
Medic Martial Dragon King

Once at the lowest rung of city life, he unexpectedly awakens the Dragon Soul, propelling him to kingship! With medicine in one hand and martial arts in the other, he defies all ridicule and mockery, winning the heart of his beloved wife and rising to the pinnacle of the world!

Dancing Fingertips · Urban
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415 Chs

Chapter 12 This porcelain bumping is too powerful_1

Translator: 549690339

"Fine wine."

Although Ye Jingyi wasn't particularly keen on alcohol, she could tell from the mere scent alone that the champagne was of exceptional quality.

"Louis Consort," she remarked, glancing at the foreign script on the champagne label.

"Ms. Ye, this indeed is Louis Consort, one of the top ten champagne brands in the world and also one of the most expensive. It's highly sought after by the upper class," said Xu Gang with a carefree demeanor, smiling as he spoke.

"Mr. Xu, you've gone to great expense," Ye Jingyi, who was no novice, recognized that this small bottle of champagne was certainly not cheap.

"Only such champagne is worthy of Ms. Ye. It would be a waste for other women to drink it," Xu Gang said earnestly.

Truth be told, he felt a twinge of pain parting with this long-treasured bottle of champagne.

But for the sake of today's plan, this bottle of champagne was inconsequential.

After all, a beauty should be complemented by fine wine.

The scene that followed was sure to be gratifying.

Xu Gang's words and the expensive bottle of champagne completely disarmed Ye Jingyi, who poured herself a small glass.

The orange hue of the champagne against the beauty's pretty face was captivating.

Xu Gang's heart raced at the sight, his hands trembling slightly as he lifted his glass.


Their glasses clinked.

Beautiful lady, prepare for my fiery passion, hahaha.

Watching Ye Jingyi bring the glass to her lips, Xu Gang's eyes practically ignited.

But just then, as if a gust of wind had passed, a figure abruptly appeared beside Ye Jingyi and smacked the stem glass from her hand.


The stem glass shattered at Xu Gang's feet, and champagne splashed all over the legs of his trousers.

This sudden turn of events stunned both Ye Jingyi and Xu Gang.

Turning around, they saw the person who knocked away the glass was none other than Jiang Chen.

"What are you doing?!"

Ye Jingyi roared in anger. Her eyebrows were furrowed in a furious glare.

She thought everything was about to go smoothly, that once she drank this glass, all her problems would be solved.

But now, this annoying fellow had unexpectedly come to create trouble without warning.

Not only did he spill the champagne, but he also drenched Mr. Xu.

Her efforts for the day seemed utterly wasted.

Seeing the messy scene and Xu Gang's ashen face, Ye Jingyi felt a sense of despair.

Xu Gang, too, was filled with rage, but he did not speak. Instead, his face turned leaden, and his mind was clouded with confusion.

In his view, Jiang Chen was someone who had come with Ye Jingyi, a bodyguard or driver or some insignificant figure.

He wouldn't normally have bothered with such trifles, but now, this seemingly insignificant person dared to step forward and knock Ye Jingyi's glass over?

What did this mean? Was it orchestrated by Ye Jingyi?

Did she see through his intentions?

"There's something wrong with this wine, it's been drugged. And as I said, there's a problem with Xu Gang," Jiang Chen stated.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen's next words made Xu Gang's eyelids twitch, his anxiety escalating.

Had his plan really been exposed?

Was this all arranged by Ye Jingyi?

Xu Gang began to panic, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

After all, one can hardly feel at ease after wrongdoing. If the issue of the drugged wine were to be exposed, it wouldn't look good for his reputation.

"You're talking nonsense!"

But Ye Jingyi immediately retorted, scolding Jiang Chen, "What do you even know? President Xu is highly esteemed, how could there possibly be any issue? And there's no way there could be anything wrong with the wine. Do you even know what this is? Louis Consort! A bottle worth tens of thousands, opened right in front of me, and you still think someone could have drugged it? You're completely talking rubbish!"

After speaking, she quickly turned to Xu Gang, her face full of panic and apology, "President Xu, I'm sorry, this man isn't with me, I just bumped into him on the road, he was trying to scam me, I was in a rush to come here, that's why I let him come with me."

At this time, Ye Jingyi had completely convinced herself that Jiang Chen was just a troublemaker trying to scam her. She now only hoped that Xu Gang would believe her, so the negotiations that were close to success wouldn't be ruined.

On the side, Xu Gang, who had been somewhat anxious, started to relax after hearing Ye Jingyi's words. Soon after, his face took on a peculiar expression.

Not Ye Jingyi's person? Met on the road? A scammer?

What the hell are all these?

How could a scammer know that I drugged my wine?

Although he was still a bit confused, this didn't stop Xu Gang from reacting immediately.

"President Ye, you're saying, this kid is here to make trouble?"

"Yes." Ye Jingyi quickly nodded.

"Alright, bring someone, and throw him out."

Xu Gang immediately bellowed, and with a glance, signaled his bodyguards in black suits to make a move, and to not be gentle about it.

Even though Jiang Chen looked like an ordinary person, how could he know about the drugs in the wine? Such a person could not be let off. For today's plan, he had been plotting for a long time, and only success was acceptable, not failure.


Several fierce bodyguards rushed forward.

"President Xu, maybe we shouldn't..." Ye Jingyi, however, raised an eyebrow and began to speak, suggesting caution. Her heart softened.

This troublesome scammer was annoying and had caused a scene here, offending Xu Gang and messing up her own affairs.

But after all, he was just an ordinary person, and how could he withstand Xu Gang's fury?

Just look at Xu Gang's bodyguards, their expressions were off, they were serious about this, weren't they?

The scammer was in trouble.

"President Ye, you don't need to worry, I, Xu Gang, am not someone who can be easily provoked."

Xu Gang chuckled coldly, cutting off Ye Jingyi's words.

At that moment, Xu Gang's four bodyguards had surrounded Jiang Chen from all four sides. They were Xu Gang's dogs; whomsoever Xu Gang ordered them to bite, they would bite fiercely and without mercy.

It was really over! It was truly over! Ye Jingyi despaired for Jiang Chen's future; there was no stopping it now.

But in the next second, what happened shocked everyone present.


With a thud, Jiang Chen, not wasting a single word, punched the closest bodyguard in the face, knocking him down.

Turning around, Jiang Chen delivered a knee strike to the vitals of another bodyguard, causing him to scream in pain and collapse onto the ground like a heap of mud.

Then, with another punch and a kick, he also knocked down the remaining two bodyguards, each one writhing on the ground, faces turning blue from pain, groaning incessantly.

And all this happened in less than a minute.


Ye Jingyi was dumbfounded.

Xu Gang was dumbfounded too.

They watched Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Wasn't he just a scammer?

When did scammers become this powerful?

At that moment, Jiang Chen didn't even look at the four bodyguards on the ground, instead, he swung his fist at a server, instantly causing the latter to utter a sound and faint on the spot.

That scared?

Jiang Chen seemed surprised, smirking with disdain as he stepped over the bodies of the fallen bodyguards.

And he advanced towards Xu Gang.