
Meeting April in the Fall; Futanari falls in love

Ace moves to a new town and meets his new room mate, April. They hit it off and they become fast friends. Ace learns about Aprils secret and finds her fascinating as they begin a new fruitful relationship

SlyRoads · Fantasy
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9 Chs

What the future holds (explicit)

Chapter 6

The sun had finally risen over the horizon, casting its soft golden light across the landscape outside. Within Ace's home, however, the atmosphere inside was anything but serene. The lingering smell of sex filled the air like a potent perfume.

Ace was gently awoken to a pleasant feeling. As his eyes slowly opened he could see the blankets moving up and down. As he gently lifted them up to find April looking into his eyes with his long cock in her mouth. With a pop she removed herself and said. "Good morning sleepy head. I was awoken in the same way so I decided to return the favor." She said with a wink, moving the blankets further back she could see Lily performing the same act on her thick girlhood.

She then took Ace back into her mouth and started sucking on him, watching his face for signs of pleasure which seemed to intensify when his hands grabbed onto her shoulders firmly.

Each stroke became deeper, every caress possessing an intensity beyond compare. Their union grew more frenzied, the passion they shared consuming them entirely. The erotic dance unfolded effortlessly amidst laughter, whispers, and gasps of pure ecstasy. Ace could feel himself getting close and by the way April was squirming he figured out she was close as well.

"I'm gonna cum." Ace said through his breath. April sped up as she reached her hand down to the top of Lily's head as to give her a signal of what was cumming.

She began to moan loudly around Ace's cock as cum rocketed into her mouth, simultaneously she held Lily onto her spasming cock and flooded her mouth with way too much cum.. It still wasn't as big as some of her previous loads but it was still enough to almost choke poor Lily who wasn't quite accustomed to her output.

Lily didn't protest, instead allowing April to take control. She gulped down the powerful taste of cum until her throat burned and tears welled in her eyes. Feeling excited by how far she had come, she relished in the sensation of being used as a receptacle for their desires.

After swallowing, April moved closer to Ace and whispered in his ear seductively, "Do you think Lily enjoyed her night?". Nodding slightly, Ace pulled away momentarily to observe Lily. 

There was something undeniably captivating about witnessing her enthusiastic submission – the raw desire radiating from her body language mixed with the look of genuine surprise in her eyes. He couldn't resist reaching for one last time, cupping her cheek tenderly and saying, "You did great, Lily. I know it must seem strange, but just trust yourself and follow your instincts...you're doing amazing." Smiling shyly, Lily replied, "Thank you, Ace. 

This whole experience has been… unexpectedly incredible." A faint blush crept up her neck as she continued, "It felt good to let go of my fears and just enjoy myself with both of you." April chimed in, patting Lily on the shoulder affectionately. "Don't worry, little one. Just remember, we've got your back now. And if you ever want to try something feel free to ask."

Feeling touched by their support, Lily offered a grateful smile. 

'Thanks, guys,' she murmured, embracing them tightly. The closeness they shared in these moments transcended physical boundaries; it represented a sense of camaraderie that went beyond mere friendship.

Then Lily jumped out of bed and sprinted towards the bathroom. "I gotta pee," she exclaimed, sprinting out of the room. As she was finishing relieving herself she flushed the toilet and pulled up her panties. Ace and April walked in. Lily was a bit embarrassed but was confused to what the two were doing.

Standing shoulder to shoulder they both started peeing into the toilet. Snickering to each other. Lily stood at the door watching the strange sight of a man and a woman (with extra) standing next to each other peeing into a toilet.

"You know, I know it's weird to stare while someone is going to the bathroom and it's also weird for a couple to pee together. But, this is somehow strangely wholesome." She said standing at the doorway of the bathroom.

As Ace turned to her, he simply smiled, gesturing towards April. "Welcome to our world, Lily. Don't worry, everyone's bound to have some unusual quirks here and there. We're not judging; we're enjoying ourselves!" April chimed in, giving Lily a comforting pat on the shoulder. 

Taking Lily's hand, they led her out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen. "What do you say we grab breakfast?" suggested Ace cheerfully. 

"Breakfast sounds like a great idea! Plus, I can help teach you how to cook eggs properly." Lily grinned sheepishly before nodding in agreement. Walking into the kitchen, Ace set about preparing food, humming a gentle melody under his breath. April followed closely behind, helping to chop vegetables and clean the dishes. The trio worked seamlessly together, creating a lively and harmonious environment within the confines of the small space.

While waiting for the food to finish cooking, they gathered around the table, engrossed in conversation. 

Lily, still trying to process everything that happened, asked curiously, "So, tell me more about this 'extra'. How does it work exactly?" Glancing fondly at April, Ace explained patiently, "Well, sweetheart, April has a special gift - a thick 7 inch cock and balls. You saw firsthand how those parts work, right?" Lily nodded, recalling how eagerly April responded to stimulation during their encounter.

Overwhelmed yet fascinated, Lily hesitantly ventured forward. "Can I touch it again? 

If it doesn't bother you?" Asked Lily tentatively, reaching out to April's groin area, careful not to offend. April nodded, smiling understandingly, letting Lily explore her own curiosity without judgment. Lily's fingers traced the contours of April's thickness, admiring the distinct difference between her more feminine cock and her former partners. She observed how the skin is so smooth naturally marveling at the texture and weightiness of it all.

Reaching out, she carefully ran her finger along the length of April's cock, stopping occasionally to examine the unique qualities that made it different from any penis she had encountered previously. 

"That feels really nice", April purred, placing her hands on Lily's waist encouragingly.

"You know I think I would like one more time with you two before I go back home." Lily said with a breathy tone.

Ace and April look at each other and smile. "I think we can arrange that." April says, taking Lily by the hand leading her back to the bedroom.

I do want both of you in me but after breakfast my stomach is a little full and my ass is still pretty sore from the abuse of taking Ace's huge dick. So how are we going to do this? Lily asked while being kissed and hugged from both of her new partners.

Ace spoke up. "Well April lay on your back and Lily you ride her cock. I'm going to get between April's legs and fuck her tight pussy." Ace said in an instructing tone.

Lily obeyed, sliding her body down over April's cock, bending over and lowering herself slowly onto it.Ace positioned himself in-between the legs of April, pulling her leg apart exposing her wet hole. He pressed his lips against the back of Lily's neck, teasing April with a few slow thrusts, knowing full well how much she loved rough beginnings. He then eased into her with a single swift motion. 

April wrapped her arms around Lily, supporting her as she adjusted to having another lover inside her.

As Lily moved rhythmically, meeting Ace's pace, her muscles contracted powerfully around April's cock. This added level of intimacy only served to deepen the connection between them all. With every thrust, Lily felt a surge of energy pulse through her entire body, leaving her aching for more.

In the meantime, Ace watched with growing satisfaction as April expertly navigated the intricacies of pleasuring both Lily and himself simultaneously. Her athletic body was wracked with intense pleasure from both the feeling of her dick inside a tight pussy and her own tight pussy being filled by a big dick.

It seemed endless. She wanted to pull them deeper, harder.

Their bodies intertwined, making soft, sweet noises as they found the perfect positions and speeds. They listened to each other's needs, communicating silently with looks and subtle movements.

Ace guided Lily's hips, providing her with an angle that maximized her pleasure. Meanwhile, April focused solely on her partner's ecstasy, ensuring that she took them both to heights they never imagined possible.

The intensity built gradually, becoming increasingly passionate and primal. Every thrust brought forth gasps of delight from the trio. Tears threatened to fall from April's eyes as she experienced such intense pleasure from sharing her love with her chosen companions.

Ace's hands roamed over the two girls' bodies, squeezing one of April's and one of Lily's breasts. Then Lily bent over and began making out with April. Ace then had a great view of Lily's cute round ass. He was caressing it and giving it gentle slaps.

April leaned in closer, moaning loudly. Lily was getting more excited, her nipples hardening further pressing into April's chest. Their threesome escalated rapidly as sensations coursed through their bodies.

She could hear their harsh breaths mixing with hers, filling the air with a heady, sexual charge. Each move drew gasps and guttural growls, heightening the eroticism that surrounded them. 

April writhed beneath them, savoring the sensation of dual penetration. It wasn't just the depth and intensity of the physical connections that left her reeling—the emotionally bonded nature of their union held equal significance. Never before had she felt so close to Ace and Lily. The mutual respect and devotion that flowed among them was palpable, creating an almost mystical aura that permeated throughout the room.

Eyes closed, heart racing, mouth agape, Lily lost herself completely to the sensory explosion consuming her. 

She let out a shrill cry as she came, her body trembling from the waves of pleasure washing over her. April followed suit shortly after, a powerful orgasm shuddering through her frame. She was overwhelmed by the sensation of filling her female lover and being filled by Ace's own love. Unable to contain themselves any longer, they collapsed on top of each other, sweaty, satisfied, and utterly spent.

Silence hung heavy in the air as they laid entwined. Breathless and disheveled, their hearts raced as if echoing the urgency of the moment. 

April looked up at Lily with love and appreciation, gratitude etched upon her face. She reached out, tenderly stroking the tears on Lily's cheeks. "Thank you," whispered April solemnly. "For joining us tonight, and trusting us enough to allow yourself to feel this immense happiness. And thank you, too, Ace...for bringing Lily into our lives. It means so much to me."

Ace replied, smiling warmly. "Likewise, sweetie. Both of you mean the world to me now. 

They all quipped in their bliss for a little while longer. Lily eventually said that she needed to take a shower and go home to change into her work clothes. She was bartending at a trendy bar while getting her Art degree. She excused herself to go take a shower. Ace and April lay on the bed for a little while longer discussing what the future may hold for them. They eventually got dressed and when Lily came back into the room after putting on her clothes from the night before.

"Hey Lily." Ace said, getting her attention. "We were talking while you were in the shower. And while we know this is sudden we would like you to ask you to move in with us. If you wanted to. If it's too soon we will still open our home up to you for whenever you need or want to be here." Ace continued earnestly. April chimed in, saying "Plus, we don't expect anything from you financially, unless you want to contribute something. We just care about having someone in our life that knows us for who we truly are, understands our dynamic, and accepts us unconditionally."

Lily paused, taken aback by the sincerity of the offer. Taking a deep breath, she finally spoke, "This isn't fair, but also so incredibly wonderful. Thank you both. 

That means a lot to me." Lily replied gratefully. "I'd love to live with you guys. I believe it would make things easier for everyone since we already share everything else.

Without missing a beat, April stood up, offering her hand to help Lily gather her belongings. As Lily grabbed her bag, April continued speaking. "Great! Welcome to our family, Lily!" April exclaimed, wrapping her arm affectionately around Lily's shoulders. 

"Just remember, nothing has to be rushed. Take some time to settle in and explore what works best for all of us." Lily nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. "Of course, thank you. But first, I am going to grab some essentials from my place. My lease was almost up anyway so this works out perfectly." She smiled genuinely, expressing her excitement about starting this new journey together.

"Well let me give you a ride back to your place." Ace said to Lily, holding out his hand to her. He then leaned over and kissed April. "I will be back shortly my dear." he said, slipping on his shoes. "Do you want me to pick up anything while I'm out?" Ace asked April who was now snuggled tightly in the blankets, naked.

"Nah, I'll stay here and relax," April responded sleepily. "Take your time though, we really appreciate you doing this for us."

Ace arrived at Lily's modest apartment complex, parking his car near the entrance.

"I had a great time." Lily turned and gave Ace a kiss. "I think I will take my time moving stuff if that's ok with you. I Still have another month left on my lease."

"That is totally fine. Do you need me to pick you up from work tonight?" Ace asked.

Lily nodded eagerly, looking forward to the prospect of beginning a new chapter in her life alongside these compassionate individuals. They exchanged phone numbers and plans for the day ahead. Before parting ways, Ace offered Lily a final kiss goodbye, imbuing it with tenderness and promise - symbolizing the profound impact this unexpected turn of events would bring upon their lives. Clambering back into his vehicle, Ace couldn't help but marvel at the remarkable serendipity which had led him to connect with such extraordinary people.

Over the next few weeks Lily would bring over a few more boxes of stuff and settling into her new shared space was smooth sailing. Ace and April helped Lily sell her larger furniture, it made sense for their unique setup. 

There was plenty of laughter during these days. They cooked dinner together, went grocery shopping and explored their neighborhood. 

While Ace did not often venture outside his comfort zone, he appreciated how April introduced Lily to new experiences, opening up opportunities for growth within their circle. 

They laughed over cozy cuisine nights prepared by Ace, and late-night talks fueled by curiosity. The mansion slowly transformed into a sanctum of unity, love, and creativity, as they discovered each other's passions, quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. Ace particularly admired April's ability to multitask – balancing work, household duties, maintaining friendships, and investing energy into expanding their sexually charged relationship. He knew they had stumbled onto something rare and precious.

As they learned more about each other's kinks and fantasies, their sessions in the living room intensified. They explored every nook and cranny of their bodies with reckless abandon. Where will life take them next?