
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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424 Chs

Chapter 3 Still Trying to Be Fierce?_1

Translator: 549690339


"Holy shit, she's really alive."

It was unclear who blurted out the phrase, shattering the surrounding silence.

Stunned, people began to catch their breath.


The overjoyed woman in black scrambled up and dashed to the side of the gurney.

"Quick, save her."

After the initial shock, the other medical staff also began to frantically administer treatment.

Others crowded around the gurney, eager to witness with their own eyes whether this resurrection was indeed true.

"My God, he's really alive."

"It's a miracle! It's truly a miracle!"

Once they saw it clearly, the crowd turned toward Director Li, who was still covering his face in shock.

"What a shitty director, they were right, you're nothing but a quack who kills people!"

"Hey, where did the divine doctor who saved her go? How come he's vanished?"

As they spoke, the crowd realized with astonishment that Jiang Chen, the hero who had saved the life, was no longer there.

"Such a good person, to think there are still those who save lives without seeking reward? How rare."

"We were wrong about him, he really has the skills."

"Exactly, we were all blind."

The crowd began to sigh and chatter, deeply ashamed of their prior actions and feeling a profound shock that was hard to articulate.

The woman in black also looked around, and not seeing Jiang Chen, she bit her red lips and murmured, "No matter who you are, I, Gong Lin, will definitely repay this life-saving grace." After saying that, she followed the medical staff, pushing her mother into the emergency room.

At that moment, just around the corner and not too far away, Jiang Chen leaned against the wall, his eyes widened as he gasped for breath, his chest heaving dramatically.

It was all real!

The Resurrection Needle could revive someone who had just died, so he could certainly cure his mother with his medical skills!

Excited, Jiang Chen clenched his fist and swung it fiercely in front of his chest. Then, he bolted toward the inpatient department.

More than twenty minutes later.

In his mother's hospital room, Jiang Chen carefully removed the Silver Needles from Shen Xiaoqin's body and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"Much better, my heart is no longer racing, and my breathing is smooth. Son, what on earth is going on? Can you actually treat people?" Shen Xiaoqin said in amazement, feeling the sudden improvement in her condition.

Tears sparkled in Jiang Chen's eyes as he saw his mother's recovery, and he really wanted to raise his arms to the sky and shout, "Thank you, dear heavens!"

However, he still suppressed his emotions and said softly, "Mom, it's a long story. I've only alleviated your condition for now. But Mom, as long as you trust me, lets go home now and let me take care of you. I guarantee you'll make a full recovery."

Shen Xiaoqin smiled, reached up to touch Jiang Chen's face, and said softly, "Silly child, how could your mother not trust you..."

For some reason, Jiang Chen suddenly remembered the ten years in a previous dream where he watched his mother die, a time filled with pain and despair, which brought sadness welling up in his heart. He embraced his mother tightly, tears spilling out, "Mom..."

"Why are you crying? What's the matter?"

Unaware of the regrets and longing of another life that had merged with Jiang Chen at that moment, Shen Xiaoqin could only gently pat her son's back and comfort him.

After crying for a while, Jiang Chen finally regained his composure and then went to handle the discharge procedures.

The doctor did not stop him. For a patient whose account was nearly depleted and who had no money for continued treatment, they were more than happy to see them leave early.

Soon, everything was settled, and Jiang Chen accompanied his mother out of the hospital.

But unexpectedly, just as they reached the hospital entrance, two BMWs suddenly charged toward them.

"Watch out!"

Jiang Chen cried out in horror, pulling his mother to safety behind him.


Screech! The car, driven as if possessed, came to an abrupt stop right in front of Jiang Chen and nearly hit them.

"Mom, are you alright?" Jiang Chen, panicked, turned around to check on his mother and, finding her only a shade paler but otherwise unharmed, then turned back and roared, "Are you trying to kill someone!"

"Deserve it if it kills you!" The car door opened, and Xu Yan stepped out with a sinister look on her face.

Following her were Li Liyun and about four or five men from the two cars, including the bodyguards.

"Mother-in-law? Liyun?" Shen Xiaoqin also recognized the other party and greeted them in shock.

"Don't call me mother-in-law; I hate that."

Xu Yan walked over with a sneer, sizing up Shen Xiaoqin, "I heard you were so sick you're almost dead, but you don't look it. Or are you experiencing a 'Resurrection Needle' moment?"

"Xu Yan!" Jiang Chen clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with the desire to charge forward.

But Shen Xiaoqin quickly grabbed hold of him, "No, don't."

Then, Shen Xiaoqin stepped in front of Jiang Chen and put on a forced smile toward Xu Yan, "Dear... oh, miss, I know my sickness has caused you and Liyun a lot of trouble, I apologize to you."

With those words, Shen Xiaoqin bowed before Xu Yan and Li Liyun.

Li Liyun didn't move, simply watching Shen Xiaoqin bow and apologize, her eyes full of disdain and contempt.

Xu Yan, however, let out a cold laugh and spat at Shen Xiaoqin, "What are you, to have the right to call me 'miss'? Besides, your son hit me; do you think an apology from you is enough?"

"Xu Yan, you're asking for it!" Jiang Chen was seething, and he pulled his mother to his side ready to surge forward again.

But the inherently meek Shen Xiaoqin turned and held her raging son tightly, bowing continuously to Xu Yan, "It's all my fault, my fault. Chen is young and ignorant, I'm his mother, I take responsibility. Whatever punishment you want to mete out, I'll accept."

Xu Yan, pointing at Shen Xiaoqin, shouted shrilly, "You want to die, go off and die somewhere else! It was your son who hit me; I want him to take responsibility!"

"Mom, stand back properly, you don't need to grovel before them, whatever they want to do, let them come at me." Jiang Chen held back his anger, steadied his mother, and looked chillingly at Xu Yan.

"I am here for you!" Xu Yan sneered, pointing at Jiang Chen, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. Right now, in front of me, kneel down and apologize, then slap yourself a hundred times."

Jiang Chen's gaze grew colder, "And if I don't?"

"You don't? Hmph."

Xu Yan let out a cold snort. The two bodyguards behind her, along with a few underlings, approached, fixing a menacing stare on Jiang Chen.

Without a doubt, if Jiang Chen didn't agree, these men were ready to attack.

At this moment, Li Liyun interjected with a detached voice, "Jiang Chen, I'm surprised to see you still have some backbone. But it also amuses me; you are nothing more than a dog of the Li family, and you dare to oppose my mother? If you do what my mom asks, I might persuade her to be lenient, otherwise..."

Her words made the weak Shen Xiaoqin tremble with anger. She wanted her son to refuse but didn't know how to express it.

Facing the domineering Xu Yan and her daughter and several venomous thugs in front, how could people like them resist?


Jiang Chen suddenly laughed, nodding as he did, "Li Liyun, you're right, I used to love you like a dog. But I won't anymore, never again!"

Li Liyun's face immediately darkened. She was accustomed to Jiang Chen being under her thumb; now suddenly Jiang Chen was publicly defying her in front of others, how could she save face?

"Jiang Chen, don't be ungrateful, you'll be crying soon," Li Liyun shouted, her chin lifted high.

The bodyguards also looked ready to pounce, their expression ominous.

Shen Xiaoqin panicked and hurried to Xu Yan's side, "Don't, don't fight, mother-in-law, please listen to me..."

"Get lost, who is your mother-in-law."

Xu Yan pushed hard, sending Shen Xiaoqin tumbling to the ground.


Already seething with anger, Jiang Chen flashed to Xu Yan in an instant, and grabbed her throat, lifting her off her feet.

"You want to die!"

A pair of blood-red eyes was staring her down, unrelentingly.