
Medical Altruism ✨

DaoistDlXXmF · Urban
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2 Chs

Medical Altruism ✨

Chapter 1

Gregg's pov

  📱I picked someone for the role

📲 Ok, i hope whoever it is knows what they're to do and is competent

  📱This person was specially hand picked by me

📲 Ok then, catch ya later

I switched off my phone and walked up to the waiting room and down the hallway to VIP 4- ward 9 to administer treatment and do some thorough check up.

VIP 4 - Ward 9

Mrs Walter? I asked looking up from the file

Yes, she nodded

  So you have tumors, andnexal tumor, and as you've been told by Dr. Bill we'll do a check up now to know where the tumor is located, that would make your tests less complicated., I said to her and assisted her on a wheel chair which wheeled away.

Back at the ward

To begin with the tumor is located at your ovaries, good news is that it's benign, so I'll run an imagining test on you later this evening while Dr. Bill will do the surgery tomorrow, i said to her

What's beingn, she replied

It mean the tumor is not harmful, in order words noncancerous, i explained and she smiled

I bade a good bye to her and went straight to my office and collapsed on my swivel chair.

I turned my phone back on and placed a coll across to Rewajuicy, but her line was off. Guess she's helping an intern.

"I still wonder how that girl is extremely good at handling things, especially with her weird name Rajyzie- I mean who bears such a name" I whispered to my self, smiling.

Rajyzie's Pov

     I went back to the main intern section on the 5th floor and settled down at my desk, placing my head on the table after the stupid work i found for my self.

I was half asleep when a call bell rang through my ears, i only got up after realizing it was mine. I placed my hand on the green button to accept it "...juicy get to your duty post now" it buzzed and I immediately recognized the voice to be Dr. Gregg's voice

       "Gosh, who have i offended" i yelled and allowed the echo pierce through my ears.

I got up and went straight to the 15th floor, i got out of the elevation and went into his office.