

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasy
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30 Chs


Eddie has never thought he have a love rival untile he saw Mark and Dr. Eric having lunch at the canteen. Mark having his food while Eric was staring at him affectionately. Mark's action made it clear he is aware of Eric's staring and he felt uneasiness.

" Can I join you guys?" Eddie asked sitting next to Mark.

"Sure. Why not!" answered Eric hiding his hatredness.

Eddie ignored him but placed a piece of meat in the plate of Mark and gestured him to eat it. Mark was happy seeing Eddie there and he ate the meat Eddie offered.

"Eat this too Mark. I didn't know you like meat." Eric said placing meat on his plate.

Eddie took it from his plate and ate it. Eric and Mark were mazed by his action. They looked at Eddie confusingly.

"He doesn't like meat Dr. Eric. I was just teasing him but I like meat." Eddie said casually.

"It's okey not a big deal!" said Eric.

Eddie hasn't asked Mark this many questions before. He had a lot of doubts about Mark's duty, about Claire, he even asked about Mrs. Elsa but completely ignored Dr. Eric. He has not given a chance to Eric to speak with Mark. When Mark excused him self for washroom, Eddie finally spoke with Eric.

" Dr. Eric...I know you like Mark but sorry I can't give him to you. He is mine."

" Does he love you?" asked Eric

" He will love me." he said confidently.

Eric smirked and said.." So it is one side love. You aren't a Couple and I have my Chance Dr. Edwin. You and Me....it's just that we happened to love the same person."

" We live together, work together and have most of the meals together unlike you. He will fall for me. Wait and watch it." said Eddie

" Well, let's see. He will never fall for you" Eric said to Eddie.

Eddie leaned back on his chair, crossed his arms and said " Let's see"

"And I'm not going to stop pursuing him." reminded Eric.

Eddie chuckled and said " You gonna waste your time Man.."

On their way back to home, Mark saw his book " The Fire In My Heart" in Eddie's car.He become proud of himself and also curious at the same time.

" You read it?" He asked Eddie pointing him the book.

" Yeah..few pages. I remember someone has asked me to read this book in particular. But I forgot who it is.." answered Eddie

" How's the book?" He asked Enthusiastically.

" I don't know. I rarely read. Reading is time killing and I fall asleep as soon as I open any book. So I use it to sleep at night. Hahaha" Answered Eddie and he ramble on drawbacks of this book.

It was Mark's first time hearing so many negative comments about his book. He became sad but listened to everything Eddie has said.

Reaching home, Mark went to the secret room and locked himself in. Eddie called him for coffee but he refused to come out. During dinner, Eddie called him again but the reply was the same. Eddie became furious and knocked at the door harshly.

" if you don't come out, I'm gonna break this damn door now." He threatened him.

Fearing Eddie would actually do it, Mark came out and locked the room again. He didn't looked at Eddie during dinner . Eddie became irritated about his cold attitude.

" Why are you not saying anything?" asked Eddie

"Hmmm... I was thinking something." answered Mark.

" You are like this when ever you come out of that damn room. What is in there Mark?" Eddie finally asked him.

Mark wanted to tell him about the room but after knowing he hate books, Mark lost his confidence. " There is nothing in that room. It is just that I use two rooms." Answered Mark still looking down.

" Then how about I took a trip to your room?" He counter attacked.

" NOOOO.... I don't invite strangers to my room ." Mark said firmly.

" We live together and we work together and still I am a stranger to you? Not even a friend?" Eddie whimpered.

"You are my guest here And I don't like people invading into my privacy. You HATER..." Mark said and suddenly covered his mouth. But, what has to be said is said and who has to heard is heard.

Eddie's heart was broken hearing Mark call him 'stranger.' He didn't utter a word, stopped eating.

Mark wanted to say sorry but Eddie went to his room and shut the door loudly showing his hatredness towards him. Mark covered his ears hearing the noice. After few minutes he washed the dishes and went back to his room.

Mark got busy following days, and Eddie didn't go insight of Mark after the incident. He intentionally avoided him, believing Mark would come in search of him and Apologize.

Mark was busy with the book publish and the proof reading. Eddie happened to be home when Alex came to collect the manuscript for proof reading.

Seeing Alex, Eddie drag him to his room. "Alex...help me..He hate me. He called me Hater. I swear I didn't do anything." Eddie said.

Alex was amused by hearing Mark called Eddie 'hater.' " He neither swear or use mean words to people. You really changed him, Man." Alex patted his shoulder.

" You teasing me? How will I face him knowing he hates me. And why did he call me Hater?" He expressed his worry.

" Relax...Tell me what happened in detail." said Alex.

" Back from work, he locked himself in the room and didn't come out. During dinner I insisted on he coming out and dine with me. He came out but wasn't talking so I asked him what's in that room, he said he doesn't like people invading his privacy and said I'm a complete stranger to him. And he called me Hater." Eddie explained well.

" But why did he call you HATER? I don't understand it. If he came out to have dinner, it means he is okey with you. Tell me what you did the whole day in detail?" demanded Alex

" We had breakfast, I drove him to work. His duty was with Dr. Lina so I haven't seen him during work hours. I saw him having lunch with Dr. Eric. I went to them and had meals together. I warned Dr. Eric, he was flirting with my Mark. But Mark didn't hear it. He went to the Washroom. " Eddie paused and Alex gestured him to continue...

" After work we drove home and the rest happened as you know already. "

" Nothing happened between you two? Did you say something to hurt him? " asked Alex

" NOOO.....I won't do that to Mark ever. Oh! Yes. I had this book called ' The Fire In My Heart ' in my car. He asked me how's the book. And I said him how I feel about it." said Eddie

Alex's eyes become widened and asked " And what did you say?"

" I told him I dislike books and I don't read often. " Eddie said

Alex asked again " You don't read the book?"

" Hmm... Actually I read a few pages of that book and it was interesting. But I didn't want Mark to think I read Romantic Novels" Answered Eddie.

Alex laughed out loud and said" Actually Eddie, you have a long way to go if you want to pursue him. If you want him, try to know what he likes and what he doesn't like. I can assure you one thing he doesn't hate you. He might have got carried away by something you said. Be close to him and he will open up."

Eddie didn't understand what Alex has said. He didn't know what to do other than what Alex has Suggested. He said Yes to Alex and send him off to Mark's room.

Alex knocked Mark's room and He opened the door asked him inside. Eddie was standing there and saw Alex entering the room and he felt his heart was breaking. Alex looked into him and asked him to go to his room.

Mark handed him the copy. Alex took the copy and was about to leave when Mark stopped him. " What did you talk with Eddie?"

Alex smirked and asked him " Does it matter to you? We were having a normal talk. "

" You rarely talk with unknown persons. When did you get close to him?" Mark Whined.

" Oh...That....hmmm.... may be when you got hospitalized. And I'm planning to hit on him. Do you have any problem?" Alex sound serious.

" But Eddie is in to girls. " Mark objected.

" How do you know that?" asked Alex.

"I know." said Mark looking away. Alex chuckled.

" I don't want to play the role of a cupid for you guys. My head is spinning already. Eddie is a good guy. If you like him, just tell him. Later, don't cry over the spilled milk. Bye.." Alex warned him and walked away....