,they can even strengthen it,but some people here have abilities that are more automatic so they don't need a level]

"Oh so it's like a game mechanism,the more we level up the more our power increases,maybe that's why i don't have most of my skills." Rimuru said while bouncing on the blocks.

"i think we can get xp by killing or mining coal" Subaru said as he walked over and opened a chest he made, he brought out his stone pickaxe.

As he said that, i was still bothered about 303, i do not know if he will appear once more but we have to be ready.

The rest decided to build but me and subaru decided to go mining, After going down a few blocks, we encounter iron and then mined it.

"How do we use this?" Subaru asked in confusion, thankfully i had a crafting table with me, i had to make a furnace which wasn't that hard. i placed it down and instructed Subaru on how to smelt the iron ore into ingots. As the furnace crackled with heat, we discussed our encounter with 303. Subaru was visibly tense, continuously glancing around the cavern walls as if expecting the mysterious figure to appear again.

"I can't shake off the feeling that we're being watched," Subaru muttered, carefully placing more coal into the furnace.

"I know what you mean," I replied, eyes scanning the shadows. "303's warning was ominous. We need to stay vigilant."

Subaru nodded grimly. "Do you think they're just bluffing, or can they really make good on their threat?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, frowning. "But we can't afford to underestimate them. We should inform the others and strengthen our defenses."

After smelting enough iron for our immediate needs, we returned to the surface. The others were busy constructing walls and fortifications around our camp, integrating traps and hidden passages as Kumoko had suggested earlier. Ainz was meticulously planning defensive magic wards, while Rimuru was overseeing the layout to ensure it was both practical and defensible.

Homura glanced up as we approached, her expression serious. "Find anything useful?"

"Yeah some iron and a few other ores" i answered her, i put them inside a chest.

As i was about to turn around i heard a sentence whispering into my ear

'I Need Your Help, My Name is Herobrine'