
Fortunately, He Was Not Out To Kill

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"We shall see then!" said Tang Ning, smiling merrily. She stood up and said, "I'll make a move first. If there's nothing important, please don't look for me." After speaking, she turned and went back the way she came.

"What an arrogant kid. Does he know where he is?" Black Wind snorted and continued, "Master, in three days, leave that little rascal to me! With his attitude, he's bound to cause trouble if the Master were to keep him."

Mo Ye was fiddling with his teacup as he ordered, "Inform everyone in the house to be alert. Don't let him get away." The Prince's three-story residence was full of guards. Surely, that would be more than sufficient to keep a close watch on a little monk.

"Yes, Master!" Black Wind received and acknowledged the order, and proceeded to instruct the guards.

Mo Ye anticipated that Tang Ning would soon make her move. Little did he expect that in the following days, Tang Ning would have her meals and stroll around the residence, occasionally engaging in casual conversation with the servants. It was as if she had forgotten about her three-day deadline.

That was all she did on the first day. It was no different on the second day, and with the blink of an eye, it was the third day.

"He hasn't made any move yet?" Mo Ye asked as he tapped lightly on the table with his long and slender fingers.

"No, he hasn't. After eating his meals, he would either take a nap or wander around the residence. Master, could it be that all along, it had been that little rascal's intention to remain at the residence?" Black Wind could not help but ask because every day, he saw the little monk showing no signs of his desire to leave this place.

Mo Ye stopped tapping his fingers and said, "Stay alert. This person is exceptionally witty. If he is refraining from making a move, then he must be waiting for the most suitable opportunity."

Mo Ye had an intuition that when the little monk would make his move, it would surprise everyone. The fact that the little monk was not making his move now gave Mo Ye a nagging feeling of dread. He felt as if the little monk was going to slip away from his clutches.

Truly enough, that evening, his feeling of dread became a reality.

"Master! Bad news!" Shadow One stumbled into the room, supporting himself against the wall. His face looked ghastly, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead as he spoke, "That little monk really disappeared!"

Mo Ye, who was condensing his energy in the room, paused briefly when he heard the news. A faint light swept across his eyes. Knowing that the little monk had left, he asked, "How is everyone in the mansion?" From the moment he felt weak, he realized something was wrong, but he did not expect that the whole residence would be turned upside down.

"Everyone in the mansion… everyone… " Shadow One hung his head low and couldn't speak further.

"Say it!" Mo Ye shouted in a stern and cold voice.

"It is like everyone has taken Tendon Softening Pills. They have all collapsed to the ground, lying there, paralyzed. Nobody was spared!"

"What about Black Wind?" asked Mo Ye.

"When we found him at the guest house, he was already unconscious," said Shadow One. His heart turned cold when he thought how everyone in the mansion was drugged unknowingly, without even any traces.

That little monk was such a terror!

If he had the intention to kill them, the situation in the mansion would not be as simple as people lying on the ground and paralyzed.

Even at this point, Shadow One still felt it was all very incredulous.

They are all cultivators. Ordinary Tendon Softening Pills would have no effect on them, let alone on a person highly-skilled like Master. Yet, not a single person in the mansion escaped unscathed.

Just how powerful was the little monk, to be able to administer medicine to such effect?

Mo Ye withdrew the palm he was using to condense his energy and gently exhaled. Cusping his hands behind his back, he stepped out and looked towards the dark night sky. There was conviction in his deep voice as he spoke.

"This little monk is not an ordinary person!"