
Mega Armor Wars: The Arbiters

Space Era (SE), the new timeline marked by the founding of the space colony called Cloudbase and the invention of Mega Armor, a battle mecha. SE 123. The conflict between the United Earth and Earth Liberator Communion escalated, after the rebellious ELC retrieved a new type of Mega Armor and the unexpected assassination of a colony’s central figure. Aubrey Wildemann is a Mega Armor designer genius. He helps his brother who is an ace pilot for United Earth Force to defeat their opponent's new Mega Armor. He then meets Elxi von Rochelle who is on a mission to be an arbiter in a world currently in turmoil. A war is about to begin. Friends become enemies, hearts was broken, then love sparks. Slowly, the secrets and conspiracies surrounding the Space Era are about to be revealed.

GurrenX2 · Sci-fi
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17 Chs


The next day. Aubrey was already on the balcony of the Cathedral hangar. He is currently using two tablet devices. One in his hand, the other standing on the right next to him.

In front of him, a red Mega Armor which from its color meant 'test type' stood. Then all of a sudden, someone put a cup of cold coffee on the small table to Aubrey's left.

Turning away from what he was doing, Aubrey saw Aiden, who was slightly taller than him, smiling. His brother came with Karenina.

"Because you have given me a good new weapon. I've already tried it. There's a chance I can shot down the silver bogey now," said Aiden confidently. He stepped to Aubrey's right and embraced his brother.

"Elon Abelman wants you to return their Mega Armor without the slightest scratch," Aubrey said as he grabbed the coffee that Aiden had brought and drank it. "Half sugar Café Macchiato, nice!"

"Karenina said it was better to give you the less sugar one," said Aiden.

"Thank you, Karenina. You know my tastes exactly," Aubrey said to Karenina who was standing to his left.

"You are welcome. You are my crush remember?" Karenina joked. She and Aiden looked at each other and then Aubrey said.

"I have a girlfriend. Unlike Aiden."

"Wait, what did you just say…? I mean, what did Elon Abelman say?" Aiden asked curiously. Karenina smiled restrainedly. She knew Aiden was sort of trying to change the conversation. Aubrey answered immediately.

"Return their Mega Armor flawless—"

"Oh, that's very possible. I will return the Mega Armor without any defects. But in its place is his stupid face!" Aiden joked.

"Finally, someone realizes that Elon Abelman is stupid other than me," Aubrey muttered as he being busy with his devices while Aiden chuckled.

"A test type?" Karenina then asked Aubrey. His eyes were fixed on the Mega Armor in front of them.

What is meant by Mega Armor Test Type is a war robot used for training. That's why, the Mega Armors companies gave it a red color.

"Precisely: an MA-X test type," Aubrey clarified the status of the robot in front of them.

"She looks good," praised Aiden.

The robot standing in front of them at that time was Zerachiel, one of Benedict Engineering's many masterpieces, designed by Aubrey.

"Do you want to pilot it, Aiden?" Aubrey asked as she reached for her favorite coffee again.

Silent for a moment, Aiden said, "A Mega Armor is not the deciding factor in winning a battle. Rather, it is the pilot who determines the final outcome."

For a moment, Aiden and his brother stared at each other. Aiden smiled while raising his eyebrows slightly. Then, his cell phone rang with an incoming call. He immediately received it.

"Yes, sir?"

"Is there someone who has been prepared to be the pilot of Zerachiel, Aubrey?" Karenina asked while Aiden stepped away to take the call.

Looking at the young officer standing next to her for a moment, Aubrey took a breath and answered, "Not yet, Karenina. I even just found out that the pilots of Seraph and Cherub are you and Aiden, the other day."

"Only The Mansion knows, right?" Karenina said again.

"I think so," Aubrey said simply.

"Karenina, come on. The Lieutenant General is waiting for us," Aiden called Karenina who looked at him, then said to Aubrey.

"See you again, Little Brother. You're not going anywhere, are you?"

"I remind you, Karenina. I already have a boyfriend," said Aubrey. He knew Karenina was just joking with him. The beautiful officer chuckled softly.

Karenina approached Aiden who acted as if he was monitoring her behavior. As soon as Karenina arrived at his side, Aiden spoke.

"Are you flirting with my brother?" Aiden asked idly.

"Why, are you jealous?" Karenina replied no less mischievously.

The International Governance University (IGU) students majoring in Defense and Security who are interested in becoming UEF officers will continue their education for 2 years at the Fort Steel military academy.

Once they graduate, they will receive a 'special' title before their rank. That means they are neither second lieutenants nor first lieutenants. Karenina for example.

If deemed to be outstanding, in just 2 years the special lieutenant can be promoted to captain. In contrast to Fort Steel students, they are equipped with knowledge of statehood and politics in Space Era.

Even if Karenina's career in the military field is not that deep, her educational background and experience will still enable her to occupy a high-ranking UEF official position. However, now she is an ace pilot.

"I'm not jealous. It's just that competing with my brother would be awkward. Besides, he already has a girlfriend," Aiden answered Karenina's question humorously.

"I didn't know your brother is a sexy guy," Karenina joked. She makes Aiden look at her quickly.

The captain turned to where his younger brother was. Then, as if feeling confused, he said again to Karenina. "What makes you think that my brother is sexy?"

When Karenina entered Fort Steele, Aiden was her senior, only one year above her. That's when Karenina was fascinated by Aiden, who was known as a battle expert and was very skilled at riding Mega Armor.

Not to mention, Aiden's figure is so charming. He has bright yellow hair just like his mother. His face is similar to his father's and has a firm and manly sculpture. What woman doesn't like a man with a physical appearance like that?

At first glance, Aiden seems to have an arrogant demeanor. Apart from that, in Fort Steel Aiden has the image of a bad boy. It seems that almost all female UEF cadets idolize him.

But then during a Mega Armor training session, Karenina can be close to Aiden. Showing off a little that she was a Windsor, she managed to get along with Aiden. Apart from, of course, Karenina is a very beautiful UEF cadets.

"Your brother's face is cute, he looks athletic. His is so calm... and I think handsome man wearing glasses is tempting," said Karenina in answer to Aiden's question.

"Who's sexier, the White Wolf or Aubrey?"

As he said that, Aiden glanced mischievously at Karenina. The woman next to him glared in surprise as if she didn't accept Aiden will asking that kind of question. What the captain means is Alexis Saunders.

Narrowing her eyes, Karenina said, "You feel jealous of Lieutenant Colonel Saunders too?"

"I think Alexis is probably sexier than my brother because... he is actually a nerd," Aiden said as if Aubrey wasn't attractive to women.

Karenina's acquaintance with Aiden at Fort Steel continues. But at that time, Aiden's greatness had caused him to be sent to the battlefield. So, they rarely meet but still contact each other.

Now, the two of them are reunited and even work together. Apparently, their curiosity to each other because they admired one another began to surface.

"You're sexy too... it's just that in my opinion, you're... 'too hot'," teased Karenina.

"I can lower the temperature if you feel hot," said Aiden, and then he and his junior laughed.

Meanwhile behind them. While enjoying his coffee, Aubrey continued to do what he was doing. Behind him, Zen Lee, who is Aubrey's main programmer, has been paying attention to his boss.

The man who was 2 years older than Aubrey approached his supervisor with a laptop in his hand. He said to Aubrey.

"You lied to the special lieutenant."